
The Library of "Against the Gods" Smut

This is going to be where I publish my friends and my ATG smut fanfictions. I will put the general tags/ warnings in front of each one, so you know whether or not you want to avoid it. A bunch of Oneshots. Each chapters will be its own thing. (These Fanfictions All Stem from the ATG server, I will not be posting other fanfictions written elsewhere, even though some of them are really high quality and nice, I don't want to take peoples work without them knowing.)

Jhacterian · Book&Literature
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Yun Che x Ying'er ("Tools of Fate")

Setting: Takes place 98k words chapter 1554

Tags: Sole Male, Sole Female

Author: Firos <3(Servers Airplane)

Yun Che leaned forward and fiercely twisted Ying'er's left breast, roughly pushing her to the ground.

"Do you even know how to be a proper human furnace?" Yun Che asked with an ice cold voice, but with eyes blazing with greed.

Ying'er's eyes flashed with a little shock and confusion, but slowly dimmed into helplessness and resignation.

"Haha..." Yun Che laughed callously, "No matter, I'll be your teacher. Starting today, and then every single day I will teach you! Even if you don't want to learn, your body will still learn!"


With a harsh sound Ying'er's black clothes were ripped by Yun Che's hot berserk hands. Her perfect body that none have ever been fortunate enough to even glimpse now lay bare before his eyes, her skin gleaming with a divine luster.

In that dark room, her body shone with a gentle moonlit glow, her icy snow white beautiful skin graced every flawless curve. It was as if that dim gloomy room suddently became a fantastic dreamland as Yun Che gazed upon her peerless peaks.

Ying'er's body trembled slightly, but she did not resist, nor did she have the qualifications to resist. This was the price she must pay. Clenching her teeth, she had many moments where she thought it would have been better to have the slave mark, at least that way her body and soul wouldn't have to endure this crushing humiliation.

She slowly closed her beautiful eyes in resignation, but Yun Che's eyes were blazing with burning passion. He had thought that except for hatred, he would never again be moved by emotions, but the goddess's jadelike body unexpectedly stoked his lust almost to the point of death.

After sealing the Devil Empress's source blood into Ying'er, he no longer managed the fusion directly, but instead crudely pressed her under his body.

With her eyes closed in darkness, Yun Che's masculine scent immediately assaulted her senses as he leaned in even closer. Ying'er's heart began to beat faster and faster as the moment she had thought she had prepared for drew closer and closer. Living a life devoted to cultivation and devising cruel strategies, Ying'er had never let a man be in such close proximity to her for almost all of her near 1,000 years. Besides her precious mom, she never even shared a hug with another human being before and yet here was Yun Che, one hand tainting her left breast as his hot breath drew closer to her face.

Disgust turned her heart ice cold when suddenly she felt something warm and slimy on her right cheek. Opening her eyes in horror she caught sight of the side profile of Yun Che's face as he licked her own. What? Is? He? Doing?

Yun Che pulled his head away and stared back at her shocked eyes with an indolent smirk as he licked his lips, "The goddess is tastier than I thought..."

Ying'er wasn't completely ignorant to the ways of a man and woman, but it never occured to her that he would do something as indecent as licking her face! She forced herself to close her eyes and shut that disgusting man out of her sight as she recollected her composure and said, "Do as you like. I'm your tool as you are mine."

"Hahahaha! Good! Good!" Yun Che laughed with a laughter that was both full of hatred and delight. He continued to allow his rough tongue to taste her face, her neck, her breasts, as his experienced and rough hands ravaged her snow white curves. The sight of Ying'er shutting her eyes while being defiled was heartbreaking, but strangely beautiful. The number one goddess in the universe, with a countenance comparable to the creation god Li Suo, was lying there naked before a devil. Her lofty snow white face that glistened like pearls now glistened with sweat. Her cherry, petal like lips now lightly parted as she gasped for air. Her smooth white jade thighs twisted and turned as Yun Che continued to lick and rough up her body with his greedy paws.

