
The Library of "Against the Gods" Smut

This is going to be where I publish my friends and my ATG smut fanfictions. I will put the general tags/ warnings in front of each one, so you know whether or not you want to avoid it. A bunch of Oneshots. Each chapters will be its own thing. (These Fanfictions All Stem from the ATG server, I will not be posting other fanfictions written elsewhere, even though some of them are really high quality and nice, I don't want to take peoples work without them knowing.)

Jhacterian · Book&Literature
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Ye Xinghan x Feng Xue'er(Pet)

(First I wanna say, Come to the Official ATG Discord xD <3)

Tags: Sole Female, Sole Male, NTR, Mindbroken, Human Pet

Author: Me

Xinghan let out a chuckle as he got off his profound ark and walked toward his home, the Sun moon divine hall mansion. He was excited. Not to be back home or anything trivial like that. What he wanted was his loyal Pet Feng Xue'er. When he thought of the absolute beauty with her legendary complexion he always got excited. He thought of her every night and today was no exception. He swung open the door and walked in.

Feng xue'er perked up as she heard her master walk in. She had been napping leisurely but that was now the last thing on her mind. She was naked with nothing but a light pink collar around her neck. She had a curvaceous body and an unrivalled complexion.

"Welcome back master" she said excitedly as she jumped on Xinghan and pressed her breasts against his arm.

Hehe Xinghan smirked as he watched her eyes shine with lust and her soft breasts push aggressively against his arm. Her beautiful legs that he loved to play with and stroke were now wrapped around him. Haha have you missed me my pet? He reached out and grabbed her ass stroking it.

"Because I missed you," he said. His voice was already dripping with lust and excitement as he felt his little brother start to harden and go full mast against his pants. He leaned down and gave her a kiss.

"Yes of course i have master" Xue'er said as she moaned against his kiss as his aggressive hands fondled her all over. She knew that her master was eager to have his way with her and she couldn't have been happier at that fact. She could feel herself leaking her nectar or love juice already. She knew he liked it when she was submissive and she by now was ready to put on a good show for her beloved master.

"Mhmm you taste amazing" Xinghan said as he felt her all over. Xue'er slowly peeled herself off and got on her knees. "Please use me however you want master" she purred as she moved her hands to her breast and garden and began to tease herself.

Xinghan tore off his pants. "You know what i want my pet. Start sucking me off nice and hard, get me ready to destroy you all night." He pushed forward and her lips rested on his tip.

Xue'er began licking the tip obediently. She suckled off all the precum before moving down her master's great length. She stroked back and forth in long and slow motions. She went from his tip to the base again and again lubricating his entire shaft. She spit and sucked hard as her hands moved up to cup her masters balls squeezing them gently occasionally to give him a better experience. She continued going down her master's amazing length and reached ¾ of the way down. She paused for a second before taking his entire length down her mouth, her throat bulging as she held it there looking up at her master with pleading cute eyes.

Xinghan moaned as Xue'ers mouth swallowed his cock as she held it there. He loved how perfect his pet was. Saliva began to drip on the floor as he watched her continue to go up and down his shaft. She kept this up for another minute before she prepared herself again and took his entire length in her throat. She knew that her master liked this very much. She felt him twitch and kept it there.

"Mhmm are you ready to take my load deep down your throat and drink it all like the good pet you are?" he said as he began to fuck her throat and held her head in place.

Most people, even experienced prostitutes would gasp and gag from being used so brutally but Xue'er had lots of practice as she endured it and kept eye contact. She moaned as she fingered her dripping sex and rubbed her breast. Her eyes glimmered with excitement at Xinghan as he came. Her throat bulged as large and copious amounts of cum poured down her throat. She desperately began to swallow it all as quickly as she could. After a good dozen seconds of himself pouring Xinghan took it out as Xue'er caught her breath panting.

"All right that's what I'm talking about" he shouted as he picked her up and threw her on the bed. He quickly made his way there and mounted her. His massive length pierced her dripping pussy easily spreading her apart with his large girth.

