
The Life I Gained From Death

Kaden Adams has lived a detestable life in the view of others close to him. Winning the lottery at the age of 20 has granted him the freedom and money to do whatever he pleases. His own flat, super cars, and a lavish lifestyle that all seemed to just fell right into his lap. However he loses it all one day when he's met with an untimely death. He has a chance to regain the life he once took for granted, but the challenges that await him in a new world intends to reshape his entire character.

Ejay_Francis · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Chapter 41 - Fire In The Courtyard

Elder Faye sat alone in her chair in the Elder's Courtyard with her eyes closed. Her head tilted up at an angle with her fingers pressing against each other. She was lost in thought.

"A person your age shouldn't be stressing this much. It's not good for your skin." Elder Alexander stated as he entered the courtyard.

"You're the last person who should be mentioning age." Faye replied while keeping her eyes closed.

"Fair, but I don't stress. Mr. Adams always says this phrase. 'It is what it is.' That's a mentality I can get behind."

"You don't stress because you hardly do anything at all."

"Again, fair. The things I do aren't that important at all." Alex replied facetiously.

Faye's eyes opened suddenly before she pushed herself up onto her feet and gazed towards the water above Aestus.

"They've returned." Faye stated. "I sense people with fire essence among them. We should -"

"Wait." Alex interjected. "No need to go and greet them because they'll be coming here. Sit back down and get comfortable. I'll send for Sister Aira."

Faye inhaled a large amount of air and then released it when she looked back up to the suspended lake. A wave of nervousness washed over her as three bubbles detached from the lake and began to descend on Aestus.


"Whoa, this place is crazy." Nakayla said as she, Shaedon, and Kenzo's bubble were the first to make it down onto the ground.

They were soon followed by, Kaden, Aaron, and Elder Treya. Who was then followed by Jayson and Elder Mildred.

"Gloves off." Mildred said to Jayson.


"When you're down here, you and your group should not wear those gloves unless you've been permitted too."

Jayson made a quick glance down to the gloves before looking back at Elder Mildred.

"Nakayla, Shaedon, remove your spark gloves." Jayson ordered.

The two complied without saying anything back to him.

"Congratulations on conquering the gate Kaden, but we'll have to leave you to celebrate on your own." Treya stated. "This matter takes priority right now."

"Of course." Kaden replied while stepping away from the group. "I'll leave you guys to it. C'mon Aaron."

Aaron stepped to follow Kaden but then turned to face the Elders.

"Have a good day everyone." He said before taking his leave.

There was a quick glance back at Jayson from Kaden before walking away entirely.

"If he's from the fire continent, then was that hoodie guy telling me to learn fire essence from him?" Kaden thought.

"Kade, about that name you said earlier."

"You know him then? Because I said 'letter' not name."

"Yeah, I know him." Aaron answered. "He appears in my dreams from time to time. I'm guessing he did the same to you?"

"Well, I've heard his voice in my dreams, but it wasn't until I completed that trial that I actually met him." Kaden explained.

"What did he tell you?"

"Two things. That Jayson guy, he told me to stand beside him and learn from him. I assume he means fire essence."

"What else?" Aaron questioned.

"He told me to attempt the Gate of Greed as soon as possible because it may be a while until I can try again."

"Then shouldn't you have done it just now? You were there weren't you?"

"I'm tired." Kaden answered, slightly raising his voice. "That first trial wasn't just mentally exhausting, I feel physically drained too. Not to mention, I have no reason to take that guy's advice."

"...He didn't tell you anything about himself?"

"Anytime I asked, he told me to ask you."

"Me?" Aaron asked in confusion. "I don't know much about him, but I guess if that was your first time meeting him, then I probably know more than you at least... Well, to start off with, he says he can see the future."

"The future?"

"Yeah, the future."

"And you believe him?"

"At this point... I don't know." Aaron replied, thinking about the things N has told him. "He's told me several things now that couldn't be explained unless he actually can see the future. He's the one who told me you were in Aestus."

"HAAAAAA." Kaden sighed as he placed his hands behind his head. "If that's the case, then what is he tryna accomplish. He said he needed me and your help, but for what?"

"That, he wouldn't tell me either."

"Yanno what, let's continue this convo later. I'm really tired. In the future, if he comes to either of us, we should immediately talk about it."

"I agree. He's cryptic in the way he talks too. He never gives away too much information... Anyway, I'll walk you back to your house, just in case you fall over."

"Heh, thanks sweetheart." Kaden jokingly replied.

"Don't make it weird."


"Surely Damien would understand, right?" Mai thought to herself. "I couldn't disobey a direct order from an Elder. He would have done the same thing if he were in my shoes. Right? I also can trust Via to protect her. Via's strong. Stronger than me..."

"Hey, you alright?" Avery questioned. "You've been spacing out for a while now."

"I'm fine." Mai quickly answered before diving back into a deep thought. "Then there's these two. They don't seem hostile in the slightest, and I've already falsely accused someone of being an enemy before. Raising a weapon towards an innocent person didn't sit right with me. I should give these two the benefit of the doubt."

"You guys didn't get all that far." Via stated.

The unsuspecting Mai swiftly looked up to find Via standing on a tree branch directly above them.

"How'd you-"

"Where is Elder Claire?!" Mai exclaimed, cutting off Avery's comment.

"Relax Mai, I'm right here." Claire said as she walked out from around the trunk of the tree.

"Wow! Miss Claire, you really can keep up with me." Via exclaimed in surprise.

"It's been a while since I've been able to stretch my legs like that." Claire stated in her usual cheerful manner. "We should come out here more often."