Engrossed in tasting the goddess, it was as if he wanted to savor this moment for as long as possible. However, little Che waits for no one. Engorged with blood with veins pulsing, his little dragon was standing firm and was hotly pressed against his own abdomen, seeking release. Yun Che reached and started to pry open that pair of tightly closed jade white thighs, but was met with resistance. With a slight frown he pulled harder but was met with even fiercer resistance. Yun Che's dark eyes, as if it realized something, filled with disappointment as he glanced at that panting goddess who had her arms wrapped around her breasts and her eyes slightly shut. No matter how enchanting the goddess was, for Yun Che who had lost everything, he didn't need her.

"Disappointing." Yun Che spat out, the fire in his eyes fading and in its place, callous gloom. He let go of Ying'er's legs and started getting up. Although he wasn't completely sure why, he was truly disappointed. There was no denying his hatred toward Ying'er. She had put him under a soul curse that no living being should ever have to experience. It was a pain so deep and rending that it even broke Yun Che's iron will, causing him to howl and beg his beloved for death. However, Yun Che had seen Ying'er's memories. He had seen the moment when Ying'er's whole life became a completely broken joke. He saw her unbending resolve to search for him with as little desperate hope as finding a needle in a haystack. He saw when she would rather be his slave to fulfill her revenge instead of hugging the thigh of the Southern Sea Emperor. He saw all that, and yet, somehow, she still couldn't let go. Without a slave seal it seemed like she couldn't part with her lofty dignity forged over almost one thousand years. Even it was for the sake of avenging her mother, she couldn't accept the humiliation. She was. Disappointing.

Yun Che slowly lifted his hand away from Ying'er when suddenly, two snow white dainty hands tightly gripped his wrist.

"Disappointing." Yun Che spat out.

Disappointing? What was? All Ying'er knew was that all the humiliation she felt was suddenly replaced with a sense of loss and confusion. Her hazy mind tried to understand the meaning of those words but in her heart all she felt was a creeping fear.

As Ying'er felt those hot, dissolute hands begin to leave her, her panting body suddenly trembled and froze like someone had cast her into an icy abyss. Amidst her panic, her mind suddenly flashed to that quiet garden with her mother's beaming smile. Her mother who would never come back. He took her. He took...

Ying'er fiercely opened her golden eyes and gripped Yun Che's wrist as if she were drowning. Gasping for air she managed to collect her thoughts.

"Finished already?" Ying'er challenged coldly.

Their two pairs of eyes met, one more beautiful than the golden sunrise and the other darker than the deepest night.

Before Yun Che could respond, Ying'er smoothly spread her beautiful white legs and gazed at Yun Che with an arrogant, sultry look.

"You still haven't begun and you're already running away? Weren't you going to teach me how this is done?"

Yun Che visibly gulped as his pulsing dragon spear shivered. However, Yun Che's next words were not what the goddess who ruled over men expected.

"For your revenge, can you give up everything?" Yun Che hissed while narrowing his eyes.

"Of co---" before Ying'er could finish, Yun Che placed his rough finger against her soft cherry lips.

"For your revenge, are you willing to be my plaything? My strategist? My tool?" Yun Che questioned while looking deeply into her eyes, lowering his legs around her waist and his hot dragon spear against her navel.

Ying'er knew this was her last chance. She might not be a slave, but she knew that Yun Che demanded a tool exceeding a slave in exchange for fulfilling her revenge. He had miraculously healed her crippled profound veins and given her the last drop of origin blood from the Demon God Empress herself. However, in exchange all she had given him were eyes shut in unwillingness. He had given her hope, but in exchange, he demanded...

"Stop talking so much like a woman." Ying'er snapped as she quickly gripped Yun Che's dragon spear.

Before Yun Che could react, Ying'er raised her smooth, slender waist and guided her secret place toward Yun Che's shining hot weapon.

With her slender white hand wrapped around Yun Che's pulsing hot rod, Ying'er guided her yin to his yang. She didn't understand much about dual cultivation, but she at least understood this much. Gritting her teeth, she aimed to be thrust through in one shot, but Yun Che's slightly wet weapon missed the mark.

Recovering from his surprise, Yun Che backed up a bit but Ying'er was relentless. Her icy cold hand gripped his weapon up and down, as she tried to guide Yun Che into herself.

