
The Life Of A DJ {Sasuke FanFiction}

さすけxれあで Well...Hi there I'm Syink the masked DJ everyone knows of in Konoha and well I got transferred to this school and....I kinda...You know...Fell for some weird guy....Named Sasuke Uchiha....Umm and this story is basically about my life so have fun reading... *WARNING⚠ THIS STORY WILL HAVE LEMONS IN IT SO IF YOU DO NOT LIKE SEXUAL CONTENT DO NOT READ THIS STORY* There's a book two!!! Out now!!

BreQueenB · Teen
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51 Chs

Ch.Twenty-Three: Mistakes

Yuki's pov

I go back where everyone is and I get me a drink out the wine cooler and I sit next to Sasuke

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked

"Just family problems." I said while looking down

"You've been crying." Sasuke said

"Yea I have why does it matter." I said

"Because I care about you." Sasuke said while looking at me.

"I don't need this right now I just want to get drunk and party." I said while chugging my drink

"Chug! chug! chug!." Everyone said while watching me and Sasuke grabs the bottle from me.

"Yo what's your deal?" I asked

"Drinking your pain away is never good Yuki." Sasuke said "If something is bothering you or you needed to get something off you chest just tell me I'm here for you just trust me." Sasuke said

"I don't TRUST YOU!!!" I yelled and everyone just stares at me and Sasuke looks hurt.

"Yuki you don't mean that do you your just drunk right." Naruto said

"I don't trust you ei--" I said

"STOP IT YUKI!!!" Mio yelled at me for the first time in her life that means I'm doing something wrong totally wrong.

"...." I didn't say anything but I got real dizzy so I held on to the pole for support.

"Sit.Down.Now." Mio said

I try going over there but I just fall on my face and passed out...

"That's what she get shouldn't have drinked the vodka." Mio said

Mio's pov

"Naruto can you put her on the couch at the end of the bus." I said

"Y-yeah sure." Naruto said while picking Yuki up and laying her down on the couch.

I go sit by Sasuke

"Don't believe what she said." I said

"....." That's all I got from him.

"Don't take what she said to heart." I said

"..... Too late..." Sasuke said

"Look when Yuki is drunk she tells the opposite of the truth so when she said that she didn't trust you she ment she trusted you guys and come on look if she didn't trust you she wouldn't have told you her biggest secret ever." I said

Sasuke looked at me and got closer to me then he kissed me then he forced his tounge in my mouth and I allowed him we were having a full on make out session touching each other I know this is wrong but it feels so good but I started thinking about Yuki and I pushed him away.

"Sasuke....What are you doing..." I said

"I want you..." Sasuke said while placing a hand on my thigh.

"Stop it your drunk." I said while moving his hand.

"I really like you." Sasuke said while kissing me again and again then I push him away then I ran back to my seat and then the rest of the ride to the house was totally awkward between me and Sasuke.

"Yuki's gonna kill me." I said

Yuki's pov

"Welcome to my house come on in." I said while getting off the bus and then the other busses pull up.

"Damn Yuki your house is big we gotta throw a party here before we leave here." Naruto said while placing his arm around my shoulders smiling.

"...." Something is up with Mio... I hope she isn't still mad at me...

"Don't forget to invite me!!" Auntie Fumi said

"I would never." I said while smiling

".....Yuki when we get in the house I need to talk to you and Naruto." Kei said

"Okay then let's meet in my room then." I said

"That's good with me." Naruto said then Kei left.

Me and Naruto looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders and walked inside together.

There what's a lot of ooo's and ahh's but it didn't really surprise Sasuke and Naruto and hinata because there house is pretty big.

"You guys can choose your own rooms some people will have to share though hopefully we have some couples here with us." I said while smiling and leaving heading up to my room.