"How were you able to catch up to us so quick?" Avery questioned.

Without answering her verbally, Via gracefully flipped out of the tree and caught herself midair with her own air essence. She then carefully rested herself on the ground in front of them.

"So cooool." Sayu stated.

"I can fly with my air essence." Via casually stated. Also, it helps that I spent most of my life in the Redwoods. I know this place like the back of my hand."

"Well, that explains that, but what about..." Avery started to say while looking over to Elder Claire.

While keeping her usual calm smile, Claire softly pressed her index finger against her lips and closed her eyes.

"It's a secret." She stated.

"O-Okay then."

"Shall we proceed forward? We shouldn't keep Damien waiting."

"Yes, ma'am." Mai replied as the conjoined group made their way back to Aestus.


Jayson, Nakayla, and Shaedon followed closely behind Kenzo as he led them up the staircase towards the Elder's Courtyard. Elders Treya and Mildred were slightly ahead of them all. Upon arrival in the courtyard, every Elder was now present except for Claire.

"Welcome back, sisters." Elder Aira stated.

Jayson silently took notice of everyone inside the courtyard before stepping in further.

"With all the disturbances we've been having in our land, Sister Faye was worried to death 'bout all of you." Alexander exclaimed. "Has your pressure finally gone down sister?"

Kisses teeth. "Let's get serious now, Brother Alex." Faye replied.

"Brother and sisters, I bring forth for you, Jayson Hillinger of Ignus." Mildred exclaimed as she and Treya took their seats in the courtyard. "The product of the peace arrangement."

"Mr. Hillinger, it's a pleasure to meet you." Faye stated. "A long time ago, me and your mother were close friends. I also respected her decision to leave Aestus entirely to join the person she so dearly loved in Ignus for the sake of peace. Tell me, is she still well?"

"I'm not surprised the news never made it out here, but my mom passed away about six years ago." Jayson answered.

The expressions of the present Elders didn't change in the slightest way.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did she die?" Treya questioned.

"It was from an illness. The doctor said she died from weakness." Jayson explained.


"In any case, we're sorry to hear that Jayson." Aira responded.

"Six years, and we didn't hear a thing." Mildred said under her breath.

"Well, young man, we know you didn't travel all this way to chit-chat." Alexander exclaimed.

"Of course." Jayson replied as he pulled out the lighter once more.

He stepped in front of the fountain, facing directly towards Elder Alex. Jayson held the lighter just above his head, and without hesitation, he lit the lighter. A gentle blue flame danced atop the lighter before further igniting itself, becoming an upward spiral of fire. The spiral then began to break apart and form into words middair.

"They are coming for the Phoenix."

Those words were displayed in the air before Elder Alex, and he was the only person in the courtyard who gave a reaction.

"They are coming for the Phoenix." Faye read aloud for everyone.

The majority of everyone present showed visible confusion towards the message, except for Elder Alex, who knew exactly what the message meant. A look of disbelief was displayed on his face, which was followed by him using his hand to cover half of his face while he pondered in silence.

"Isn't the Phoenix supposed to be dead?" Treya questioned.

"Well, the story actually says that the Phoenix was sealed away, not killed." Aira clarified.

"Whatever the case!" Mildred interjected while staring down Jayson. "What's the meaning of this?"

"I have no idea." Jay replied nonchalantly. "I was told to bring this message to you all, so if anyone should have that answer, it would be the Elders of Aestus."

"This is something we should discuss in private." Faye stated to the others.

"Am I free to go?"

"What's with the sudden rush Mr. Hillinger."

"I'm sorry, but members of my group are still missing, and I need to go look for them." Jayson explained.

"Markus is already scanning the area." Mildred stated.

"I can't just sit by and wait as someone else is searching for my family. That's my responsibility."

"Wait, just a moment Jayson." Aira exclaimed. "You need someone to accompany you to get back onto the surface. I'd be more than happy to join you, but before that, could you tell us one last thing?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"Do you know anything about what transpired in Himawari several days ago?"

"...Please allow me to apologize for that incident." Jayson said while bowing.

"There is no need for you to apologize." Faye stated. "Based on the content of the message we received, it's obvious to see that you were just as much of a victim as the people of Himawari were."

"We'd just like to know how exactly things played out." Aira added.

Jayson exhaled a heavy breath of air while repositioning himself so that he was directly facing Elder Aira.

"Okay, but I'll be summarizing as much as I can." He answered.


Down by the bottom of the staircase stood Ty and another guard who was assigned to guard the courtyard's entrance. The area was quiet, and still, as there weren't even birds around to fill the emptiness with their chirping.

"I'm bored." Ty exclaimed as he crossed his arms. "You know any fun games?"

"Focus. You're always slacking off, I don't understand how you've made it this far." The other guard stated.

"You're less fun than Damien. All I'm asking for is a little bit of entertainment."

It was then the two heard footsteps moving towards them at a very quick pace. Ty quickly turned and looked down the path to see two people running at full speed directly towards them.

"We need to see an Elder!" One of the people exclaimed as they got closer.

"Stop right there!" The other guard ordered as he stepped in front of them.

"I know you two." Ty stated. "Kumori and Kuria. What are you doing here?"

"We really need to see one of the Elders right now it's urgent!" Kumori exclaimed.

"That's not possible right now."

"We caught... some intruders." Kuria explained as she tried to catch her breath.


"We even saw them use fire essence!" Kumori added. "We've never seen them before, and they were sneaking around, so we trapped them."

"Where?" Ty questioned.

Over in the broken down prison where Aaron and Via were once being held by the Elders some time ago stood Mano, Camie, and Tanner. Captured and powerless.