
Chapter 1 - The Birth

One day, Aoi Suzuki age(25) just got home from the hospital after giving birth to Junpei Suzuki. Junpei's father, Daichi Suzuki, age(27) was on a business trip. Daichi is always on some sort of business trip. This time, he had gone to America for a meeting, leaving Aoi alone with Junpei. Junpei was a quiet baby. Sometimes he was so quiet, Aoi, thanks he's dead. Junpei was a picky eater. Everything his mother tried to feed him, he would spit it out or knock it out of his mother's hand. Aoi found something Junpei would eat it was some smoshed up bananas with a side of apple sauce. When Daichi came back from his trip and went to hold Junpei, he would just cry, wanting his mother, Aoi.

By the time Junpei was 3, he knew how to walk and talk, and he started to grab things off the kitchen counters. Once, he grabbed a knife and almost stabbed himself by accident his mother grabbed the knife from him before he could stab himself. Other things like that happened around the house with Aoi stopping him with his dad being on other business trips.