
Chapter 1

Dan bi was the prettiest girl anyone had ever seen, with her fair skin, her perfect face, gem-like galaxy eyes and a dazzling smile that everyone stopped to stare. Her gorgeous sunset coloured hair made up of the shades of gold, red and orange shone brightly in the sun.

She was skilled in all aspects and girls in the town envied her for the attention she received. Dan bi was a role model for all ages, but just turning fourteen, many older girls hated the compliments only given to Dan bi.

Dan bi was adopted into a family of three, her adoptive parents and an older brother by two years named Min joon who was her only best friend. She was found on their doorstep with a letter stating only her name at just a few months old, and as kind as the family was, they raised her as their own.

One day, Dan bi and Min joon went out to pick herbs and fruit from the forest when they heard a rustle in the bushes.

"Dan bi, wait here, I'll be back" Min joon whispered and left to check the sound.

The rustling became louder and the sound of pattering feet grew closer and closer.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Dan bi asked in a sweet voice.

Then, out burst three handsome figures about the same age as Dan bi and Min joon, each with distinguished features and noble looking clothes that were quite dirty.

"I told you to stop running Hyeon u..." A blonde haired boy scolded, and then he turned to see Dan bi. "WOAH!"

"May I help you?" Dan bi responded, looking at three of them while still crouching to pluck berries off a bush, but before they could respond, Min joon quickly rushed over to see that his sister had company.

"Stay away from my sister!" He shouted and covered her.

"It's alright brother, they didn't harm me and they seem like nice people." Dan bi replied with her delicate voice.

"You never know, so keep your guard up." Min joon said.

The three boys, still staring at Dan bi in shock of how pretty she was, spoke not a single word, and just when it got dead silent, a growl came from all three of their stomachs which caused them to blush in embarrassment.

"Would you like to come over for lunch, you all sound hungry." Dan bi gently asked.