
July 7th, 2023

I was never good at hiding things. Especially if they're about me.

When I had tried to escape from Darkly's Boarding School a very long time ago and lived in the streets for 3 days, I was taught that secrets kept you safe. Deadly secrets. I never told people that I was the daughter of Garmadon, but when someone tried to hurt me, I had growled, "My father will come after you. Lord of darkness, prince of shadows, he's after you. Lord Garmadon."

And with that, the secret was out. 

All the street people knew who I was because of that day.

"Even the daughter of Garmadon has been in the streets. You can do great." I've heard the rumors that other people have sprouted about me. Even though I was under the protection of the Ninja, usually shying away from prying reporters, I see the news and articles myself. It's weird, being able to search yourself up, but I do that sometimes, just to see how people talk about me.

I get thoroughly disappointed at times.

"Livvy." I kicked the punching bag one more time and then panted, flying around to face Kai, who tossed something in his hand up and down. 

"What's up?" I arched my back and tossed my head back, making my long ponytail fly, "I was about to start working on the acrobatic running section. Care to join?" I offered. 

"You wanna go for a run?" Kai cracked his knuckles, "I'm honestly not the best person to run with right now. Maybe Zane?"

"He's a nindroid." I muttered, "His stamina is completely insane."

"I guess that's fair. But are you guys racing though?" Kai asked me and I shook my head. To be honest, I just need to run by myself to clear my head. I thought with a sigh.

"You know what, it's fine. I'll go on my own." I smiled at Kai.

"Cool. Hold up." Kai stopped me when I opened the monastery doors, facing the stairs. I turned around to look at him. 

"Yeah?" Kai dropped something into my palm and I held it up. It was an earpiece, the same earpieces that the Ninja use when they're on missions. It's always on them. 24/7. I looked up at Kai, "What are you giving me this for, Kai?"

"Master Wu said to hand it to you." The fire ninja said, "I dunno why, but maybe he wants to keep an eye on you. Anyways, you can reach all of us through here. I'll teach you how to make it on a private channel with some of us later." 

"T-thanks." I whispered, tucking the earpiece into my ear, "Hopefully I don't get this mixed up with anyone's. Tell my uncle I said thank you?" I asked and Kai nodded.

"Have fun on your run, Liv." 

I nodded at him before I shot off from the monastery doors. I was never really good at running slow. I always liked going fast, speeding past everything until it was all a blur. My muscles would cry out in protest, but I would ignore their cries and push myself. I would push and push until all I could feel was sore pain. Then, I'd stop.

Today, I ran like a monster from hell was chasing me. My own demons. 

Air exploded out of my mouth in one big whoosh and I panted, leaning over and pressing my hands onto my knees. I sat down on a rock and laid down, my breath coming out in uneven gasps. My chest felt like someone had wrapped one hand around and squeezed. My ribs felt like they were stretching too far. My brain was all a jumbled mess, as if I was a robot that had a messed up code. 

I was running away.

But from what? What was there for me to run from? What could I possibly do to erase what has happened to me? I am who I am. There's no changing that.

Destiny has no master. I thought I should know that by now. Especially me.

Suddenly, huffing came by and I sat up, brushing strands of hair back and composing myself. It was the mailman. Gosh. I wonder why he even does this job anymore. I hope he got a raise. I walked over to the mailman, who had keeled over beside a bunch of rocks, gasping for breath, and I held out my hand. "Would you like a hand?" 

"GAH!!" The mailman jumped back at the sound of my voice and I flinched, but my head was still steadily in front of me. "Oh, man. You scared me, kiddo. Thank you for offering, but I better get this mail up to the Ninja."

"I can get it up there for you." I offered, "I'm just about to head back up, anyways."

"This is the job of a mailman, kid. I signed up for this. I'll live." The mailman assured me and I nodded my head slowly. 

"Okay… Are you sure you don't want me to help you?" I asked and something inside me whispered, Help him. Help him. Show them that you're not a villain. 

"I got it, kiddo." The mailman walked past me and then looked back, "By the way, aren't you Lord Garmadon's daughter?" 

I stiffened at the mention of me like that, "Yes, sir." 

"Ah." The mailman nodded, "You're a nice girl. I'll see you later." As the poor man walked up the stairs, looking positively exhausted, I plunked back down onto the rock. 

A nice girl.


I inhaled deeply and then ducked behind a rock wall. I took in a deep, shuddering breath and then snapped my fingers. On my palm, there was a glowing orb of deep, dark purple laced with veins of black. It crackled like lightning, burned like a flame, was solid as the earth, and felt as slick as ice. I shuddered and snapped my fingers again, making the orb vanish. 

I'm not a nice girl.

I'm a freaking monster.