Straddling herself on top of Yun Che, Ying'er began to get flustered as her cheeks reddened. While Yun Che seemed a bit rattled by the virgin goddess's aggressive attacks, Ying'er pressed her snow white bountiful breasts against his chest, trying to connect him to herself. Ying'er's mind was completely possessed. She had always been one who was crazily obsessed with cultivation, therefore when she thought back to her early hesitance to Yun Che's advances, she was overcome with fear.

What if he gives up on me? What if he picks someone else? What if I lose everything just because I couldn't let go of my dignity?

Overwhelmed with fear and panic, Ying'er completely flipped from what she deemed to be her completely idiotic and worthless maiden-like behavior, and went in the opposite direction instead. She regained her focused, domineering attitude and sought to not allow a single chance for Yun Che to change his mind.

Although she was trembling imagining that long thick thing penetrating her, she gathered up her resolve and kept trying to get Yun Che's hot thing to impale her. As she kept on pressing forward, Yun Che kept backing up seemingly avoiding her advances. In the past, even if she so much as gazed in a man's direction he would be stunned into a soulless state, yet here was Yun Che, avoiding taking her virginity! Any other man in the universe would volunteer to kill himself a thousand times to have the goddess in his arms, but... this... Yun... Che!!! Ying'er could feel a twitch at the side of her temple as she struggled to keep a straight face.

From a young age men have always lusted after her beauty. To simply win a smile from her, countless men would rush to give up their lives and die with no regrets. She had covered her face because no one, especially those disgusting men, were worthy of gazing upon her countenance, yet... Yet what was this Yun Che doing!

Unmasked in all her glory, her nearly naked body pressed upon him, with her taking the initiative for him and what? He even seems a little taken aback? Trembling with a bit of indignation, Ying'er kept trying to guide Yun Che's slippery rod into her dry secret place. Her eyes started to get wet and her hands shaky as Yun Che's slimy thing kept on touching her entrance and slipping off.

She had thought she could get this over with in a single thrust, but now that she kept missing the mark, the embarrassment was starting to clutch her heart in a vice grip. Her limbs became stiffer as one drop of sweat started to grace her flawless cheek. She had never thought she would ever be this close to a disgusting male, but here she was. She had never thought she would give away her vital yin, which she guarded for almost one thousand years, to a disgusting man. There is no man worthy!

Yet here she was with Yun Che, struggling to give away her precious maidenhood to someone who seemed even unwilling... Even the lowliest of commoners would not be in the same position as her! Rather than a gentle caress and a loving kiss, she was met with aversion and not even a single trace of romance. While any man would desire his wife during her first time, Yun Che was practically resisting her as she advanced.

A hot tear threatened to escape her misting eyes as her throat tightened.

'Even if I lose my first time like this it's all worth it,' she convinced herself.

However, her grip on Yun Che's yang began to loosen as her body and soul were filled with crushing shame. As much as she tried to convince herself, giving up her virginity like this... like this... was too...

"Enough." A cold voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Enough." Those cold words made her feel like she was doused in freezing water. Everything. Is over just like this?

She had come here abandoning everything. For a last ditch effort at revenge, she abandoned the posh palace of the Southern Sea Emperor. She clothed herself in dirty, raggedy clothes as she combed the Northern god territories to even catch a glimpse of Yun Che's shadow. She abandoned her pride when she offered to be Yun Che's slave. She abandoned her dignity when she desperately threw herself onto Yun Che to pierce her like a trashy woman.

Even with all this, what did she get in return? "Enough". That word echoed and continued to rattle her very core. Still, if there's even a strand of hope, she would not give up! She abandoned her dignity then she must abandon even more. Loftiness! Pride! Anything!

At this moment, Yun Che's rough hand grasped her cold slender one as he removed her snow white fingers away from his spear. His black eyes stared into her golden ones, as if boring into her soul.

A single tear fell out of Ying'er reddening eyes as she clasped both of her trembling hands on top of Yun Che's.

"Yun Che, I can still---"

Before she could finish, her mouth was shut by an overbearing yet soft sensation. Her golden eyes widened with shock as her lovely nose grazed his. Two souls', soft lips, touched for the first time. The mouths that once spat the bitter hatred of enemies met in an intimate embrace. Stunned speechless, Ying'er heard that cold voice once again.

"Enough. Let me lead," Yun Che said as he grasped her trembling body in an overbearing embrace.

