
The Life I Gained From Death

Kaden Adams has lived a detestable life in the view of others close to him. Winning the lottery at the age of 20 has granted him the freedom and money to do whatever he pleases. His own flat, super cars, and a lavish lifestyle that all seemed to just fell right into his lap. However he loses it all one day when he's met with an untimely death. He has a chance to regain the life he once took for granted, but the challenges that await him in a new world intends to reshape his entire character.

Ejay_Francis · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Lake of Lazarus

"I still think you're trying to force it out. Imagine a separate system of veins and arteries extending through your body. That second system contains all of your elemental essence, being pumped through your body by your spirit. It's already there so you don't have to force it out, just guide it along."

It's been over a week now of meditating on this one hill of sand. Kaden thought. I'm really getting tired of this, and I'm questioning now if it really is possible for me to use this essence stuff. They've trained to do this since they were kids, when their brains were still capable of easily picking up details. This just might be pointless for a 21 year old like me.

"Relax young man, I could feel your heart rate rising." Treya said as she joined Mai, Kaden and Kenzo.

"Here to give me some helpful tips Granny Trey?" Kaden asked.

"Not really, just passing through." She replied. "There's no shortcut to mastering water essence."

"I don't want to master it, I just wanna survive when I go out there."

"There's no shortcut to survival either." Treya responded with a grin. "Elder Faye and I will be leaving Aestus for a short while to investigate something. We will be accompanied by two of the other royal guards."

"Yes mam." Kenzo replied bowing his head.

"Stay safe Elder Treya." Said Mai.

"Later Granny." Kaden stated.

"You should also do something about these little intruders." Treya said as she walked away.

"They weren't bothering anyone so I wasn't worrying about them." Mai replied. "Alright girls, come out."

"Wait who?" Kenzo asked looking around.

"I told you she spotted us from the beginning!"

"Because you were following them to closely."

As they argued to each other, the twins Kuria and Kumori appeared from the bushes.

"You two shouldn't be here without permission." Kenzo stated.

"We know, that's why we had permission given to us by him." Kumori said as she pointed to Kaden.

The four of them looked at Kaden as he closed his eyes and continued his meditation in silence.

"What's the meaning of this stranger?" Mai asked.


"Stop playing around outsider!" Kenzo shouted. "Answer the question."

"Out of everyone I've met in Aestus, you easily have the worst manners." Kaden exclaimed.

"You're one to talk about manners. Just answer Lady Mai's question."

Sigh. "I don't have the energy to toy with you today." Kaden replied opening eyes and turning to Mai. "The twins followed us from training two days ago and I'm guessing they're interested in what we're doing. They even followed me to my house yesterday and that's when I confronted them."

"He said he was undergoing some top secret training from Miss Mai." Kumori stated.

"We didn't believe him though so he told us to follow today and watch." Kuria added.

"This isn't something the general public knows about, that's why we're here." Kenzo exclaimed.

"So this is top secret training." Kumori said to Kuria.

"I told you girls." Kaden said with a smile.

Kenzo exhaled a breath of frustration then told the twins "I'm sorry but you two can't stay here. I'll have to escort you home."

"Hold on Kenzo." Mai said. "The both of you have been practicing water control for how long now?"

"7 years." They replied.

"Wait, how old are you two?" Kaden asked.

"10 years old."

They're both really mature for their age. Kaden thought.

"How about you both explain to him what it first felt like to use water essence." Mai suggested.

"That's it? Easy enough." Kumori said as she ran through the pond to Kaden.

As she sat beside him, Kuria took a seat at the edge of the pond instead of going over to them.

"Are you sure about this Lady Aira?" Kenzo asked.

"It should be fine, Elder Treya didn't seem to be bothered by them being here. Also, even though they're only ten, both of them are more capable than I am. Maybe he'll progress faster with them helping out."

"Alright S.S. what's your mood right now?" Kumori asked.

"What does S.S. mean?"

"Suspicious stranger." She replied with a smile.

"And with that, my mood is irritated."

"That's no good. My father taught me that each of the four elements has a corresponding emotion that compliments it when being used. When using water essence, it is essential that your heart is filled with joy." She said placing her hand across her chest.

"Sad to say, but the joy levels in my heart are at a zero."

"I figured that, you seem like the lazy and pessimistic type."

"Excuse me?"

"However, all it takes is a joyful memory to stimulate the water essence within you. While your meditating try to picture a memory in your mind where you were overwhelmingly happy."

Kaden sighed then closed his eyes.

When was the last time I was genuinely happy? When I won the lottery? No I wasn't really happy, it was more of a feeling of relief. I was able to escape all of my hardships without really trying at all. Happy... maybe, when I found out dad died... Actually I didn't care about him enough to feel any emotion towards his death. I spent majority of my life perfecting a fake smile that I hoped would protect me from my rough upbringing. Then when I was blessed with an easy way out, I abandoned everyone that was with me in that upbringing and disappeared into my own world. There has never been anything in my life to be happy about...

As Kaden opened his eyes again he realized that the air around him was filled with water essence. It was like a cloud of blue mist had engulfed him and Kumori.

"Is this-"

"It's mine." Kumori said cutting him off. "The village Elders have said before that I have an above average amount of water essence in me. What's like turning on a faucet for others is like dam bursting for me." She said with an innocent smile.

"So your strong?"

"My sister is reckless." Kuria said as she appeared sitting behind them. "Because Kumo uses emotion as a gateway for her essence, she's prone to losing control or going overboard at times."

