
The Great soldier LESLY

A long time ago their is a girl name lesly and she live in mabini moncada tarlac and she was adapted by a rich man name christian ed after a years ago lesly became a soldier but not a strong soldier but a clumsy soldier.

After a month lesly ask a advice to his adapter name christian ed to give her advuce and said be what who you are and beleive in your self.

After a year in training in a soldier camp lesly discovered that his adapted were dead and leslybaxame sad after that she reconcille all thething taht his adapter said and start it.

Lesly excercise every day work hard eat balanve dietand she gaim more energy after doning this activity in many months lesly bacame a strong soldier and she fight all bad people and she bacame the famous soldier girl in the world after thrn she thank to his adapter that he care him love him and also giving him a good life after and in along time ago she became the inspiration to all people and become hero in the world

"Be who you are and beleive in your self"