
The Lich System [DROPPED]

This story is dropped for the foreseeable future.

Galaxy_2941 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Visitor

[Completed Quest: Meditation. You have gained 10 XP]

[Completed Quest: Reach Level 10. You have unlocked the [Shop]]

"Yes!" I nearly shouted "s-shit" I cover my mouth "I almost acted like a real kid there, [Shop]"

The shop tab opened up and there was a big catalog of items but there was one problem: The shop required actual money.

"No!" I sigh "damn it. I know it's called a shop but why does it actually cost money? Does it at least give me good deals?"

[Benefits of the shop include: everything for sale in the shop is the market value price and will go up or down depending on the world's average market price for the item, you don't have to be holding your money but as long as that money is counted as yours (stealing included) you can add it to the shop's treasury, the shop's treasury is an infinite sub-space where you can store all your gold in a safe location, the shop has items that aren't actually for sale in the real world and if it doesn't exist it can fabricate a price based on how valuable it would be to the people of this world.]

"Well I guess that kinda makes sense if I'm getting all these benefits… alright, store all the money I have in the treasury." I say and a counter at the top right of the shop window says that I have 1 gold, 30 silver, and 12 coppers. In this world there are copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces; copper pieces are like 0.01 USD, silver pieces are 1 USD, Gold pieces are 100 USD, and platinum pieces are 1000 USD.

"Show me what necromancy spell books are available to me within my price range" I say and the items are sorted into showing only necromancy books in my price range. After a bit of searching I found 3 for 10 silver pieces each: [Corpse Explosion], [Drain Vitality], [Summon Spirit Servant].

This leaves me with 1 gold and 12 copper pieces. After the next few days I keep the inn closed for 'maintenance' as I learn all 3 spells.

[Corpse Explosion

Cost: 20 Mana

School: Necromancy

Fill a corpse with mana and cause an explosion causing 25% Necrotic damage]

[Drain Vitality

Cost: 10 Mana per sec

School: Necromancy

Drain the life from your target stealing 1% HP per second]

[Summon Spirit Servant

Cost: 10 Mana

School: Necromancy

Summon 2 spirits that are completely invisible to all creatures except those that can see past invisibility and will do tasks for you but will not fight.]

I use 10 Mana to summon my spirit servants before allocating my 5 AP into Magic to round up my Mana to 30, I had been allocating my points each level up to this point.


Name: Varen Nightshade The Deathless

Class: Necromancer

Title: The Deathless

Level: 10 (0/1000)

Health: 100/100

Stamina: 30/30

Mana: 300/300

AP: 0

Strength: 1

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 30

Magic: 30

Speed: 3

Agility: 3

Charisma: 10

Luck: 11

Spells: Necrotic Bolt Lv. 1, Animate Lesser Corpse Lv. 1, Horrid Laughter Lv. 1, Necrotic Healing Lv. 1, Candlelight Lv. 5, Telekinesis Lv. MAX, Gust Lv. 1, Water shot Lv. 1, Stone Bullet Lv. 1, Summon Undead Lv. 1, Corpse Explosion Lv. 1, Drain Vitality Lv. 1, Summon Spirit Servant Lv. 1

Skills: Prepare Lesser Corpse Lv. 1, Butcher Corpse Lv. 1, Rune Carving Lv. 1, Mana Gem Crafting Lv. 1, Meditation Lv. MAX, Sense Magic Lv. 5]

I had maxed out Telekinesis and Meditation while running the Inn and meditating every night before bed. Reaching max meditation level has also given me a passive skill: [Sense Magic] which before allowed me to see and sense when magic is being used but not what it is or where it is but now at level 7 I can tell what kind of magic is being used, where it is being used, and as long as I know the spell I can tell what spell is being used.

I open the Inn and the townsfolk fill in. I begin serving drinks and food as per my usual schedule when the baron walks into my inn "Ah Baron lockheart! It's good to see you again!" Baron Lockheart is the baron that has control over this land "come have a seat, would you like your usual?"

"Yes please but give me water instead of wine, I'm trying to cut back on drinking these days" the baron explains.

"Of course" I have one of the spirit servants serve him

"That's a neat trick, what's the spell called?" he asks

"Unseen servant" I lied "I figured out how to summon a low level air elemental and had it take this form"

"Impressive, my offer still stands by the way" the baron says "I'm willing to adopt you at any time and help you with your studies"

"And again I must decline, I prefer the humble life of an innkeeper." I told him, and to be honest I've started to grow fond of the village and its people and I know I called being an NPC boring but I kind of like it, it's a peaceful and simple life.

I've learned a lot about the kingdom I'm in which is called the Vaesian Empire. Its an empire that abhors dark magic and has taken over pretty much the entire continent. Dark magic is only used for research purposes and under very strict regulations so no doubt I would be killed on the spot if I'm ever found out so I'd just like to stay like this forever… but if I want to get stronger I have to start doing the quests the system is giving me of which I have 3 new ones.


Meditation (Repeatable Daily)- 10 XP

Kill a person via poisoning- Rune: Poison

Experiment on a living person- Rune: Imprisonment

Create a blank Bone Totem from human bones- Skill: Bone Totem Creation]

Since I've reached level 10 and established myself into the village I can begin moving with my plans. A visitor comes in later in the day and asks for a room. I give him the key to the room and he goes to put his stuff away before coming back down for a meal and a drink which I provide.

In my down time I had looked through the shop and found something that was for sale: A lab. For 1 gold I can buy a 30x30x30 extradimensional space that comes with experimentation tools and a place to hold down 'patients'. Only I can open the door to this room but that doesn't mean I can't bring anybody inside with me. The room being an extra dimensional space also means that sound cannot travel outside the room.

I buy the lab and a sleeping drug and mix it into the visitor's drink before serving him his meal. The man falls asleep not long after he finishes his meal and I use one of my spirit servants to bring him to his room as I clean up his dishes and people start to leave for the night.

Once I am done I go to the visitor's room and have a spirit servant carry him to the door which I shut. I open the door once again to reveal not the hallway but the lab and have the man carried through into the lab.

That night was filled with silent screams.

[Completed: Experiment on a living person. You have learned Rune: Imprisonment]