"What about you?" Kaden asked.

"I don't have the irregular large amount of essence that Kumo has, but I compensate with my ability to focus on many tedious tasks simultaneously."

"Are you sure you're ten?"


"Ria also can change water between its three states while I can only change it from a gas to a liquid." Kumori stated. "Only one of the Elders can change all three."

"So your like a young genius."

"Precisely." She answered.

She's aware of it.

"Instead of using emotion to assist bringing out your essence, I suggest you just do it."


"That's your advice?" Kaden asked.

"Thinking about it is too much work, so just clear your head and do it."

"As the smart one I thought you would've given me something better than that."

"You'll get the hang of it soon S.S.!" Kumori exclaimed. "Practice makes perfect!"

"I'd appreciate those words if I was actually practicing something." Kaden said softly.

As Mai watched on she noticed two bubbles in the distance, ascending to the lake above.

"Something must have happened for two Elders to be me moving to the surface." Mai stated.

"Elder Faye may have sensed a disturbance in one of the other lakes." Kenzo suggested. "It's rare to see her leave the village."


The two bubbles which contained Elder Treya, Elder Faye and both of their royal guards emerged to the surface of Lake Aestus. The sun shined upon them as they were released on the shoreline.

"It's been a while since I've bathed in real rays of sunlight." Faye exclaimed. "So, are you going to inform me on why you decided to accompany me Sister Treya?"

"The Gate of Pride." Treya said. "It's on the way to where you're heading. We haven't inspect it in a while and I want to make sure it's still accessible."

"For that boy?"

"I've heard stories that this gate is the most difficult one to complete, and it had discouraged many people from completing the trials. It'll be best if he attempts that one as soon as possible so he can deal with whatever the outcome may be."

"You've sure taken a liking to the young man."

"I'm just enjoying the fun he's brought with him. It's Sister Aira that really seems to have an interest in him."

"I can take a guess why." Faye responded. "Damien, Ty, thank you both for accompanying us today."

"It's our pleasure Elder Faye." Damien replied.

"We're making two stops. First the 'Gate of Pride' and then the 'Lake of Lazarus'."

"Are you sure that was where you felt the disturbance?" Treya asked.

"I may be old but my sensory skills are as sharp as ever." Faye replied as she began walking away.

"That's another place which hasn't been used in a long time."

"Isn't use of the lake of Lazarus forbidden?" Damien asked.

"Yes." Faye replied. "It's a place where people once traveled to in hopes of reviving a deceased love one. No matter what state the body may be in, the lake would restore the flesh to a perfect condition and pull the soul that once inhabited that body back inside. However that last part wasn't always the case. Instead of bringing back the person that was entered into the lake, in most cases a seemingly random soul was brought into the body. What's even more unsightly was that the body of the deceased was molded into image of the new soul. Because of this uncontrollable predicament, usage of the lake was deemed forbidden."

"And now you've sensed that someone has used this lake." Ty stated.

"Whether or not they know of this defect the lake has will be determined once we question them. Sister Treya can assist with that since she's here."

"So what happens with the person that's brought back to life?" Damien asked.

"If by the small chance that the person they bring back is the intended soul then we'll make a decision once we have an understanding of the situation. But if it was a failed resurrection like I believe it will be, then we are to send that soul back to the afterlife."


A droplet of water dripped off of the branch of a decaying tree and landed into a shallow puddle of water below. The water rippled which disturbed the reflection of Aaron who was squated down, staring at himself in the puddle. Via stood a few steps behind, observing his every movement.


"That isn't my name." Aaron replied still watching his reflection.

"Do... do you remember anything?"

"Anything like what? I don't know where I am or how it's possible that I'm even here."

I should be dead. Aaron thought to himself. I remember very vividly being shot, multiple times. I remember but, my body is unscathed. What's going on here?

"Hey, where exactly are we right now?" Aaron asked as he looked over at Via.

She had both of her hands covering her mouth as she stared at a man that wasn't her brother. Tears rolled down her face as she began to realize that her brother was now gone forever.

"Are you... alright?" Aaron asked as he failed to understand why she was crying.

She sniffled and wiped the tears away, but they were quickly replaced by fresh ones that she couldn't hold back. She dropped to her knees and desperately tried to stop herself from crying.

"Via was it?"

Hearing her name stunned her for a second as she looked back over towards Aaron.

"You said your name was Via right? I don't know why you're crying, but do you wanna talk about it? I feel as if no matter what the problem may be, you'll always feel a little better if you talked to someone about it." Aaron stated with a gentle and polite smile.

"...you'd listen to my story?" She asked as her tears stopped falling.

"Of course, every story deserves to be heard."

He doesn't know me so why does he care? She questioned in her head. His smile... feels reassuring.

"Oh sorry! I have pants here that you can wear." She said as she gave him the pair of pants that was tied around her waist.

"Thanks I appreciate that." Aaron replied as he continued smiling.

She turned around and walked over to another tree so he can get dressed.

"Um, we can't stay here, it isn't safe and other people may be coming here soon." Via stated.

"Alright then. I don't understand what's going on, but if you say this place isn't safe, I'll believe you. We can talk as we move somewhere safer."

She looked back over to him and he was stood wearing the soft long black pants that she gave to him.

"Lead the way Via." Aaron said to her.

She nodded her head and proceeded to guide him out of the dead woods.