
about me friends about me

my name is Sarah i,m 15 years old i,m not really popular.to be honest i dont have many friends i have one real friend.

but to be honest i dont really like her that much.dont attack me it's just our personalities don't really match she has a gatcha fanpage and makes edits about her dead family.i know this sounds bad but she is the only friend who didn't leave me so i kinda feel bad tho i never show that.shool sucks my class sucks everything's sucks and honestly I've started to accept it like i know nothing will get better kinda funny this sounds so depressing maybe it is but it's my life and it sucks i,m currently at school i have no friends in my class everyone in my class sucks nobody talks to me but i know it's not there fault honestly it's nobody's fault but somehow everyone blames me trust me if I could be anyone else i would choose it without even thinking the gras is always greener on the other side

today i made a total fool out of myself i went to school looking for my class everywhere just to find out my class i even texted my the ppl i hate the most and i had a anxiety attack it was the worst and the worst part is i embarrassed myself if front of the whole school.

I've had enough of my social anxiety.its so draining.now i,m waiting for class to start in the toilet yes in the toilet

sucks to suck.i,m going to my Class now in a minute.

i,m genuinely not okay but i keep i on pretending i,m okay and i cant stop i don't know who i,m fooling anymore my life is shit