
The Lich System [DROPPED]

This story is dropped for the foreseeable future.

Galaxy_2941 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 1: My Rebirth

[Congratulations! You are dead.]

[You are about to be reborn into a new body! Please select your fate.]



Pain. The only thing I felt was Pain. My entire boring life, no friends, no family, working at a shitty convenience store and I don't even know how I died. Would it have killed me to do one exciting thing? Well, I guess it did but I think it doesn't matter what I did now that I'm here.

Looking up at the text all I could think of was those shitty novels that I loved to read all the time when I was a kid.

"I can't believe it, what are the fucking chances?"

I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time: excitement. My life- or rather my new life, was going to get a lot more exciting! I hurriedly tapped the Villain option. why? Because it's exciting! Being a Hero? Who wants to work for others for the rest of their life? An NPC? Yeah, that needs no explanation.

[Congratulations! You will become the new Villain of the World you will be sent into!]

[Now selecting the world at random..]


[Selection complete!]

[You will be going to the Fantasy World of Restoris!]

A fantasy world? Perfect! I was afraid for a moment because I thought it would be some Sci-fi world in which I had no interest. A new message soon showed up in front of me.

[You may now select your specified system!]

[Evil Overlord]


[Lich King]

A specified system huh? I kinda expected it to be called 'Evil System' if I even had a system at all. Now which to choose? I press on the first one 'Evil Overlord'.

[The Evil Overlord is the commander of armies and spreads his influence over the world by conquering countries and ruling with an iron fist. Main Attributes: Strength, Endurance.]

[Choose the Evil Overlord?]


The Evil Overlord sounds nice but I don't think it's for me, I'd rather not wait for one of my soldiers or subjects to stab me in the back so I Press 'N' and look at the other two options and select 'Demonlord'.

[The Demonlord is the apex of all Demons and Devils and His Strength knows no limits and can force other demons under his command. Main Attributes: Strength, Charisma]

[Choose the Demonlord?]


That wasn't very helpful, it just seems like the Evil Overlord with extra steps. I'm starting to see a theme here but I'll still want to check out the last option so I press 'N' and select 'Lich King'.

[The Lich king is the master of undeath, with his immortality and control over death he has a full army of the undead under his command. Main Attributes: Intelligence, Magic]

[Choose the Lich king?]


Well, they all seem like they just seem like the commanders of armies but I digress, the Evil Overlord is a no for me so it's between the Demonlord and the Lich king. I've already died once and that experience was horrible so I guess there's only one option for me. I select the Lich king and press 'Y'.

[Congratulations User! you will not be transported into the world of Restoris! Please Hold while we Overwrite your existence with your choice]

"Wait what?" Overwrite my existence? what's that mean? I found out rather quickly as a shocking pain ran through my head and my body. I felt my entire body being torn apart, not just

my body but my soul as well. The next thing I knew though I was only waking up to the sound of water dripping.

I quickly sit up and look around. I was inside a cave where a campsite was set up around me, burning fire and everything.

I quickly check something "Status"


Name: Varen Nightshade

Class: Necromancer

Level: 1 (0/100)

Health: 30/30

Stamina: 30/30

Mana: 150/150

AP: 5

Strength: 1

Endurance: 3

Intelligence: 15

Magic: 15

Speed: 3

Agility: 3

Charisma: 5

Luck: 10

SP: 5

Spells: Necrotic Bolt Lv. 1, Animate Lesser Corpse Lv. 1, Horrid Laughter Lv. 1

Skills: Prepare Lesser Corpse Lv. 1, Butcher Corpse Lv. 1]

"Perfect!" I smile and look at a tent "Analyze"


Grade: E

Condition: Fine

A standard tent commonly used for sleeping]

I smile even more "Inventory"

A blue window with a bunch of dark squares shows up, only a few have items in it.

I was smiling like a madman.

I take out the items and analyze them

[Iron Dagger

Grade: E

Condition: Perfect

A traditional Iron dagger that does 10% Piercing damage]

[Necromancers Staff

Grade: E

Condition: Perfect

Enhances the casting of Necromancy spells by 10%]

[Necromancers tools

Grade: E

Condition: Perfect

Contains various instruments of dismemberment and dissection as well as sewing supplies and leather strips]

[Necromancers Hooded Robes

Grade: E

Condition: Perfect

Enchanted to enhance mental capacity and Mana flow +1 to Intelligence and Magic]

I put on the robes and put away the tools before strapping the dagger onto my waist just in case I lose my staff.

I then check my few spells and skills.

[Necrotic Bolt Lv. 1

Cost: 10 Mana

School: Necromancy

Sends out a bolt of Necrotic Energy that deals 10% Necrotic Damage rounding up]

I nod as this was the basic attack skill that I had in my arsenal but the next one confused me despite the name being so simple

[Animate Lesser Corpse Lv. 1

Cost: 50 Mana

School: Necromancy

Cast on a [Prepared Corpse] or [Prepared Skeleton] to raise it permanent as an undead minion]

I assume I'll learn what that's about later, it probably has something to do with [Prepare Lesser Corpse].

[Horrid Laughter Lv. 1

Cost: 50 Mana

School: Necromancy

Summon the voices of the dead who mock the living and have a 1% chance to drive somebody insane with the voices assuming they have less than your intelligence and Magic stat divided by 2, otherwise it applies the [Rotting] curse effect for 1% Necrotic Damage per second rounded down]

I nod, it makes sense that this costs as much as it does because it has a chance of driving somebody mad.

Now I look over at my skills.

[Prepare Lesser Corpse Lv. 1

Cost: Dependant

Guides you through the preparation of a corpse by turning it into a [Prepared Skeleton] or [Prepared Zombie] each of which needs different materials to create and bigger corpses need more stamina to create, manual preparation is required.]

Dependent? And I guess I need stamina to use this skill. I look at the last skill I have.

[Butcher Corpse Lv. 1

Cost: Dependant

Guides you through the process of butchering a corpse big or small. More stamina needed the bigger the corpse, manual preparation is required]

I guess I'll find out what these actually do when I kill something. And so I start to pack up the camp and stamp out the fire. Once I'm done I put everything in my inventory and start to explore the cave.