
The Librarian Of Babel (Dropped like how I was on the head as a child)

So It Turns Out That I'm The Reincarnation Of Someone From Another Universe, And In That Universe This World Is Fiction... And I'm A Character That Was Never Mentioned In The Story Also I'm A Non-Bender Ain't This Too Unfair!? Whatever, At least I Got This Library --------------------------- Yo! This Is gonna be my main Novel so it ain't gonna be as bad as my last one (I Promise) Mc Is Reincarnated just doesn't Have The Memories, Also Mc is A Trap That Vaguely Looks Like Meguru Bachira from Blue lock and also has an insanely strong cheat that I try To Make sure he uses to its fullest Mc Does not Have Any Bending and will Have to Make Use Of Martial Arts Instead Also Major AU and Everyone is like 10x Stronger (Bending Wise) and There are Depictions of Buddhism Within This Story 1 Chap a Week Every Wednesday Lets Goooo (Cross Posting:Scribble Hub, Webnovel)

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Chapter 4: Martial Training

I woke up in the middle of the night due to my mother grabbing onto me

"Mother im awake" I said groggily wiping my eyes

"O-oh, that's fine" she said before I noticed people to her side, it was a bald man who was wearing nothing but an orange toga and another man who was wearing high quality silk, both of them looking extremely aged

"I am Asita" The Bald Man said with a small bow

"And I am Huatao" The Silk wearing man said with another bow

"I brought them here to Inspect your condition" Mother said, she had a small oil lamp in her hand

"Alright" is replied as Huatao came forward and introduced himself further

" Hello, I am Huatao, a doctor, I'm just going to do a small check up on you, if that alright, Your highness" he said as he took out a small bag with different medical tools and devices inside

After a while of inspecting and prodding my body, he finds nothing wrong with me

"Your, Highness, His body is completely fine and there seems to be no problems or issues with it, i regret to inform you that this may be a matter of the mind or soul" he said a little worried

"Then This is my specialty" Asita said as he walked over to my body calmly and inspected it

"You say you've been having dreams of an ocean?" he says while inspecting

"Yes, a vast vast ocean of clear blue water" i said, expecting nothing of it

"And what do you remember when you were asleep for those three days?" he said

"The Ocean, i was only there for a few moments though, i don't understand how i slept for that long" I replied when Asita suddenly stopped and looked straight at me

"And you're sure about that?" he said with a calm voice

"Yes" i replied when he got up and walked to my mother and whispered something in her ears

"And you're sure?" she said "Alright"

And my mother left the room with Asita and Huatao and I Had Decided to continue my sleep




I woke up in the morning of this day completely drained, i went back to Babel Accidentally in my sleep and practised my Parallel Thought ability

And considering that i slept for 7 hours I was in Babel for 70 Hours

On The Bright Side I am Now Able To Do The Absolute Basics of Parallel Thought, meaning i can now able to write two different sentences of my choice at the same time

'Slowly, but surely I'll achieve my goal' I thought to myself as I walked to the bathroom to get myself prepared for the morning

I stared at my face in the mirror

I was of general build with a feminine face, I inherited my mothers golden eyes and my father black hair, I wasn't muscular, but you could say I had a lithe body due to the basic training I was forced to do to compensate for my weakness

I washed my face and washed my mouth with some water

'Up, down, up, down, left, right, left, right, A, B, Start' I thought

'That's weird…whatever, must be because I'm tired' I thought as I walked to the changing rooms and a couple of servants got me dressed

I asked for some clothes that were made of flexible material and I walked to the training area made for the guards

"Your Highness!" A Guard said with a bow "What are you doing here?"

It was the Guard Captain Hanxin, it was quite impressive for him to have that position considering the fact that he only joined the force a year ago

He was of large build and wore the traditional Fire Nation outfit with a few modifications to differentiate him from other regular guards, he had a long goatee and a mustache

"I Will be partaking in training from now on" I stated "I simply desire to get a grasp on the layout of the terrain"

"Of course" he said slightly surprised at my wish

"Though may I ask what brought about this change in demeanour?" He asked, this question was probably brought on by my previous unwillingness to train without someone forcing me

"Just felt that my current strength to be inadequate, that's all" I stated as I walked into the training grounds and found an adequately empty spot and stared training

500 crunches, 500 Squats, 500 pushups and a 5 KM Run, almost all being exercises I've never heard of before

You see, I only spent 40 hours of my time in Babel studying Parallel Thoughts, For The 20 Other Hours, I spent studying the 'Martial Arts' in Babel, trying to find what all the different exercises are and how to do them, I had practised them in Babel a lot, With Barbra correcting my form whenever needed so I was able to do these exercises correctly and let me tell you, it was HARD

Like Super Hard

Like, Death Would Hurt Less Than This Hard

I was only able to do 50 of each and a 1 KM Run, Thanks to Babrba scanning my body and calculating what would be the perfect amount of training for my current body, that still allows me to use all of the 'Martial Arts' to a basic level




It's Been a Month and I've finally mastered Parallel Thought! But in order to properly use this ability, I Have Been Studying a new book

Magic! Soul Magic to be precise, and I have been struggling

It being one of the Hardest Magics to use doesn't help at all if I'm being honest

And also due to the fact that I've been substituting "mana" (The Energy Needed for Magic) with Chi, making it way less efficient and also time consuming

After checking some other books, I won't be able to use any 'External' Magic.

You see magic is split into two general Divisions, External and Internal, External Makes things happen Outside the Body, With Internal Happening within

From what I can tell, Magic is essentially Bending the rules of nature to enact your will onto the world using maths and arithmetic, things such as a fire ball or an Icicle Blast needing tens of complex magical formulae to do

But all things need fuel to work, and Magic uses Mana, I was able to substitute it for Chi but due to very thin (almost Non Existant) Natural Chi In The Atmosphere, things like a fire ball would only last 0.1 seconds outside the body, burning it's fuel too fast, being extremely inefficient and honestly a pain

I predict that in a Chi rich environment, such as the Spirit World, I may be able to use External Magic Better but for now I can't

Also, how I know so much about Magic? Well books obviously but also something else called 'Manga'!

It's a form of book, that has amazing illustrations inside it

I have taken a liking to a particular series, called "Records Of Ragnarok", Such Mythology is So Fascinating to me!

But anyway back on track, I was studying Soul Magic with Barbra when I finnally caught a lead onto the ability I was searching for

Soul Split

The ability to split your soul in two or more pieces that I can control however I please, combined with my Parallel Thought, I will be able to Be in Babel, and control my body at the same time!



For anyone who's going to ask, Soul Magic is an Internal Magic, and as well as this, Internal Magic Can be used on beings other than yourself, as long as they have Chi and yes, all names within this series have meanings, so look out for them