

Set in the interstellar period. Edrey is the second son of one of the most prestigious families in the empire known for giving birth to alphas who have the ability to control mechas. However, there is a secret that no one knows, and that is that he is an omega. He meets Red, an alpha diner owner who is keeping secrets of his own. Little does he know that their fate is intertwined, from a time in the future. Will their meeting be the catalyst to save humankind from its demise? Or will their meeting in the past cause themselves destruction, destroying their world in the process? AUTHOR'S NOTE If you've read any of my other books, then you must know that romance isn't the main focal point of my stories, but, there is romance in them. I sincerely hope you like my book as much as I had fun writing it!

AudreyJeru4 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Amidst the clacking of utensils, Marlyssa spoke up, breaking the silence that had filled the room. "So, Gorover, when are you going to tell us about your new wife?"

These words sent a shockwave through Edrey's mind, and he choked on his food. He raised his head from the meal that was on his plate, to look at the male who was seated opposite him at the dinner table. The faint smile that he had on his lips completely vanished as he gazed at the man.

Marlyssa did not notice the anomaly with her son, as she continued to smirk, looking down at her plate. It was almost as if she had not asked a very weird question. Gorover, the male in question, immediately noticed the change in Edrey. However, he turned to Marlyssa with a smile on his face as if he hadn't noticed, and chuckled.

Edrey knew that laugh very well. It was laughter that he had loved to listen to every time that they spent together. Most of his time was spent wanting to hear the embarrassed laugh from the man. This was to the extent that he would go through all means to make Gorover embarrassed.

He squinted his dark eyes, waiting for the answer that the alpha male would give. Gorover turned his head, not wanting to look at Edrey any longer. He coughed, "Well, she is fine. Hehe." He chuckled once more. His finger flew to his cheek, and he scratched.

Edrey, who was watching him, squinted his eyes once more. Gorover only did this when he had been caught hiding something. He turned his light brown eyes to stare at Edrey who was still staring at him. Gorover, who had revealed his secret, smiled cheekily at Edrey and bowed his head to continue with his meal.

"Is that all you are going to tell us?" Marlyssa raised her head, "I thought now that you have been exposed, you would at least tell us if you are having a boy or a girl."

These words, made Edrey's hands, which had been reaching for the glass that was next to his plate, freeze. The food that was stuck in his throat felt painful. This was only for a second before he picked up the glass and downed half of the water that was inside. "Well, you see." Gorover began. His cheeky smile was still on his face, and his eyes had flitted back to the figure of Marlyssa. "We decided not to have an ultrasound. We want it to be a surprise."

Marlyssa stared at the man who sat before her, and her eyes squinted as she smiled, "Oh? Well, you should at least introduce her to us. There will be a function in a few days, why don't you bring her over then? Isn't that right Edrey? Wouldn't it be nice to meet your new sister-in-law?"

Edrey laughed, straining a smile onto his face. "That would make me very happy. You should definitely bring her over so that we can meet her. I would like to speak with my new sister-in-law."

"Well, is she a beta female or an omega female?" Marlyssa continued to probe, not knowing that each of his answers and her questions seemed to slice through Edrey's skin.

"Ah, she's an omega," Gorover answered after taking a sip of the wine that was on his right.

Marlyssa was relentless, as she continued her probing. "Is her family from Staar planet?"

Gorover shook his head. "No, she is actually from Tempas, it's a few light-years away. But she is in the Staar Academy right now. She just finished her engineering course and is waiting for the results."

"That far?" Marlyssa shook her head, "That's no good. If her family lives so far, who will be there for her after she gives birth? Aren't you going back to the base after a few days?"

Gorover tilted his neck slightly to the right. Edrey immediately knew that action. It was an action that he did whenever he had not thought something through. His lips were tilted slightly downwards, and his eyes widened.

"You had not thought it through, had you?" Marlyssa shook her head, "You know, this thing, giving birth, it's not simply one plus one. You alpha and beta males cannot understand this. If something goes wrong during the process, and you are not here at the time, who will take care of her? You should definitely bring her over. That way the whole family will get to know who she is."

Gorover nodded, and placed his fork down, "Actually, she has a sister who is also studying on Staar planet. At the time, I thought that she would assist her."

"But the sister is studying, is she not?" Marlyssa wiped her lips with a napkin. "That means that she won't be there for her during the day. How far along is she?" Marlyssa failed to notice the ever-darkening look on Edrey's face.

The smile that he had spattered onto his face had now completely disappeared, and his appetite had been lost. Nevertheless, he sliced the meat on his plate and popped it into his mouth. If he failed to finish his food, Marlyssa would slice him up herself.

"She's around seven and a half months along. She wanted to completely go through the process of giving birth on her own, so she will carry the child to full term." He smiled.

Edrey had raised his face at this time, so he noticed the smile that was on his face. This smile was one that even he had never seen directed to him. He shuddered, having now completely lost all the will to continue with his meal.

He raised his head. "Mom, I'm full. Can I go back to my room?" He asked, breaking the questions that Marlyssa was asking.

Marlyssa stared at him, and her eyes squinted together. It was almost as if she was trying to bore a hole through him. "What's the matter? Your heat is not due for another few days, right? Did it come early?" She pushed her chair forward and raised her hand to touch his face.

"No." Edrey shook his head. However, his face was pale, and Marlyssa felt that his heat was coming in advance.

"It's alright. Go and rest. When dad comes home, I will tell him that you're feeling unwell."

Edrey smiled at his mother, and nodded, "Thank you, mom." He pushed his chair back and stood. He spared Gorover one last look, but the male was not even looking at him. To ensure his mother did not notice anything wrong with him, he plastered a smile onto his face. "Well, Rover, aren't you going to wish me a good night?"

Gorover raised his head and gave him a smile. "Goodnight, Edrey." In a fit of childishness, Edrey stuck his tongue out at him.

"It's already a good night." He ran out of the room without waiting for either of their replies.

"Aiya. This child." Marlyssa smiled helplessly. "Tell me more." Marlyssa continued to probe Gorover. "How old is she? Is she already done with school?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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