
The Life of Gabria

One morning of a 16 year old girl, Gabria changes her life. She woke up to find herself as a ghost. But she have no memory of how she died. She tries her best to find clues about her death. Will she succeed in it?

Black_star8184 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The start of journey

Three days passed and we're totally ready for our journey. Luckily, there is a train from Rendeztarian town to Lava town.

I was helping out Luna for packing our food and the boys are rechecking the tools for our journey. Along with the necessary goods we bought new clothes for Hadean. When everything was done, we locked the house and started walking through the forest. The sky was clear. It was a peaceful day. That's what I thought. Until...

The bushes near us started to move frantically and from there something jumped out. It was the same violet cobra, hissing before us. But it was different from last time. We had Luna and Hadean with us. Vapid stepped forward. Water gurgled in his hand and it solidified into the water sword. I stretched my shadow towards my hand, detached it from the rest and solidified it into the shadow bow and arrow. Luna raised her hand. A sphere of light revolved in her hand. It shrunk and solidified into the lunar gun. We were ready to attack. But then Hadean ran before us and stopped us from attacking. We were baffled. He turned towards the cobra and walked towards it.

It was dangerous. What was he doing? He knelt on the ground and patted the cobra's head gently. The cobra stood there gazing at Hadean. After what felt like forever, Hadean stood up and turned towards us. We were frozen in place, confused. With a smile Hadean said pointing towards the Cobra:

"Meet Veson. The friend of mine with whom I travelled the world. "

Now I don't know what to say. I looked at Vapid in confusion. But my eyes were wide opened to see his grave expression. His blood was boiling. He shouted:

"Your Veson bit Gabria and almost got her killed. How will you compensate that? Blood should be taken for blood. "

A chill went up my spine. I went near Vapid and told him to calm down. I'm fine now. So it doesn't matter.

Hadean bowed low and apologised:

"I'm really sorry for Veson's behaviour. When Veson saw you two taking me he thought that you were one of G-corporation's soldiers. He didn't had any intention to hurt anyone without a reason. "

Veson bowed low as if apologising. But Vapid was still serious. He said with a grave voice:

"But you can't go unharmed after hurting Gabria. "

His stare was cold as ice. I held his hand gently and said looking at him:

"Let's just forget about it. He apologised. That's enough. And thank you for caring so much for me. "

Vapid suddenly turned away his head avoiding my gaze. What happened to him? Does his face looks red? Or am I imagining?

Hadean said with a smile:

"I know that he should be punished. But he is useful to us. "

Hadean continued pointing towards Veson's head:"We just have to find 5 more of the priests. "

We were surprised to hear this and looked at Veson's head. He had a symbol with a white circle and star in the middle. The symbol of the wind priest! We didn't noticed it first. I looked at Vapid and pleaded to forgive him. He breathed a sigh and said:

"Fine. Apology accepted. "

He held my hand tightly and continued:

"But it shouldn't repeat again. "

Hadean and Veson jumped with joy. I could their face lit up. I looked at Vapid and saw him calm down. I was so glad that he cared about me this much. Then Luna stepped forward and asked with a baffled look:

"Why is the wind priest a snake? Wasn't the original priests- our ancestors - all humans? "

Hadean patted Veson's head and looked at us. He said :

"Veson was originally a human. He turned into a cobra due to a curse. I want to break his curse and turn him back into a human. "

His voice was filled with pain and desire to turn Veson back into a human. "We might find a way on our journey. " I shouted. Hadean nodded his head with a smile.

Veson was the fifth priest. We were moving towards our goal faster than I thought. We will stop G-corporation for sure.

We crossed the forest and at last reached the town. We walked forward aiming for the railway station. Everyone on the way were frozen in fear to see Veson. I guess that's normal. We walked and walked and at last reached the railway station. Luna bought the ticket and we jumped aboard. They didn't needed a ticket for me as other people can't see me.

I was sitting near the window with Vapid sitting beside me reading a book. I have to admit that he looks kind of cool while reading a book. I immediately looked away when Vapid noticed me gazing at him. I hope he didn't find out. Luna and Hadean were searching at the for places to search next. Veson was sleeping on the seat with his head resting on Hadean's lap. The train was nearly empty. Everything was calm and quiet.

The train started moving. The scenery was the most beautiful one I've ever seen in my life. Endless field covered in grass expanding into the horizon. A few number of trees standing in isolation as if scattered around the large field. The bright sun rays painting the grass and leaves gold. The birds flying happily and everything rushing back as the train moved forward.

I was drawn to its mesmerizing beauty when the train started to move frantically. Everything started falling down. An earthquake? Suddenly the train stopped and we were thrown aside.

I looked outside to see some thing flying followed by a sharp cry. I called Vapid and showed it to him. We saw two dark coloured birds with only one eye fixed on their forehead. Were they wind wings? But they looked a bit different this time.

"Fire wings! ", Vapid exclaimed.

Crimson fire emerged from their wings. They had no beaks but they had a mouth with large fangs protruding out. Their fangs shone with the crimson fire. They breathed fire. They ball of fire rushed towards and hit the train with a great impact. We crouched down covering our heads.

The roof of the train melted revealing a massive hole. We were vulnerable.

"We must protect the civilians ":Hadean commanded and looked at Luna. Luna nodded back. She took each and every one of them outside the train. She raised her both hands towards the sky. A light sphere emerged in her hands. It revolved in her hands expanding in a moment until it covered the whole passengers. It hardened and the non-breakable moonlight barrier was casted. We are ready to fight now.

"Gabria, aim for their eyes. ":Vapid shouted.

I stretched my arrows, detached it from the others and solidified it into a shadow bow and arrow. I aimed at their eyes and shot them down one by one. Their cry pierced my ears. The fire wings breathed fire at us. Hadean raised an earth wall before us guarding us from the fire. When the wall was dispersed Vapid rushed towards then and slashed with his water sword which he already solidified. And almost simultaneously Veson leapt forward and gounged their eyes out. Without wasting a second I stretched my shadow around everyone surrounded us and made a shadow barrier around us. In an instant the fire wings exploded with a great impact.

The battle was over. I dispelled my barrier. But why were they here?

"G-corporation might have found out our plan. Guess we have to hurry now ": said Hadean.

Luna dispelled her barrier. The civilians were terrified but safe. A small kid from the crowd got hold of the tip of Luna's top. Her chestnut- coloured eyes were filled with tears. Her eyes were wide open in fear.

Luna knelt down and patted that kid's head with a warm smile.

"Don't worry. You're safe now. ":Luna said. The kid calmed down a bit.

She said with a childish smile:"Thank you sister for saving me. "

She reached her small hands towards her neck and removed the green pendant hanging from her neck and handed it over to Luna. It was a thank you gift.

Luna smiled and said:"Thank you. It is so cute. What is your name? "

"Cera", she replied.

Somehow they looked like sisters.

After sometime, the rescue team reached the spot. The train was destroyed. So we have to go there by foot. We walked towards our destination. When we were about to disappear in distance we could hear a faint shout of Cera saying good bye to us. We waved back and turned towards our goal. Ready to face any challenges.