

" I hide my emotions and fear all these years but is it really useful .These emotions makes me sink down deep inside the ocean in my dreams i don't know how many times.Its not that i wanted to live a life of a masked girl but i have no choice.....now when i looks back i don't know what to do how should i feel.I don't want to live like that and wants to break down those chains who is trying to tie me down. But can i do that??? If i can't break those chains then i will kill those chained who me down, even if i had to go hell i will bring all those people to meet their demise sooner or later." Mo Chou: "Dare to touch me i will cut your hands " Fei Hong: "I don't dare but let me touch your heart" This is a story of Mo chou who lived her life as a person who she didn't. She indured physical harrasment at young age but unlike others she didn't shed tears and ask for justice because she didn't want to hurt her parents and make them feel sad. She endures this pain silently without any complain .But is it really easy .Her believes and heart was shattered by her boyfriend once again and what was worst that she even misunderstood by her parents and everyone.When she is alone none of them comes to her which makes her realise that this world is cruel but even though she didn't complain but one day everything she did became nothing when she realised all these pain which she endured till now is given to her by her parents because she has never been a daughter for them there is only one daughter i.e.,her elder sister.But why ??? Is there any secret?? She decided to punish all of them even her parents for her pain and sufferings.No one will be spared. Fei Hong a young and ruthless CEO OF FEI GROUP fells in love with her.And decided to make her his woman. But whenever he tries to go near him she glared at him with her icy look which makes him even more passionate about her. Can Fei Hong will win her heart or her heart which becomes a ice block will never melt for anyone?? Come and join this adventurous journey of Mo Chou and Fei Hong where they torture the villains and face up and down in their relationship. And eventually find themselves empty without each other.

Aayushi_Garg_4694 · Urban
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76 Chs

Shameless Mo chou

Mo Feiyun who had calmed down her anger suddenly felt someone is looking at her. She lifted her head and saw a girl who is the reason of her anger is looking at her. Her murderous looks sent a shiver down in her spine. But Mo Feiyun is not someone who get frightened easily so it only affect her for few seconds.

She slowly stands up from her seat and stride towards the girl. Her beautiful face made her heart filled with jealousy and wanted to scratch her face. She is like a proudful swan and has always been praised by others for her pearless beauty. She was like this since she was very young so she always felt superior to others. She had never put anyone before her eyes . No one can be as beautiful as her , this was what she always thought. So she thought herself as the most appropriate partner for Tang Zhi and had never let anyone to get close to Tang Zhi. But today a girl comes before her who not only has more beautiful face than her but also talking with Tang Zhi who can be only be hers.

Her heart is in chaotic state but still she put a smile on her face which is suitable for a noble lady like her and comes before Mo Chou and others and greeted them softly in a honey like sweet voice but here also she ignored Mo Chou and didn't greeted her . Anyone who hear her voice can't help felt mesmerised by her voice. But it is this voice that make Mo Chou felt an utter disgust . What an actor no wonder people admire her too much. A white lotus like her is indeed the ideal type of all men .Mo chou thought and sneered inwardly but she also doesn't show her disgust towards her and just like her plastered a fake smile on her face.

Hello Mr Tang , Mr. Fei and Mr. Muzhen. Mr .Tang congratulation for your success. Mo Feiyun said and raised her glass to give a toast to him.

Tang Zhi and others are busy in their chatting and Tang Zhi is going to ask Mo Chou more about her family and her work that time but got interrupted by Mo Feiyun unexpected arrival. He frowned when she greeted him. After talking with Mo Chou on several topic he finally got the chance to talk something about her private life to give some help to Fei Hong but this girl who he doesn't even remember who she is interrupted him.

But since she is here to congratulate him and his guest he can't ignore her totally especially in front of other guest. So to give her some face he accepted her wishes grumpily.

Oh thank you beautiful lady he replied . He had not taken her name because he didn't know her name. Mo Feiyun smile froze when she heard how he replied her. She knows what does it mean. But why ...why can't he remember her. Both of them were in same school and in same section and she always attented his parties and follows him but still why can't he know her name. In comparison to him she knows each and everything about him. And she believes except his two best friends no one knows him more than her . But today he acted like she is nobody and he doesn't know about her. This make her feel embarrassed. But then why he is talking with this unknown girl . Who is she who make him recognise her . Her face became ugly for a moment when she thought about it but still she maintened smile on her face as if nothing happened.

Mo Chou who is standing before her notices changes in expression and can't help herself from laughing . Her laugh makes Mo Feiyun heart filled with more and more anger. But Mo Chou ignored her angry stare and continued laughing.

Muzhen saw her laughing and felt conflicted . He knows Tang Zhi intention for not acknowledging Mo Feiyun and agree with his decision but still laughing out loud is really too much.

Fei Hong expression is also different. Earlier he clearly felt killing aura and extreme hatred in Mo Chou eyes when she saw Mo Feiyun. Her reaction towards Mo Feiyun is completely unexpected. Because according to what he got from his investigation and what she said earlier about herself it is impossible they know each other . It is even impossible that they met each other and had conflict between them because she only returned one month ago. So why she is showing such reaction for an unknown person.

Just now Mo Feiyun confirmed his thought that Mo Feiyun didn't know Anna . Since Mo Feiyun didn't know her so its impossible to offend her also. But then how Anna knows Mo Feiyun and how did Mo Feiyun offended her and even gained intense hatred without knowing anything. And now also when Tang Zhi didn't gave enough face to Mo Feiyun she openly laughed at her . This is not like her. He doesn't know more about her but he is sure she is not someone who will laugh on others plight. This really confused him but he doesn't say anything and continues to observe her minutely.

Mo Feiyun saw Mo Chou laughing at her which finally break her smile and make her face green with anger.

Miss don't you think you are rude to laugh at me. She gritted her teeth and said with anger.

Mo Chou who is still laughing stopped laughing when she heard her. Her expression immediately turn grim and she looked at her apathetically.

Am i ? Oh sorry if i have offened you but...what can i do i can't stop laughing because i have never seen someone to come and act intimately with others who don't even know your name. Ah it's really my first time to see such thing so i can't stop laughing. Mo Chou replied . She didn't denied her words but unexpectedly accepted her words which makes who heard her speechless.