(I don't know if you girls are girly but here's your room you'll see everyone else's room throughout the week) (sorry you guys there was a picture here too)

I see Kei standing outside my door and Naruto is right beside me I open my room door to see (the picture above)

"They did a pretty good job in here." I said while sitting on my bed and Naruto sits on the other side and kei sits in the fluffy chair

"Yea you even have fluffy covers." Naruto said

"Yesss I love fluffy shit." I said while smiling

"Anyways.... So let's talk about Sasuke... " Kei said

"Aw come on bro not right--" I said while getting cut off ".... And Mio." Kei said

"Mio?..." Naruto asked

"What happened?" I asked

"Well I'm going to tell you this....I'm just gonna tell you this because I want you to know sis but don't go beating people's ass okay." Kei said while looking at me.

"It depends if it's re-" "Okay..." Kei said while cutting me off.

"Alright..Alright....Fine." I said

"Well on the bus I saw Sasuke and Mio kissing....Feeling on each other having a full on make out session now I don't know why but that's what I saw." Kei said

"When the fuck did this shit happen?" Naruto asked

"While you were putting Yuki down for a nap." Kei said

"Wow..... Mio did this are you sure?..." I said

"Yea it was her Yuki you know I wouldn't lie to you." Kei said

"It just doesn't sound like her she would never do this to me she knows-...never mind it doesn't matter now." I said and Naruto got up and left to find Sasuke and I followed him.

"Naruto....Naruto." I called for him but he stopped and punched the wall and I for the first time I actually got a little scared of him.

"N-naruto come here." I said while opening my arms to him.

"Why aren't you mad?" Naruto asked

While coming up to me and hugging me putting his face in my neck.

"Oh trust me I am mad but it's not like I didn't see it coming....Because come on....it's Sasuke and I knew once I saw him kiss Sakura at my concert....I knew he was going to do it again but I didn't know that Mio was gonna be his next target....." I said while putting my hand in his hair.

"He knew I liked Mio I really liked her Yuki." He said

"I know.... I know you did. But Mio and Sasuke screwed up they really did." I said

"Can I chill with you in your room." Naruto said

"Yea but no kissing I'm not like them two." I said

"I'm not either." Naruto said while laughing.

"Wanna grab a snack from the kitchen." I said

"That sounds great come on." Naruto said while walking to the kitchen.

When we enter the kitchen we saw who we didn't want to run into Sasuke and Mio

(well there was a picture of a kitchen)(That's just how the kitchen looks the rest of the stuff forget it lol)

"Calm down Naruto don't let them get to you...I'll get my snack basket so we can put the food in it." I said

"Alright." Naruto said while looking in the fridge.

I went to the cabinet to grab the basket but it was in such a high place ugh... I reach for it like a dumb ass and it almost fell on me but gladly Naruto came when he did.

"Hey... Be careful Yuki." Naruto said while standing right behind me pitting his hand on my waist I turn around to receive the basket and I hear Sasuke growl a little.

"Right I will." I said while grinning and he gives me a big grin as well.

"Yuki." Mio said me and Naruto looked in the direction of the voice.

"Oh my god why now... I was not ready to face her this soon." I whispered to Naruto

"Your right about that one just see what she wants then come back." Naruto whispered back

"Fine...." I whispered to him then I walk towards her.

"Yuki I--" Mio said but I cut her off

"Nope you call me Yukiko now." I said with a serious face and I can hear Naruto whistle.

Mio sighs "Yukiko I was wondering if you wanted to go swimming." Mio said

"No I'm finna have a movie night with Naruto in my bedroom." I said quickly

"With Naruto?..." Mio asked

"Yep... Got a problem with that?" I asked and Naruto whistled again.

"N-no I just thought you didn't like him." Mio said

"I thought you didn't like Sasuke and you see where we are." I said

"What do you mean?" Mio asked

"Oh please you thought we wouldn't find out about what you did with Sasuke?" I said

"W-wha--" Naruto cut her off

"Help me choose the snacks Yuki before I choose them all." Naruto said

"..." I gave her a good glare while bumping shoulders with her and walking towards Naruto.

"Ooh we have strawberries and chocolate syrup Naruto." I said

"Ooo chocolate covered strawberries." Naruto said and I can feel her looking at me and I look at her.

"Did you want anything..." I asked her and Naruto looked at her.

"Um... No I was just leaving...actually I do want something I want to know what your problem is." Mio said

"My problem.... I should be asking you the same thing...." I said while playing with the bag of trollies.

