
The Lich's path ; Apocalypse

Creation. Destruction. Life. And Death. Long ago, these four beings existed in harmony...but then ' he ' came. The end of creation. The Lord of destruction. The son of anti life. The death of Death itself. In a zombie apocalypse, one human is chosen as the new vessel of a being older than the world itself. Whilst the world wonders of the horrors around it, it is unaware of the most dangerous threat to ever walk the Earth. Lesley Woodsman, a human survivor in a post apocalypse has to find a way to save the human race from zombies, monsters and... things to horrific to mention. " If he fails...' he'll ' kill, everyone."

NixelLazuli · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Midnight dull

Lesley lifted the white basket of medicine he had found in a backroom closet . It had not been easy finding the medicine capsules , there was very little medicine left in the hospital they were in . Rick had said it was because survivors often razed the building to help themselves when they got injured .

They were in Crossview hospital , one of the few hospitals left outside the citadel . Many squads had gone to find medication for the people in the citadels in the city ruins . An obvious question is why doesn't the citadel create it's own medicine ?

That was because the citadels lacked enough resources to make medicine for everyone or grow enough food for everyone . Of course import was an option but it was highly unlikely to work unless the citadel was in serious danger of starvation or outbreak . The reason being that it was getting harder and harder to find power fuel for vehicles and using air transportation , the only liable way of transport left , was too expensive .

The upper crust of society could afford some of these luxuries of course , but even they knew not too push for too much , or they would regret it . This meant that often or not , the Squad teams of Deadpool organisation were errand servers , getting supplies for the citadel inhabitants . They couldn't protect the people if those very people were starving and sick .

" Hey Liam , have you seen Rick ? " Lesley asked his cousin who gave a scoff .

" No , I haven't seen him . He is not my type . " Liam said and Lesley rolled his eyes .

" Not like that you numbskull , I meant do you know where he is ? I have my basket full already . I want to take it to the Rover . " Lesley said lifting his arm to show Liam the capsules and bottles .

They stood in a corridor , Liam next to a doorway and Lesley leaning against the wall . Ross was wandering around the above floors looking for more supplies and Martin and Rick were -

" One floor down . " Liam said pointing down , " I'll join you in a bit , I haven't found that much to count down here . "

" Be careful . We're close to the south area and survivors and zombies come in here alot . " Lesley said as he walked away .

" I told you that ! " Liam shouted to his retreating back and went into the room next to him .


Lesley walked down the corridor with one hand holding the basket and the other holding his Crux hilt . Rick had told him to always be on perpetual guard , an enemy can come from anywhere and anytime . Thinking about Rick made Lesley smile , despite the surroundings ;

Tiled floors with splashes of blood and brown dirt , as if an artistic zombie had decided to make a masterpiece .The lights above worked , although they were duller than those in the citadel , their illumination was as bright as a cloudy starless midnight . The air held a residue of disinfectant , stale paint and mold , it smothered the air making it slightly uncomfortable like a blanket on the nose . How could he be smiling in such a place ?

Because Lesley was in love . Rick was everything he liked , although slightly older than what he was used to . Rick was kind , smart and a good leader . When he'd asked Lesley out on a date , it had been a shock , good shock but still a shock .

They'd gone to the central area where most rich people went and the restaurant had been very upper crust , making Lesley curious about how Rick could afford it . He'd said he'd inherited alot of money from a few dead relatives . But when Lesley heard the bill and when Rick paid for it , he knew it was more than a few dead relatives .

After that , they just started to see each other more often , at work and outside work . Liam had been outraged at first but he'd just had to swallow it . After all , Lesley had not been that happy since ... his mom and grand-

" Grrr . "

Lesley stopped in his tracks and moved to a door , opening it and stepping into the room instantly . He opened a crack and looked down the corridor , seeing nothing at first . Then a horrid smell of decay washed over his nose and a few moments afterwards , five zombies moved across the corridor .

He shut the door softly , and pulled out his Skillet , backing away from the door slowly . There was no way he could take on all of those zombies , atleast without being bitten and dying .

Which is so not happening , he thought as he aimed his gun at the door , his nerves on edge but his aim straight .

Groaning sounds moved infront of the door and shadows could be seen at the small crack at the doors bottom . The zombies passed by and did not pause at the door . Lesley breathed a sigh of relief .

Then the door opened .


Mel moved across the street , groaning and moaning like alot of the zombies around him . He'd joined a group of undead , who were out on a hunt for brains and blood .

Many of the zombies in his group were mangled , burnt and in many stages of decay . One woman had a neck bent backwards so much that her head was sagging behind on her back . Another zombie , a man , had no arms and lacked the sense of sight since he had no eyes either .

What could cause people such grotesque states of deformity ? What brutality had led to their state of eternal horror ?

What indeed ?

Mel turned around a corner and then he stopped , raising his head like a few of the zombies in his group . They sniffed the air , smelling like rabid dogs , or better yet , like wolves hungry for a kill .

When they smelt the aroma of human flesh , fresh and tender in its smell alone , Mel opened his mouth and growled with the rest of the zombies . They turned towards the building where the smell was coming from ; Crossview hospital .

My schedule is going to be consumed by tests , exams and studying but I will try as hard as I can to upload ten chapters this week if , not then maybe 8 or nine .

But , how is it going so far ?

It's turning out just as I wanted .

You all are wondering what it who opened the door aren't you ?

NixelLazulicreators' thoughts