
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Bonus Chapter: To Live Would Be An Awfully Big Adventure.

I'm in hiding running through the corridors of an abandoned chapel with Peter. WHAT have I gotten myself into? Your probably wondering what have I gotten myself into and how I got into this situation in the first place. Let's recap.

"I can't go back, his life's had to much interference already" i reply to the professor who had just mentioned something I can't quite comprehend.

"Besides, you said I can't go back" I didn't want to be saying these words, I want to say that I want to go, I want to see him again.

"It's another Librarian task, every Librarian goes through it, Peter's in danger and you have to go help him, I can't help you with this problem, you'll have to sort it out yourself" he explains. I smile not taking in this new information seriously.

"I get to go back" I say in a whisper, half believing that maybe this was a dream.

"You do" the professor says, handing me the key and closing my palm.

Before I know it again. I'm already in Pans world once again. I can't believe it, I feel so alive right now. And I run. And run and run. Laughing and partly happy crying between breathes. I guess seeing my Pan again was overwhelming my little Librarian heart. My platonic soulmate. My hero that one time. My annoying sidekick that other time. I reach his doorstep huffing and puffing.

"Pete Pete PETE!" I shout, nocking hysterically on the door.

Then stop. Realising he's not in I give myself a pause. I slouch back and lean against the door with a sigh.

"Ah" the door opened and I fall back, I look up to see his eyes. A smile so dreamy came over me.

"Hi" I say from the floor. He quickened a smile and dragged me from the floor into his house with the fastest slam on the door I've even seen in my life.

"Hi" he says locking the door.

I get up from the floor and tidy myself up by patting myself down twice. A parallel I remember when Peter climbed up to fetch my bag and patted himself twice

"I heard-" he cuts me off with a belated hug that I embrace. Then quickly drops the hug.

"My life's in danger yada yada, we need to go in hiding follow me gorgeous" he states and proceeds to walk to his kitchen where the back door was. I follow. Need to be serious now Ava!

"You've got a safe house?" I ask heading towards a glass of water. Like it was there for me. Waiting for me.

"I got a note from someone who calls himself a hatter that you would be coming" he says perking up a bit. His smile contagious.

So that's why there's a glass of water for me. I drink it. Thinking of our next move as I finish my glass of water.

"The professor has a friend in this Book" I say trying to figure out and damn right remember who it was.

"I need to know who right now cause we need to leave right this second" Peter replied, stressing out like crazy.

"Patience!" I murmured and eyed on a hook that was cradling the handle of the door.

"Someone who was bad and switched good, that's all I remember" I eyed the hook trying to remember.

"I really hope you don't mean detective Jones" Peter mumbled worriedly.

"That's it I can't believe it didn't remember earlier it's Killian Jones" I feel my eyes balls about to pop out of my eye sockets. How on earth did I have second hand embarrassment from myself?

"Wow in all my time as The Librarian, I wouldn't have never imagined myself saying that" I notice Peter cringing a little whilst opening the back door.

"What's up?" I ask following him into the back garden.

"He's my competition" Peter says.

And I follow him, from side roads to side roads all the way to Killian Jones house. It did take us a while, half a day to be precise, and exhausted may i add. Throughout our journey from, a safe car in a not so safe house chapel Pan would call it. To a off peak coach we ended up on the footsteps on a mansion.

"We can stop watching our backs now" Pan stated ringing the doorbell. He gave me a look and then a smile.

"It's so good to see you again" he said.

"You too Pan" I reply with a soft smile. The door opened almost immediately.

"Jones" Peter said to him walking in.

"Pan" Killian replied opening the door wider to let me in.

"And who's this beauty" he said picking up my hand, helping me walk in like a princess. I guess he's learned that in Neverland.

"Stop it Killian" Peter moaned.

Killian kissed my hand like a gentleman, you see it in the movies and it gave me slight butterflies. For some reason the butterflies were more like a friendship feeling than the love at first sight sort of situation.

"Thanks" i give a smile and watched him close the door.

Taking in all the retro, wooden classic style area this guy had going, very Captain Hook vibes.

It took us some time to settle in and with some hot chocolate Killian made us I felt sleepier. It was late and i was on the sofa about to doze off. Whilst Peter on the other hand was still fidgeting like a schoolboy about to loose a game on his PlayStation. He was pacing around the couch I was trying to protest sleeping on.

"Here we are" Killian almost made me jump coming into the room with a pizza ox and blankets.

I stare at the box with caution. Pan sighed and sat down beside me. Killian placed the box onto the black marble coffee table and handed me the blanket, i murmured a thank you.

"Of course sweetheart" he replied with the softest, manliest voice i ever heard. Still I wasn't falling for it. I knew what he was trying to do. His flirting ain't gonna catch me.

"Stop flirting" Peter gave a mean stare to Killian.

"Don't worry guys i got this pizza from The Librarian, he sent it via a Hatter with some ruby slippers" he said.

"We have to move safe houses, we cant stay here" peter replied.

Not even taking the extra blanket from Killian or the pizza slice i was already halfway finished with.

"Peter one night wont hurt" i say directly at him, cosiying up with the blanket. Peter looks at Killian.

"Nope" he states getting up from the couch.

I know where this is going, I think the poor guys jealous. Bless. His cute light frown looks cuter when he's jealous.

"No need to, it was a lie me and the professor came up with" Killian grinned. I look up at him then at Peter's bewilderment face.

"What the flip you mean?" His voice a little bit louder than usual.

"I mean" Killian said moving closer towards me.

"You missed each other so much that prof and me made a plan for you guys to meet up again, if it doesn't harm the storyline then why not?" He confessed sitting down beside me. I felt mixed feelings, my face felt like it froze.

Peter looks at both of us and grabs a pizza slice, cushioning himself between Killian and me and sits between us. Thinking over it that this is what something the professor would do and that Killian was a nice team player for these events. Another thing was that there was no one for Peter's life.

"I like this plan" he smiled down. He then proceeds to throw his pizza back into the box.

"ANOTHER" he just quoted Thor, his smile beaming away at me. Gosh I really did miss this guy.

"Thanks Killian" I quietly say picking up another pizza slice and gesturing a salute with it.

Spending our little adventure together I finally called it a day when it hit midnight. Learning something new is always part of my job, learning i can go back to Peter is a new thing i can cross from my bucket list. Off to new adventures Ava.