Blank. Her mind was completely blank, but she could feel herself calming down.

"Close your eyes."

Ying'er closed her eyes obediently as a soft sensation caressed her petal lips. His lips pressed themselves against her lower lip then softly kissed her upper lip as his tongue tasted them both. His hot tongue invaded between her cherry red lips as it sought her tongue. Her throat involuntary let out a sweet moan that she never thought was possible.

Although she had never shared a kiss with anyone before, Ying'er was a quick learner and used her own lips to press against Yun Che's lower lip. She kissed him and allowed her tongue to entangle with his own.

What pride? What dignity? None of those thoughts matter, just enjoy the moment. Abandoning her countless thoughts to this new sensation, her body relaxed as Yun Che softly massaged her back and caressed her long golden hair.

Yun Che softly placed her on the floor as they continued to share a deep kiss, their legs entangling and softly massaging each other. Ying'er also wrapped her arms around Yun Che's muscular back as she imitated the way he was massaging her, his large dragon spear hotly pressed against her soft snow white navel. As she rubbed her soft skin against his spear up and down, Yun Che's breathing quickened as his mouth sought to devour her more and more. Their sweet moans and panting echoed through the dark room.

How long had it been since Ying'er felt so comfortable? All her life she sought power. Power to protect her mother, power to gain her father's approval, power to trample over all things. She denied herself anything that would stand in her path, even the most basic forms of intimacy that most would take for granted.

'Ah... I'm so glad... that it's with...' Lost in this gentle embrace Ying'er thought back to Yun Che's question.

"Why me... the Southern Sea Emperor could have made you his Empress, there is no need to degrade yourself as a slave."

"He... is not fit!"

"...and I am fit?"

Shocked, she could only pause, realize, and admit...


Yes. She would never let the Southern Sea Emperor even taint a single finger of hers, but with Yun Che, she could...

Ying'er tightened her slender jade arms around Yun Che as she matched his intensity with her lips, tongue, and legs. Their faces reddened as they panted and seemingly sought to devour each other. They vented their dark emotions on each like two wounded beasts, betrayed, lost, and hopeless.

Both of their bodies were glowing red and glistened with sweat, when Yun Che slowly lifted his face from hers and tucked her golden hair behind her left ear. His eyes seemingly asking the question once again,

"...and I am fit?"

Ying'er gave an enchanting smile as her golden head gave a small nod.

Yun Che gave her a small grin as he placed his yang on top of her yin.

As Ying'er desperately tried to connect his yang to her yin, Yun Che couldn't help but frown and subconsciously retreat.

The desperation in her eyes was as clear as day.

He had told her that he wouldn't turn her into a slave, that she would have her chance at revenge, but she had been too proud to grasp that chance.

He was testing her, and she had failed.

Would she truly give up everything for revenge?

Was she like him, devoid of all hope and filled with nothing but hate?

No. She still had her pointless pride. She could not be a partner in his insane path of revenge. She could not become hatred incarnate.

"Disappointing." Yun Che coldly spat.

After she was stunned by ruthless reality, she grasped at the one last chance he gave her.

"For your revenge, can you give up everything?" He had asked.

"Stop talking so much like a woman." Ying'er snapped as she begun to do the unthinkable. She leapt up and tried to penetrate herself with his pulsing dragon spear.

As an experienced man, Yun Che knew how important a woman's first time was, much more so for the inviolable goddess of the god realms. She stood at the peak of the trillions upon trillions of profound practitioners as the most beautiful, powerful, and unapproachable goddess. She disdained disgusting men who constantly lusted after her and would not even spare them a glance. However, here she was crawling on the ground trying to stick a disgusting penis into her most precious place, losing that guarded dignity of a millennium in a single moment.

Her stiff, desperate movements deprived of any semblance of pride should have filled Yun Che with schadenfreude as he mocked her... but he did not mock her.

Yun Che did not allow the goddess to lose her first time in such an ignoble way. He subconsciously backed away as her attempts became more and more desperate and pitiful. When Yun Che saw her golden eyes glisten as her humiliation reached its peak, he could bear it no longer and coldly stated, "Enough."

'You were my enemy before, but now you are my tool. A tool cannot be broken,' he thought.

