

" I hide my emotions and fear all these years but is it really useful .These emotions makes me sink down deep inside the ocean in my dreams i don't know how many times.Its not that i wanted to live a life of a masked girl but i have no choice.....now when i looks back i don't know what to do how should i feel.I don't want to live like that and wants to break down those chains who is trying to tie me down. But can i do that??? If i can't break those chains then i will kill those chained who me down, even if i had to go hell i will bring all those people to meet their demise sooner or later." Mo Chou: "Dare to touch me i will cut your hands " Fei Hong: "I don't dare but let me touch your heart" This is a story of Mo chou who lived her life as a person who she didn't. She indured physical harrasment at young age but unlike others she didn't shed tears and ask for justice because she didn't want to hurt her parents and make them feel sad. She endures this pain silently without any complain .But is it really easy .Her believes and heart was shattered by her boyfriend once again and what was worst that she even misunderstood by her parents and everyone.When she is alone none of them comes to her which makes her realise that this world is cruel but even though she didn't complain but one day everything she did became nothing when she realised all these pain which she endured till now is given to her by her parents because she has never been a daughter for them there is only one daughter i.e.,her elder sister.But why ??? Is there any secret?? She decided to punish all of them even her parents for her pain and sufferings.No one will be spared. Fei Hong a young and ruthless CEO OF FEI GROUP fells in love with her.And decided to make her his woman. But whenever he tries to go near him she glared at him with her icy look which makes him even more passionate about her. Can Fei Hong will win her heart or her heart which becomes a ice block will never melt for anyone?? Come and join this adventurous journey of Mo Chou and Fei Hong where they torture the villains and face up and down in their relationship. And eventually find themselves empty without each other.

Aayushi_Garg_4694 · Urban
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76 Chs


At 8 pm a black Lamborghini stop at the entrance of Moonshine resturant. It catches everyone attention as soon as it stop there . Some girls started taking photos since seeing such expensive car is rare in China . There are very few people in China who can buy such expensive car and those who buy it are all from top level of society.

The car door opened and a man who has unparalleled beauty comes out of the car. His flawless jaw and obsidian grey eyes immediately stole the heart of every girl. His indifferent gaze swept through everyone make him unapproachable to others. His strong long legs strides towards the gate under protection of six strong build bodyguard which makes him look even more mysterious in people's eyes.

Fei Hong did not stop any where and comes directly in the room he was asked to come. He takes his seat and looks at his watch there is still 30 min so he takes out his phone started watching the business news. But after sometime he placed his phone on the table. He is unable to concentrate on news and looked at his watch once again . It has been only 2min but he feels like it had more than decade of time. Feeling frustrated he loosened his tie slightly .

Secretary Yan who is sitting outside in the car is still in disbelief because his president came here even before the time he was asked to come. Generally his president always comes after other people making others to wait for him . But today it's him who came earlier and is now waiting for someone. It's totally unbelievable. He is curious about the person who can make his president wait for him.

At this moment when secretary Yan is wondering about the mysterious person and Fei Hong is waiting in certain room of the restuarant. A silver colour Bugatti stopped and opening its door, a tall and beautiful woman comes out of it . She is wearing a red A-line dress increasing her feminine charm. She has a very delicate and beautiful facial feature. Her silky silver hair are swaying making her look more dazzling. She walks steadly in a graceful manner and enters the restuarant ignoring all kind of gazes .

Fei Hong who is sitting in the room is still looking at his watch. Suddenly with creak sound door of the room opened and a beautiful face comes before him. He is surprised with her punctuality she reached there exactly at sharp 8 pm.

What an interesting girl , she said she will come at 8 pm and she does comes at the right time. She looks even more beautiful to him this tims.

Mo Chou enters the room and saw that Fei Hong is already sitting there. She is mesmerised with his handsomeness. Ah such an evil doer. Why this guy is getting more and more handsome. She greeted him and takes a seat opposite to him.

Mr . Fei i hope i didn't let you wait for me, she ask him after taking her seat. He is sitting like a king surrounded with aristocratic aura. She had not thought that he would come even before her. And since he is sitting in a relaxed manner she knows that he must had come much earlier .

No you didn't, you come on time he replies gently.

This man truly has a dangerous aura but whenever he opens his mouth he tries to speak in gentle manner. But still it sounds weird because his gentleness doesn't match with him . Hence Mo Chou is sure he is not a man with gentlemanly manner. But since he is trying to act like gentleman she doesn't say anything. As it doesn't matter to her since she has no plan to meet him in future. But she is not aware that it's not possible because she has already become a target for someone.

Both of them ordered their dishes from the menu and ask waiter to bring them there. Mo Chou is craving for hotpot and roasted duck so she ordered these two things and a bottle of red wine. While Fei Hong ordered fillet fish and roasted lamb for himself.

Miss Anna what do you do , Fei Hong ask her as he wanted to know what she really do. Since she is an interesting person she must be doing something unique.

Umm...nothing great ,i am just a programmer in my brothers company, she replies smiling lightly . She has lots of identities but she can't tell him about it and since Zhang Wei is working for Tiang Group it sounds reasonable that she is a programmer in his company. Secondily Nianzhen told her about him last time. With his power he can surely find about her job so she must say something which is convincing. Moreover last time she used pistol infront of him so it is possible he has some doubt about her. Hence to divert his attention this answer is the best option.

Programmer... an idea comes into his mind when he hears about her profession , but he doesn't show anything with his expression.

Mr. Fei you can just call me Anna as it is more comfortable in this way , Mo chou feels uncomfortable when he call her Miss Anna . It makes her feel like an old lady . She is just 22 and doesn't want to be addressed like that.

So Anna do you really come back to China just last month and why did you take so much time to contact me, Fei Hong ask her another question. He waited for her call for whole month but she did not called him. He even sent his men to take out her information but he didn't get any detail until today when she suddenly calls him.

Why this guy is asking her so much question. Does not people says that he does not like to talk with others then why he is so chatty now, Mo Chou feels confused because he doesn't match anyone description. For example, people says that he never meet with others and he is as inapproachable as Mt . Everest but he easily accepted her invitation and even comes before her. For others he is cold blooded man but now before her he is like a gentleman.