
The Librarian of the End

Nightmares are an intriguing experience. Many can feel so real you’d swear they weren’t fiction. Every monster, every horror and every fear you’ve ever had can come to life. Many wake up in a cold sweat, convinced that the experience was real. They are then soothed by reality, promised that it was only a dream, a mirage. A fiction. That means they failed. Those who succeed are rewarded with their memory. And so much more. When Jacob manages to survive a particularly realistic nightmare, he ends up being thrust into a world of magic and mayhem. This is the story of how his life transformed from normal into the definition of abnormal.

Gentleman_Chicken · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

The New Guy V

Jacob had never intended for Stephanie to win the fight.

His only order to her was to use her knocker before surrendering then move to the side of the arena and jump off.

The key to beating Arthur wasn't using Stephanie's knocker to get a hit in on him, but to use it so that she could surrender without him realising, and so that Jacob could sneak up without being discovered.

Professor Howinster had mentioned that the surrendering partner needed to indicate to the instructor, but not necessarily to the opponent. He also never said anything about the fight needing both parties to be ready.

The only problem was that Jacob had to enter the arena from his side, the same side that Stephanie would be standing on, hence making her move away to draw Arthur's attention.

Since Arthur would be under the misconception of only having Stephanie as an opponent, he also wouldn't be looking out for Jacob in the first place.

This wasn't to say the plan was flawless, far from it.

A number of things could have gone wrong, Arthur could have avoided the knocker's sound blast or simply used his flash movement to win the fight without giving Stephanie a chance, he could have also gotten his hearing back in time to react to Jacob's surprise attack.

All of these factors would have ruined the plan, hence the look on Stephanie's face when he suggested it.

Now he just had to hope that either A: Arthur would be knocked out with his true-blue Aussie coward punch, or B: his new combat system feature and the blow to the head would allow him to win before his overclock ran out.

The gift from his combat system wasn't one he had expected but it could potentially allow him to win the fight.

[Strength style: Inept 100%]

[Evolving strength style]

[Combat styles:]

[Agility: Beginner 0%]

[Strength: Beginner 0%]

[Endurance: Beginner 0%]

[Dexterity: Beginner 0%]

[Data minimum reached. Unlocking Adaptation style]

[Adaptation: Beginner]

Jacob had wondered slightly what this was when he first unlocked it, turned out it was a cumulation of all the styles that would adapt to the situation based on what was best suited.

It was like a more generic version of the counter-combat system, one which didn't rely on analysing individual styles, which was good considering Arthur's style analysis had only gotten to 40%.

From what he could tell the adaptation style was less potent than counter combat but more effective than an individual combat style of the same level.

From what he could tell it would 'adapt' to the current situation. For example, if the opponent used fast but weak attacks, the adaptable style would lean towards endurance while taking some portions of the strength style to counter the enemy.

It was still weaker individually than countercombat as it only used generic manoeuvres rather than predicting one specific opponent, but it was a good stopgap to allow him to fight on par with his peers.

Sadly, it seemed the only way to unlock higher stages of it was to get every stage of all the styles to the next level.

Regardless, Jacob was planning to combine the style with his overclock ability at 2x meaning he would be draining 1 mana per second, giving him less than two minutes to win the fight, not to mention using his combat style would drain 1% of his mana every 6 seconds as well for a total of 10% per minute.

Snapping back to the present, the fight had just started and so far, the plan was working.

Jacob didn't hesitate to follow up his punch with another, intending to hit the opponent with his system-guided fist, while secretly hoping that his opponent would go down without needing the follow-up.

But of course, he didn't.

Arthur reacted quickly, even from Jacob's sped-up perception as he pivoted his body to absorb the second blow.

But Jacob wasn't fooled in the least, his combat guidance had instructed him to press the advantage. Leading him to believe that the punch was at least somewhat effective, they were both still unranked dreamers after all.

Neither were that far from normal people, even Victoria had to actively block punches and her ability was geared towards defence, let alone Arthur whose Jin mana ability seemed to focus somewhere else entirely.

With that in mind, he pushed the attack, choosing to trust in his ability.

But once again something was wrong.

Another energy danced around Arthur, a healthy green hue this time.

It converged into the form of something vaguely resembling a tree before blending with the slightly dazed young man, seemingly reinvigorating him and relieving him of his stunned state.

"No way…"

"That's unexpected…"


"So that's why they wanted him enrolled quickly…"

Jacob barely registered the remarks coming from the spectators.

He was too busy focusing on the guidance which was now showing him a much more defensive path.

Courtesy of Arthur, who had fully healed thanks to his third ability.

It turned out that the young man possessed not only an extraordinary battle instinct, a relic, and a second ability to allow for enhanced movement.

He actually had a third mana affinity and corresponding ability that he could use to heal himself.

Not only that, but from what Jacob could tell the young man was fighting even better than in the first two battles.

It seemed that not only did his ability heal him, but it also increased his speed and power.

Jacob spent the next few moments in panic.

The strikes were coming faster, closer, sharper.

His skin was cut lightly and more than once the blunt of the blade threatened his limbs, chest, and cranium.

And slowly he found himself slipping.

Not into panic, rage, or even delirium.

Or perhaps delirium was the perfect word for it.

He felt like he was back in the mansion.

Maybe it was the adrenaline, or the blade which so very often slid close to his ending his life.

But his perspective… shifted.

He forgot about the duel.

About winning for his group.

Even about the fact that the teacher was there to stop anything from happening.

At that moment, for Jacob, it was life or death.

His mind raced, in the mansion he had made so many panicked decisions that by the end he it had become second nature.

Assess the situation.

Make a decision.


There wasn't enough time.

He had to make a move, something to change the flow.

To throw off his opponent.

Like when he dove out the window.

Like when he splashed wine in the cook's face.

It didn't matter how he did it, as long as he lived and changed that status quo.

As long as the chaos he caused gave him options.

Any option.

So, he did the one thing that he knew would throw his opponent off.

He let the blade stab through him.

Nowhere vital of course, his ability gave him the information necessary for the strike to run him through without hitting his organs.

The next step was simple.

His enemy would only take a moment to regain his clarity, and his grip.

In that time, he needed to do three things.

First, break his grip.

Jacob moved his body, sending pain shooting through his abdomen as his hand smacked his opponent's off the blade's handle.

Step one. Complete.

Step two, increase the duration of the stun.

Jacob quickly grabbed the handle of the blade, pulling it out and bashing his enemy's nose with the pommel.

Step two. Complete.

Step three, ensure the enemy can no longer attack.

Jacob maneuvered the blade quickly, if roughly, and thrust it towards Arthur's throat.

Before his final step was solidified a large hand grabbed the blade, stopping it dead in its tracks.

Jacob's eyes moved, registering that the new threat had moved too quickly for him to react to, even with the world slowed to half its usual speed.

Registering this, he increased the output of his ability to 4x, bringing his view of the world to a quarter of its original pace.

His new enemy was fast.

He was bleeding.

He had very little mana left.

Less than 10%.

He had less than four real-world seconds, 16 from his perspective.

Still not enough, needed at least 1% to remain conscious.

3 seconds.

Two moves, first use blood to blind new enemy, second bite jugular. In the same movement continue blade thrust and eliminate both enemies.

Once back in real time stem the bleeding.

Jacob dove for the new enemy's neck, his eyes already calculating the best method to move the blade after ensuring the resistance of his target ceased.

Such a thing never came to fruition.

His instructor's magic-clad fist struck the side of his head as he attempted his lunge, knocking him unconscious instantly.