He kissed her and allowed her to feel the pleasures of a woman. He caressed her and let her feel cherished. He embraced her trembling shoulders as his hot tongue invaded those glistening petal lips. He grabbed her back and pressed himself against her.

Ying'er seemed to grasp his intention and allowed herself to be cherished as a woman, instead of a desperate tramp that needed to crawl, beg for, and force a man's member inside her. Her arms circled his back, as her small red tongue coiled around his own. Her flawless jade white legs that could mesmerize all men and women moved in tandem with his. Each soul stirring motion caused her heart to pound like it never had before.

This. This is what it meant for a man and woman to be intimate. The goddess who none could ever draw near to was actually able to experience it; no, Yun Che had allowed her to experience it.

Time seemed to have stopped in those moments. Was it minutes, hours, the two did not know. Yun Che seemed to have been transported to a happier time, wrapped up in Ying'er's bountiful bosom and taking in her intoxicatingly fresh scent. Ying'er had finally relaxed as well while the awkwardness between them faded away with each gentle kiss. As they completely immersed themselves in the moment, it was as if their hatred for each other began to melt as well, even if it was only temporary.

So what if it's temporary, so what if it's a lie, let's just embrace this moment. Let's forget... forget... forget...

As Ying'er gently opened her golden eyes, what met them were earnest, pitch black ones.

She nodded.


Now was the time. From now on he...


With her permission, it was torn forever.

"...and I am fit?"

Ying'er gave an enchanting smile as her golden head gave a small nod.

Yun Che gave her a small grin as he placed his yang on top of her yin.


With her permission, it was torn forever. A trickle of blood flowed from her sacred garden down his dragon shaft.

Two pearl-like tears fell from her tightly shut eyes as she gripped that smooth but muscular back.

'Don't move.' She wanted to say but she did not speak as she clenched her teeth.

However, if she opened her eyes, what she would have seen would have shocked... or even frightened her.

Yun Che... that icy, indifferent, and callous face, was now contorted with what almost seemed like pain. His solemn features were now warped with ecstasy as part of his face remained cold while another part of his face curled up with joy. It was as if his muscles taut with hopelessness were now being forcefully twisted with pleasure, one strand at a time. His contorted face that was one part ice one part sun revealed the intense battle waging within.


A small trace of blood spilled from the corner of Yun Che's mouth.

Pleasure. Intense pleasure like Yun Che had never experienced before assaulted all of his senses in a raging torrent. His calm heart was now thrashing out of control as his already large dragon spear filled with more and more blood and heat. Ying'er's exquisite features began to twist as she closed her eyes and endured the pain. Inside her he just became bigger, bigger, and bigger.

'What... is... this?!' Yun Che internally screamed.

The goddess was not just the most beautiful existence on the outside, but her insides were...

After Yun Che had penetrated her, the folds of her inner garden tantalized every single cell of his dragon rod in ways he never thought possible. The pleasure of plucking yin to nurture yang knocked his senses into an overwhelming dizziness. Not only was her sacred place the most exquisite yin garden he ever experienced, but the origin blood of the Demon Empress that they shared between each other compounded the pleasure in a way that made him lose control of his body.

Yun Che almost immediately released his seed.

'I... can't... hold... it...' Yun Che screamed internally as he clenched his teeth with his flushed face.

Temporarily ignoring Yun Che's increasingly growing yang, Ying'er focused on the changes within her body. The origin blood of that legendary existence was inside her, but for the first time she could feel herself gaining some control over it. Her body felt a tingling sensation as her yin was being plucked to nurture his yang, but she did not feel a sense of loss. Rather, it felt like an intangible connection was being made between her and him.

Two souls becoming one.

My blood is his and his blood is mine.

Two enemies, now each others' tools.

Two fates, one destiny.

Ying'er who had always been obsessed with power couldn't help but grin in excitement as she moved one large step toward become a true god. Hahahahaha!!!!


Although she was in pain, she was laughing internally while tears continued to slip from her tightly shut eyes.

Hahahaha.... hahahaha...

"My mother, she… did you kill her?" She had asked.

Qianye Fantian's eyes instantly narrowed. After that, he let out a soft sigh as he said, "It looks like I really missed something back then. After all, having no gaps at all is really a big gap in and of itself."