"You don't have to be so rude to me and put me back on first name basics with you it's not that serious." Mio said

"Ha... Not that serious... Okay.... Okay....I see so....you some how forgot how I felt about Sasuke right....because I damn sure didn't forget about how you felt about Naruto...." I said

"I-" "If your done talking you can go ahead and leave oh and take you man with you." I said and she grabbed Naruto arm and he slipped his arm out of her grip and glared at sasuke

"You can have her buddy." Naruto said

"Bye bye" I said then Mio left

"Damn harsh much." Naruto whispered while laughing.

"Well I could say the same about you and she had a full blown make out session with Sasuke and she knew I liked him but hey you can't always get pissed when you already knew it was gonna happen." I said

"Is that why your not that mad." Naruto said

I sit on the counter " Yea... I'm just suprised that Mio did that you know we were best friends for years and now this shit happens." I said

"Same goes for me and Sasuke....Honestly I should've just went for you." Naruto said

"W-what!!" I said while putting my hand up about to hit him and blushing,

"IT WAS A JOKE I WAS JOKING." Naruto said while laughing

"O-oh." I said

"Welp let's get more snacks." I said while putting strawberries and chocolate syrup in the basket along with Some gummy worms and Marshmellows and gram crackers and gummy bears and some chips.

"Let me carry the basket." Naruto said

"Why you don't think I can carry it." I said while grabbing the basket.

"I didn't say that I just want to be a Gentalmen that's all." Naruto said

"Oi.... Naruto... Come here." Sasuke said and I look at him.

"I don't think so dude." Naruto said

"Just come here I need to talk to you." Sasuke said

"Just go talk to him and come back." I whispered to him

"I don't wanna." Naruto said while looking at me

"I'll ask my butler to make you a bunch of ramen later after our movie night." I said

"Ugh... Fine..." Naruto said while walking over to Sasuke with a bored expression.

Naruto's pov

"What is your deal man?" Sasuke asked

"What's my deal? What's your deal." I said

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked

"You kissed Mio and you knew I liked her.....I'm so done helping you." I said

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke said

I end up punching another wall "Don't act dumb with me Sasuke I know you kissed Mio man..." I stopped when Yuki came up and grabbed my arm.

"H-how did you find out?" Sasuke asked


"So you saw us?" Sasuke asked

"...." I clenched my fist then Yuki came up behind me and put her hand over my tightly clenched fist.

"Come on Naruto...He's not worth getting angry over." Yuki said

"Okay." I said

"Yuki wait." Sasuke said while grabbing my arm.

"Let me go Sasuke." Yuki said calmly

"I need to talk to you just give me five minutes of your time." Sasuke said

"Three." Yuki said

Sasuke sighed "fine." I said

"Talk." Yuki said

"Not when he's here." Sasuke said while looking at Naruto.

"Naruto get the snacks and bring them to my room I'll meet you there." Yuki said

"Are you sure?" I said

"Yea." Yuki said and I grabbed the basket of food and head to Yuki's room.

Yuki's pov

"What Sasuke." I said

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss Mio it was a complete accident." Sasuke said

" I don't care if it was a fucking accident Sasuke you said you liked her right so go be with her and stop trying to go after me because I'm done." I said

"Your done what do you mean?" Sasuke asked

"THIS.... Me and you are over I'm just done with you I can't stand being hurt by the same person twice." I said while turning around to leave him he blurts out.

"So what? You and Naruto a thing now?" Sasuke asked then I turned around to look at him.

"No he's just comforting me for what you did...Why does it matter you got Mio go kiss all up on her that's reason why we're in this mess anyways." I said

"Do you like him?" Sasuke asked

"Why does it matter Sasuke now let me go." I said and he pulls me close to him and kissed me.

I push him away and runs upstairs to my room "Naruto mind if I change my clothes in front of you."

A/n: There's probably gonna be some Naruto x reader in here I'm not sure yet but let's see where this goes and one more thing there going to be parts in the story where I'm going to be saying 'there was a picture here' because there was majority pictures all through my book but I can't put them on here for some reason so sorry about that 🙏😓😓💦