
The library Of Forgotten Knowledge

The Library. A place that fuels all knowledge across the universe. When James, a person from one of the core worlds, becomes the library's new master, chaos ensues. *This will feature characters from anime/manga, books/movies, and videogames.* Suggestions and improvements are welcome as im new to writing.

red_panda_man · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

James was bored. There was nothing to do in this stupid tower except train all day. The phantom troupe had been gone for a week and hadn't come back, so he had nothing to do. A new visitor would be nice, maybe someone who wouldn't return the book so he could go somewhere. As if he was answered by the gods, the doors rumbled open and a slimy voice spoke out, "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" 'Ughhhh' He recognized that voice, not someone he exactly wanted to meet. A snake.

*Orochimaru POV*

He marveled at the crack that had appeared in his base. He had been experimenting when Kabuto burst in and told him he had to see something. He was ready to kill kabuto until he showed what it was. The crack gave off an energy different to chakra, but similar. His hypothesis was that it was a portal to somewhere, but he could never know unless he tested it. Grabbing a random subordinate he tossed them in and watched, fascinated, as they vanished.

Making up his mind he spoke, "Kabuto, we are going to enter this crack and see what is on the other side." He could see Kauto visibly gulp but came anyway. Grabbing him he hurled them both in and promptly felt like he was being torn apart, before he passed out. He groaned as he woke and looked around, shocked to see he was in a huge grass field, with an impossibly large tower in the middle. Letting out his distinct creepy laugh he glanced to the side and sneered.

His subordinate was lying there as a pile of flesh. 'He apparently couldn't handle the travel and died. Weakling.' Looking further he saw Kabuto slowly waking up. Pleased that he was strong enough, he called out, "Kabuto, come we are going to that tower and they will give us our answers." Groaning Kabuto let out a weak response and followed him. Arriving at the door he put his hand in the slot and watched in amazement as the doors opened to reveal something that made him drool.

Hundreds of thousands of books were stacked on shelves and he wanted all this knowledge. His eyes shone as he thought about the techniques that were held in their pages. "Incredible, isn't it." Whirling around with hand signs already ready he faced the voice. The man was young, about 20 and was wearing white robes. Smiling, the man spoke again, "No need to get worked up, Orochimaru." Hissing and keeping hand signs ready, he asked a question. "Who are you and where am I." The man smiled lightly before speaking. "We are in an alternate dimension that holds this library, everything ever written down lies here. I am the tower master, and will allow you to take one book as long as you return it within 2 weeks." The… Tower Master? Spoke.

Licking his lips and smiling devilishly, he asked the question he had always wanted, "Do you have books on immortality?" The man smiled and nodded before speaking, "I have books on how to make a Philosopher's Stone. A stone that can turn metal to gold and extend the lifespan of someone indefinitely." Licking his lips, not noticing the small smirk on the mans face, Orochimaru laughed in his mind, 'Finally, FINALLY, I can achieve immortality.' Smiling largely, he nodded. He had no intention of returning the book though.


Sighing, he summoned the book to his hand. Orochimaru could never figure out how to make it anyway, he would fail and then rage. He was 100% sure that Orochimaru would never return the book and that he would have to hunt him down. He also didn't think that he would make any copies, he was a paranoid bastard. Smiling, he handed Orochimaru the book and forced him out when he saw him getting ready to blow a large ball of fire in his face. Getting ready to sleep he was startled when the door opened again and the Phantom Troupe walked in.

"Ahhh, you're early. I hope the book was useful?" He smiled as he spoke but he could tell they saw through it. With his ever present blank tone Chrollo spoke, "Yes it was…. most helpful." As he handed the book over I smiled and sent it back. I knew it was useful, I chose it after all.

*Phantom Troupe POV*

In reality, the book was more than helpful. It detailed certain monsters to avoid, and what was safe to eat. It identified certain plants and what they could do, what monsters had what abilities and so forth. The most surprising thing was that humans had come from the dark continent, and that they're known world was so tiny. The book would be incredibly useful when they boarded the Black Whale. The book was priceless, and they wanted to keep it badly. However, the Tower Master was helpful and they wanted to stay on his good side. So, they copied the book and returned it.


I smiled at the spiders before leading them out the real exit instead of enforcing them out, a…. payment for returning the book so fast.

2 Weeks Later.

He sighed as he got ready to leave. Unsurprisingly, Orochimaru had not returned the book, and now he had to go get it, lest the tower be mad. He went to the back room and put on clothes that pretty much looked like Kaneki's battle suit in season 2 of the anime. He was confident in his ability to beat Orochimaru, but first he needed to find him, that was the hard part. His constant movement across dozens of hidden bases would make it tricky, but he had an idea.

It would probably be best to try and work with the Akatsuki, he would need to prove his helpfulness first but they also wanted to go after him. Sighing, he spoke to the tower, "World Travel, Naruto, Border of Ame." He had a gut wrenching sensation before he landed on some grass. Pooping up he looked towards the never ending rain. Sighing he walked towards it and got 10 feet in before he got attacked by Ame ninjas. Sighing, he used earth spears to impale them and move on. They did attack first after all.

Ame truly was incredible, regardless of the rain. Countless metal towers stretched high into the clouds, painting a depressingly beautiful scene. Pushing on, he walked through the city towards the Akatsuki tower. Getting to the door he used wind magic and flew up the side before landing on the tower. He was surprised to see Konan and he attempted to speak but she attacked. Sighing, he used fire to burn all her papers, though a few nicked him because of her overall experience, then appeared behind her and held a knife to her throat. "I would like to speak with your leader. I have a proposed temporary partnership." Konan struggled in his grip before reluctantly getting up and leading him to the Six Paths.

Before he could speak, Yahiko, dead, spoke. "What do you want with us and why should we accept your partnership?" He could tell that Pain was ready to attack, and he could feel 2 very large signatures in the dark of the room. Keeping his face blank and his tone even, he spoke, "Orochimaru has stolen something from me, I know you are hunting him and I would like us to partner up. You will locate him, I will go kill him, take what's mine and give you the ring." Pein narrowed his eyes at the ring comment but spoke, "You have a deal." James smirked in victory.