

uuuh wow is a boy ,I guess those were the words that every hospital would say after confirming the gender of a child birth.Was a fine morning where,I myself was born by a tall , average woman of middle age at the hospital of undefined location in my country Kenya ,her name's will be twisted from a Kikuyu meaning beauty (maua ).I also had a father who was the first to pick me whenever I would fall on my knees,ooh such wonderful family I was born in.i took my yards to be a kind of a futured baby boy,I crawled Allover the table room accessing all corners of everything in the house . With no time I was turning to man when I would run on my knees without me either falling or sitting on my knees .sure every stage has its end I was walking now me accompanied by my loving mum who took me to my second mum and dad ,after they accepted me as one of their student .School was sweet oh, jumping up and down with instrument which were fun to play with eg see saws ,tyres to roll over ,ooh some would also play with friends football and that was one of my kind.Whe had a famous game know (chombo)Kikuyu game ..........