Xue'er giggled he entered her. She loved it when he treated her roughly as it showed he wanted her very much. She smiled seductively and spread her legs further inviting him in. His large rod slid in and out easily. Her Pussy had already been shaped into the perfect shape for her masters length. She wrapped her legs around him pulling him in as he thrusted. He didn't bother to take it slowly as he repeatedly pounded xue'er as hard and fast as he could causing her to moan and spasm under him.

Xinghan felt his orgasm once again approaching as waves of pleasure coursed through his body. "Are you ready my faithful pet? To be my slut and take all of my cum in your pussy?" He growled as he felt Xue'er tighten around him more and more. He felt like he was about to burst. With a roar he started to blast his huge load into her tight pussy. Rope after rope of cum pouring into her as he continued to fuck her and ride it out.

"Ahhhh Ahhh! Masterrrrr" Xue'er moaned as she climaxed while Xinghans thick cum poured into her. She tensed up her toes curling and her pussy tightening even more. She squeezed as hard as she could getting every last drop of her masters essence before finally loosening up and relaxing slightly. She panted as she relished the feeling and looked at her master for approval. She waited submissively and stroked his muscular stomach.

Xinghan had never told her this directly but he absolutely loved it when she called him master and cried out in pleasure from his cock. It made him feel on top of the world. In the short span of 5 seconds he had gotten hard again. "Mhmmm" he said as he felt her hands on his body caressing him.

He very quickly ducked down and whispered in her ear"Now are you ready to be taken like a beast Xue'er? Like the pet you are? He said as he leaned over her and turned her over. He felt his blood rush as he imagined gripping her soft ass and taking her from behind.

"Ahh of course master! Please fuck me like the pet i am" Xue'er purred in response. She knew this was her masters favorite position and she quickly raised up her backside as she got down on her hands and knees. She also loved this position as his mighty rod pierced all the way through her completely filling her up and beyond. She raised her perfectly heart shaped behind to Xinghan and lightly shook it provocatively, inviting him in.

Xinghan grunted in approval as Xue'er did all this. "That's right my pet get right into position" he said as he watched her present herself like a trophy to be taken, as HE wanted. He grabbed her ass and dove in thrusting hard and fast using her ass as leverage. He continuously bucked his hips back and forth as his cock slid in easily over and over.

Xue'er could do nothing but moan as she felt her entire pussy being filled up to the womb with her masters massive cock. The feeling of being penetrated all the way while she was treated like a toy filled her with pleasure as she begun to blank out, ecstasy being the only thing in her brain. Her breasts and ass bounced as they were grabbed and repeatedly thrust into.

Xinghan pounded harder and harder into his perfect slut his hips slamming into her ass with every thrust of his powerful Tyrant body. Each thrust caused her body to rock and spasm. She was his toy, his prey, his perfect slut to use and cum in over and over again. He slapped her plump jiggling ass "Who is your master? Who do you belong to mhmm my perfect pet? Tell me who your master is and how much you love every SECOND of this!" Xinghan activated his profound art frenzy and began to thrust even more powerfully and wildly his hips bucking like crazy against her luscious ass.

'I-i-im completely yours maahsterr ahhh" she said while moaned as she attempted to move her hips against his now ever increasing ferocious thrusts.

"I love it when you treat me like your toy master, Ahhh AHHH AHHHHHH" she said as she came for the umpteenth time. She came again and again as Submissiveness and the sole mission to pleasure her master Xinghan was engraved into her brain. All that mattered to her was serving and pleasing her master.

"Haha that's right you are completely mine. You belong only to me" Xinghan said triumphantly as for the third time this day her folds gripped him and he released his hot gigantic load of essence deep into her womb. He stuffed her full completely.

Xue'er lay there completely spent, juices dripping from her pussy as she basked in the pleasure. Her face was one of deliriousness, her tongue hanging out slightly as her eyes were still rolled up. She panted to regain her breath as her breasts jiggled with each breath. She was a good girl, her master's pet, Xinghans beloved fucktoy.


I remember making this a long time ago in the ATG discord server, and being blasted for the "ntr". Smh tbh. I hope you enjoy.

Jhacteriancreators' thoughts