
The Lich's path ; Apocalypse

Creation. Destruction. Life. And Death. Long ago, these four beings existed in harmony...but then ' he ' came. The end of creation. The Lord of destruction. The son of anti life. The death of Death itself. In a zombie apocalypse, one human is chosen as the new vessel of a being older than the world itself. Whilst the world wonders of the horrors around it, it is unaware of the most dangerous threat to ever walk the Earth. Lesley Woodsman, a human survivor in a post apocalypse has to find a way to save the human race from zombies, monsters and... things to horrific to mention. " If he fails...' he'll ' kill, everyone."

NixelLazuli · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Tutorial time

When Deadpool was first created , it consisted of soldiers who were recruited to defend the people . Unfortunately many of those soldiers died or were turned into the undead . The world government decided to recruit as many people , younger people even , who were able to fight off the zombie masses .

Especially after many cities fell , many people died and as many Deadpool centres were destroyed . Although it was not the organisation at fault . The Deadpool organisation was not a problem solving and ultimate power saviour . If it was , alot more people would apply , that being the case , less than 30 % of citizens apply at Deadpool-HQs across the world .

Because there was no guarantee of protection from the organisation .

It teaches citizens how to protect themselves and the city but most Deadpool organisation centres do not rescue people outside the safezones . If one of their squads was in danger outside the safezone , then it would let them die . Everyone who joined the organisation knew that when push comes to shove , it's everyone for themselves .

Deadpool-HQ was huge , vast and multi-floored . Lesley looked around the place as he walked with Liam to the report station . People walked around , some wearing business suits or military uniforms and others were simple civilians . The Deadpool organisation centres were still part of a CBD of a city .

" Come on , stop looking around . You are going to ruin my reputation . " Liam said looking at Lesley .

" What reputation ? Your squad is ranked 36 . " Lesley asked with an eye roll and Liam grumbled .

Squad team had rankings , based on the number of excursions they had gone on and the number of zombie kills they had . The rank number was also the squad team name . The higher the rank , the better respected a squad was and it was rumoured that the weapons of upper ranked squads were delux made and imported . A very difficult thing for a safezone city to do .

" Yes , how can I help you ? " A blonde woman wearing a tight military uniform asked them . Her hair was in a bun and she had a cap on . She stood behind a computer , by a glass counter with a sign above that said ' Squad recruitment ' . Other stalls were there for civilians , covering things such as ' Banking ' , ' Social security ' , ' Marital affairs ' and many more .

But they had more people than the two redhead men at the blonde woman's counter .

" I'm here to reapply for a squad . " Lesley told her and she looked down at the computer infront of her .

" Name and squad ? " She asked him .

" Lesley Woodsman and squad team 36 ." He answered and she raised a brow and looked at Liam .

" Wait ... aren't you Liam Woodsman ? " She asked him .

" You know who he is ? "

" You know who I am ? "

The two boys asked at the same time . Liam composed himself and put on a smug face.

" Of course she does . Told you I have a reputation . " He said boldly .

" Yeah he does . " The blonde said with twinkle in her eyes , " He was the guy who got stuck in a glass elevator with zombies all around him . The glass was three inches thick and they couldn't get in but he was still screaming for help . Everyone knows that story . It's what keeps me laughing when work gets dull . I think to myself , ' Well atleast I'm not a Liam Woodsman ."

Liam's ego had deflated like a sad balloon and he was frowning , looking away from Lesley who had a ' ready to laugh face ' .

" Thank you ... so , my recruitment ? " Lesley asked taking them back on track .

" Oh , right. You're in the system , In housing 666 , and your previous application was denied because of age . " She said reading what was on the screen , " Looking at your birthday , you're now legally able to apply . You're going to have to go to briefing first though , you know ."

She reached under her counter and pulled out an ID card and handed it to him . It had a number six on it and Lesley put it around his neck .

" Go over through that door over there and ask for the debriefing room . They'll tell you where it is . " She said pointing to a grey door on the far right side of the room .

Lesley said his thanks started leaving , Liam waved him away . He had to go to his squad too but first ...

He turned to the woman and put on a charming smile .

" So hey , after your shift are you - "

" Don't you have an elevator waiting for you ? " She asked him flatly , and pointed him away . She was so not interested .

Liam gave a huff and left . It was her loss .


" Greetings Cadets . I'm joking , this isn't military camp . " A short chubby man said standing on a podium . Lesley tilted his head and gave the man a sour look .

He was in a small medium sized room , sitting on a chair with a video screen on the wall . The man inside the video was smiling at him and waving his hand friendly but Lesley felt distaste in his throat , so palpable it was like lemon and vinegar .

After leaving Liam , he'd been told to look for the room with a sign on the door that said ' Debriefing ' by another uniformed officer . That's when he'd come into this room and seen a chair with the words ' Sit here ' on the back . The room had no windows , only a door and a piece of crumpled paper in the corner .

" Now , I welcome all new rookies to the Deadpool-HQ . I am Milo Everest, CEO and founder of Deadpool . " The man said and the sound of clapping and cheering sounded in the video background making the man smile more .

Oh brother , what an ego . Lesley thought .

" Now , this video has been made to debrief you on your new ... profession as a Squad fighter . The very people who protect , defend and secure the lives of all safezone cities across the globe ! " He clapped his hands again and more clapping began , " Now first , to make sure you understand what you are going to face , I'll be explaining everything to you . Think of it like a game tutorial . So ... It's tutorial time ! "

The screen swiped over and a video of zombies chasing humans played . It was a suburban area and people were running , screaming and yelling as the undead monsters chased them

" Since the beginning of the apocalypse , humans have found themselves at a considerable disadvantage . The threat we face is faster , stronger and uglier than us . "

Milo Everest's voice sounded across the video .

