
The library Of Forgotten Knowledge

The Library. A place that fuels all knowledge across the universe. When James, a person from one of the core worlds, becomes the library's new master, chaos ensues. *This will feature characters from anime/manga, books/movies, and videogames.* Suggestions and improvements are welcome as im new to writing.

red_panda_man · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

He cursed as he burned the corpse of another death eater. 2 months of this shit, and he had no leads. He had raided many death eater camps, interrogating then killing them all, but no one knew anything. They didn't know where his book was or even where their leader was. They were utterly useless. They camped out in the woods, attacking defenseless people, and to top it all off, they were weak! They were incredibly weak. He could wipe out the whole camp in minutes with barely any effort. He sighed, flying back towards Hogwarts for the day. It was currently 2 in the morning and he had classes today. Oh how he hated those classes. All the children were incompitent, so stuck in their ways that they refused to learn anything they considered "out of the ordinary."

They were so reliant on their wands that most of them couldn't understand the fact that he didn't need a wand. It was annoying to be honest, and he wanted to strangle them sometimes. However, he couldn't do that, and instead he just taught. He arrived in his room, entering through the window, and decided to get some sleep before his next class. As he lay down, he thought about the fact that he got blood on his shoes.

*Hours Later, Fourth Period, Fencing Hall*

He looked up at the 7th year students, slytherin and ravenclaw. This was his favorite class, as these two groups didn't fight each other and were very willing to learn. It had been whittled down to a measly 15 students, 7 from ravenclaw and 8 from slytherin. Some had quit after being injured, others had been kicked out. None of them mattered in the slightest though, these 15 were the elite of his class. He would start teaching them real magic now.

"Welcome, to the day your lives as mages truly begin. Up until now, I have yacht you mere party tricks, shadows of the true potential. However, you 15 will become the greatest battle mages of your generation after today. You will learn to defeat your enemies without resistance. And we start with your affinity." He had done that on the first day, tested their affinities. He didn't have an affinity, as he was an "undead" and was connected directly to reality. This group of 7th years was pretty impressive. He taught them how to turn the mana in the air directly into an element, and they were generally quite successful. The day soon turned to night, and he was once again jumping out of his window.

He had located a larger than normal group of death eaters, and they were his target for the night. He flew just below super sonic so as to not make any noise, arriving in a decrepit old mansion minutes later. He landed softly on the overgrown grass, noting that what looked like the dining room had a light. He crept slowly up to the house, climbing in through an open second floor window and creeping down. He peeked his head around a corner and identified multiple people in black robes with masks lying next to them. There was a candle in the middle of the room, and they were speaking in hushed whispers. He took a deep breath and slowly closed his fist, watching as they all clawed at their throats and slowly fell unconscious. He released his hold and gulped air down his lungs.

He walked to the one who seemed most rich, as they were likely the leader, and put his hand over his mouth. Waking him up with a jolt of electricity, he watched as the man frantically struggled under his hand as he put a finger to lips. The man nodded fearfully, and he took his hand off of his mouth. He coated his hand in electricity, and spoke. "What do you know about the location of Voldemort and a large black book?" The man's eyes widened before he too whispered, "Our lord is currently hiding out in a cemetery not 10 miles too the east." James miled, though it looked quite creepy in the candle light, and spoke "Thank you." before he coated his hand in a wind blade and cut his head off. He walked outside humming a jaunty tune, happy to finally have real lead. A he walked away, the house exploded behind him.

He found the cemetery after a few minutes of flying, and was surprised to see that the man was telling the truth. There, in all his glory, was Voldemort. He was sitting in the dark of the cemetery, surrounded by Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and an unknown pale man. He could just remove their air, but he didn;t know how fast they could hold their breath or cast a spell to prevent their death. So, a more straightforward approach was necessary. He crept slowly behind the sleeping Malfoy, and pierced straight through his chest with his spear. He did the same with Bellatrix, however, when he turned to do the same to the pale man, he found him gone.

He leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the claws of the unknown man. He observed as the man stood to his full height, and revealed a pale face, red eyes, and….. Fangs? Shit, vampire. That was problematic. They were fast, strong, and had claws that could pierce armour. He also had to deal with the fact that Voldemort was pointing a wand at him and shouting "Avada Kedavra!" He dashed to the side, spinning his spear around trying to pierce the vampire. He dodged, slashing his claws at James who ducked and spun on his heels, going for an uppercut slash. It landed, cutting a large gash from his crotch through his chest. The vampire jumped back in anger, wounds sizzling as the closed.

Double shit, vampire that could heal. Only way to bea that was to overload his heal factor and deal so much damage in such a short amount of time that his healing short circuited. Best way to do that? Kebab him. He dashed forward, spear held in front of him as he coated the tip in wind and lighting. He appeared in front of them man milliseconds after starting his dash, spear lunging forward straight into his chest and out his back. Second later, his insides were lit on fire with a veritable hell storm, frying his body all over. He could see his healing desperately trying to keep up with the burns, but it simply couldn't. It held out for a few seconds, before it stopped, and the vampire died for good. He pulled his spear out and stopped the fire, leaping backwards as a flying tombstone tried to flatten him.

He sent his own tombstone back, followed by a jet of water and himself, all aimed at Voldemort. The tombstone came from the front, the water from the back, and him from the side. He blocked the spear and the tombstone, but the water caught him, instantly forming a bubble around his body, trapping and browning him. James walked up to the bubble, watching as Voldemort struggled to stay alive. He stuck his hand in, charging the sphere with electricity and ending the struggle. He knew he wasn't truly dead, as the horcruxes would keep him alive, but it was enough for him to get his book and get the hell out. He searched the camp, finding the book in a simple bag, just lying there. He shrugged, picking up the book and returning to the tower. He never returned to Hogwarts, and his class never happened again. Most assumed he died, but a select few knew better.

*1 Day Later, Tower*

Today, he had something new on the agenda. He wanted to create a magic for himself. While the idea he had in mind had probably been done before, he felt that if he made it himself it would be better suited and work better. His plan for this magic was to be able to convert magic into threads. Basic right? But there was so much he could do. From decapitation, to creating weapons, too laying traps, it was as versatile as it got. He breathed in, visualizing exactly what he wanted to do and pushed out the tip of his finger, watching as a pure white string slowly slunk out. He smirked.

Authors Note: Kinda short but i didn't have many ideas for this chapter.