"In the end, the one who caused the death of your mother wasn't me. It was you. If you had not been so dazzling and had not valued her so much, she would not have died such an early death."


Fantian... oh Fantian...

A true god... a true god!!!

And it was her once most hated enemy that gave her this opportunity!

Her father was the one who had killed her beloved mother and even betrayed her in the end.

Her hope had died, but after being betrayed by her father her hope was reignited by her enemy.

Her enemy who she despised was the one she gently kissed, the one she was currently connected to in the most intimate way possible.

Fate... was it always such a laughable thing?

As her tears continued to fall and her grip on his back tightened, a rough but gentle hand wiped those glistening drops away.

Her stiff facial muscles began to loosen as her long eyelashes began to raise. When her golden eyes peeked out from her lovely eyelashes, she met his face. He seemed to be suffering and enduring, but he still tried hard to make it look like he was calm.

'This clumsy buffoon...' she inwardly chuckled.

'Thank you...' Words she would never say out loud.

She smiled as she gave him a small peck on the lips.

Then he lost control.

After being in a good mood and giving Yun Che a light peck, Ying'er expected him to return a gentle kiss.

However, Yun Che was in no state to give a gentle kiss.

He moved his powerful body on top of hers and began thrusting in and out over and over again.

"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~" The quiet Ying'er couldn't help but give out gentle moans as Yun Che panted on top of her.

What is this feeling? Although it hurt, it also felt strangely fulfilling. As each thrust hit her deepest place, the pain was slowly being replaced with pleasure as he skillfully hit all the right spots.

"Ah~ Ah~ A mmmphh" In the midst of his relentless thrusting, his warm lips enveloped her own. The pleasures from her upper and lower body combined as she wrapped her arms and legs around Yun Che while sharing a deep kiss.

"Mmm mmmm ahhh~!" Ying'er let out a sweet cry as she experienced intimacy and pleasure she never thought possible.

As the goddess that disdained men, being so close to a man was something that was too disgusting to even think about. However, here she was, connected body and soul with Yun Che.

Strangely though, she did not feel adverse to such close contact. Although she had forever lost her vital yin, what she gained was an eternal connection to the man with the most potential in the entire universe, the man that had reversed her cruel fate. If it's with him, then surely...

Her mind flashed to scenes of a loving father and daughter.

"Wuxin, please remember this." Yun Che whispered next to his daughter's ears, "No matter what happened in the past or will happen in the future, I will always be the luckiest man alive as long as you're safe and happy."

"...Mn!" Yun Wuxin replied softly before hugging her own father, and leaning her head against his shoulder.

If it's with him, then maybe...

Ying'er got rid of her distracting thoughts as she lost herself in pleasure. As Yun Che continued to violently thrust inside her their deep kisses became even more intense.

From the tips of her toes to the crown of her golden hair she could feel a new sensation bubbling within her threatening to explode.

As Yun Che thrust faster and faster and faster, that sensation overtook all the senses of her body as her vision began to blur. Suddenly, her back arched upward violently as her fingers and toes curled tightly.


"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Ying'er let out a high-pitched screamed as Yun Che groaned.

A exceedingly thick white cloud poured through his pulsing shaft and flooded Ying'er's womb like a roaring dragon. His hot seed continued to pour into Ying'er as she let out sweet moans.

"Ah~ ah~ ah~" she cried as his seed sought to completely mark this uncharted territory as its own.

Yun Che's grip on her back loosened as he panted and gently laid her on the ground.

Lying on the ground with her loose robes and glistening sweat, a trickle of white liquid mixed with a hint of blood dripped out of her most secret place. The blonde panting goddess, her body flushed with a tinge of pink and glowing amorously, felt strangely satisfied as the warm seed seemingly permeated her entire being. Her golden eyes were slightly out of focus as her red lips gently parted, gasping for breath. Her snowy mounds heaved up and down as she lie down there, not even minding her appearance but basking in that indescribable moment she had just experienced.

So this is what it means to be a woman... if it's like this, then even if it's every day... I...

"Round two." A panting, greedy voice interrupted her thoughts.

Not much later, she realized how naive she really was.

Not mine but Firos <3

Jhacteriancreators' thoughts