" No matter how hard we tried , we could not eradicate the menace . But then there was a visionary genius , Me , who decided to safe guard the surviving humans in state of the art , safezone cities . There , humans could live , reproduce and not be running around like headless chickens for the zombies to kill us . "

The video swiped again and a beautiful city showed on the creek . The sky was a crystal blue , with a lovely river and golden red bridge.

" We may never get back to this but we can survive . And that , survival , is the part where you come in . "

The screen changed again and a man wearing military combat uniform showed on the screen . He was shooting at a horde of zombies with other people aswell .

" The Squad fighters are the most important part of maintaining the safezone cities and to the human race's survival . Do you want to save your loved ones ? Do you want to protect the people ? Do you want to fight for your life ? Then my friend , you are at the right place . "

The video went blank and Milo Everest appeared again in closeup . His face was round , a mole was on his cheek and he had a black beard , with wild hair like a forest bush .

" Now for the important part ; Enemy , Weapon and Goal . Im going to explain the enemy that you will be facing , the weapons you will use to fight them and the goal you must have . Ready rookie ? I know you are ! "

The screen flipped over and a full view of a zombie appeared on the screen . It was one of an old man , wearing blue torn pants and a plad shirt . He was dirty and bloody , with a broken jaw hanging loose .

" This is your standard zombie . Although he looks old , don't let that fool you . A zombie's greatest threat is their human like appearance, and you must never forget ; THEY'RE NOT HUMAN ! "

The zombie on the screen charged forward and jumped out of the screen , reaching out for Lesley who fell back on his chair in shock . Just as the long claw like hand was about to carve him open , it froze and glitched . Lesley looked at it and when Milo's loud laugh sounded on the video he gritted his teeth in anger .

" Sorry rookie , but that's lesson number one ; Be aware and be cautious . You're lucky this was just a hologram . " Milo said chuckling and the zombie hologram disappeared and appeared back in the screen . Lesley got up and fixed his chair , glaring at the video screen .

Prick , he thought as Milo started talking again .

" Most zombies attack in groups , and that , along with their terrifying stats makes them formidable . The only way to kill a zombie is buy blowing its head off or cutting off the head . Just get that head off and it's over . "

Lesley watched as a gun appeared infront of the zombie and blew off its head . The body fell like a potato sack.

" So bada$$ . " Milo said as if he'd shot the zombie .

The screen wiped over and another zombie appeared , this time it was a young girl zombie in a what was once a pretty pink dress . It was a ragged filthy thing now , not even fit to be called clothing . The zombie had a hanging eyeball and bloody hands . Her face was in an evil grin and her hair was like tangled rope .

" Now things you should be concerned about when fighting a zombie are ; Surprise and Infection . If you let a zombie attack you by surprise , then you're a goner . Hence the little prank earlier . "

Lesley nodded his head , actually feeling surprised by his words . Maybe he has some sense in his head , he thought .

" Now infection is a major problem . If a zombie was to bite you and their bloody saliva was to enter your blood stream then you'd be in risk of turning into one .

Fortunately , scientists in the Deadpool organisation have created a pathogen pill that stops the infection from spreading . This however only works in the first minute of infection , since after two minutes the individual's heart stops and they become a full zombie . We haven't found a cure for zombies yet but we're trying .

So in the meantime don't get bitten , okay ? Because if so , then company policy is that you are instantly cured or killed . We're short on numbers and we'd hate to lose you , so be careful and defend yourself . "

The screen wiped over and a detailed gun appeared . It was like an AK-47 but had no obvious ammo barrel and it was completely black .

" Now onto weapons , my favourite part . The are three standard weapons that Squad teams have ; Gun , Knife and On hand . The gun , also known as Skillets are a creation of Deadpool organisation . I made them all by myself ! "

Lesley gave a look , how did this guy become a CEO ?

" The Skillet is a powerful , 3 bullets a second gun , with enough power to sever the skull off the body . Don't go pointing that baby at your mother , she won't think it's funny . Believe me , I know . "

Milo appeared on the screen and gave an eye roll , then the screen wiped over and a knife appeared . It was silver and shined like a diamond , it's handle was black with a brown diamond in the centre .

" Then we have the Crux , another invention by Deadpool organisation . It's a diamond and glass edged dagger , sharp enough to cut through flesh , bone , steel and even gold . Now this baby you definitely should not use in the kitchen . Why you ask ? Let's just say my stove used to be in one piece . "

Laughing sounds started in the video and Milo appeared again with a pleased smile . Then the video swiped again and this time it was a picture of a kitchen , and Milo appeared inside it .

" Now , the last weapon ; On hand . " Milo said , " The name , I'm sure gave you a clue or an idea of what it is already , right ? On hand weapons are any form of tool or object that you can use as a weapon . Anything that's on hand . See that ? I came up with that . That's right , Deadpool thought of another apocalypse weapon . What are the odds ? "

" Not that many . " Lesley muttered .

" Now , after this debriefing you will be assigned to your squad team where the captain will take you on a preliminary basis , until the next reselection , where you will be instated as a Squad fighter . Thanks for your time and good luck . "

The screen went black and Lesley breathed a deep sigh .

" Oh , another thing . " Milo said as the screen turned back on , " If you are to bring any survivors from the outside world , then you're fired . I am technically your boss so yeah . Bye . "

" Wait what ? " Lesley asked as the screen turned black .

Liam had never told him this . Everything the video had said about the zombies, weapons and cities was something Lesley knew , it was general knowledge . But that part about survivors ...

" I need to talk to Liam . "

Poor tutorial , but I think everyone has an idea of the world now . If not , then there might be explanations in future chapters or not .

If a reader does have a question , please , ask away. I won't divulge the ending of the series but I will help you understand .

Now , next chapter please .

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I'm on a mission here !

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