
First Purchase and Exploring the Kinanru Gardens

Really looking over the selection of items he could get Xu Xiuying was finding it difficult to choose and stick to one item in his price range as it all seemed amazing. Some of the items he wanted to buy from the {Shop}.


{Relentless Steel Helm: Head - Grade: Rare} 750 G

{Give user last minute burst of energy allowing wearer to fight longer- Skill: Last Stand}

{Crazed Bone Chestguard: Torso - Grade: Rare} 750 G

{Makes user enter a crazed state where all physical stats are doubled- Skill: Crazed}

{Primitive Silk Vest: Torso - Grade: Rare} 750 G

{Gives a user ability to regulate body temperature- Skill: Self Temperature Control}

{Twilight Iron Bracers: L & R Arms - Grade: Rare} 700 G

{Makes user temporarily able to refract light- Skill: Refract}

{Blood Infused Silver Grasps: Hands - Grade: Rare} 800 G

{Gives user ability to drain victims of health to heal- Skill: Drain}

{Leggings of Resilience: Legs - Grade: Rare} 700 G

{Allows user to withstand physical strain longer- Skill: Resilience}

{Legguards of Bravery: Legs - Grade: Rare} 750 G

{Removes user sense of self-doubt temporarily- Skill: Bravery}

{Walkers of Silent Visions: Feet - Grade: Rare} 800 G

{Silences wearer footsteps- Skill: Silent Steps}

{The Quiet Eye Ring: Accessories - Grade: Rare} 800 G

{Silences all sound coming from wearer for short time- Skill: Muffle}

But then Xu Xiuying came across a section in the filter for maps that held. There he found a map of the forest he was currently in where he also found out the rainforests name being the Kinanru Gardens. Thankfully the price on it was low, being just 50 G. Immediately purchasing the map Xu Xiuying was now left with 819 G to purchase something he wanted.

Again looking over the possible items he would buy. Xu Xiuying settled on the {Blood Infused Silver Grasps: Hands - Grade: Rare} for 800 G. Leaving him with 19 G where he got the idea of buying a sewing kit for 15 G. Once Xu Xiuying bought the sewing kit he pulled out some {Longclaw-Cougar: Muscle Fibers} and the {Longclaw-Cougar: Pelt x 1 - Grade: Rare} where he spent the next several hours sewing.

After several hours of sewing Xu Xiuying came to a stop to admire his work. While it was amateurish at best Xu Xiuying held the cloak up.

{Longclaw-Cougar Cloak: Accessories - Grade: Rare Plus}

{Lowers wearers presence to others- Skill: Hide Presence}

Equipping the {Longclaw-Cougar Cloak} Xu Xiuying, and as soon as he was done he went to his {Equipment} tab.


{Dmg: 40-45}

{Weapon- Shìyìng: Dmg 45}{Grade: Rare Plus}

{Weapon Augment: Thunder Slice}{Cost: 10 Mp},{Weapon Skill: ???}

{Head- N/A}

{Torso- N/A}

{L Arm- N/A}

{R Arm- N/A}

{Hands- Blood Infused Silver Grasps: Hands - Grade: Rare}{DEF: 20}

{Gives user ability to drain victims of health to heal- Skill: Drain}{Locked- Stats Low}

{Legs- N/A}

{Feet- N/A}

{Accessories- Longclaw-Cougar Cloak: Accessories - Grade: Rare Plus}{DEF: 30}

{Lowers wearers presence to others- Skill: Hide Presence}{Locked- Stats Low}

Seeing the locked status on both the {Blood Infused Silver Grasps} and the {Longclaw-Cougar Cloak} Xu Xiuying was surprised but seeing the {Stats Low} next to their locked status seemed to clear the issues he was having. Looking over the 2 pieces of equipment and their stat requirements.

{Blood Infused Silver Grasps}{Stat Requirements- INT: 10, WIS: 10 }

{Longclaw-Cougar Cloak}{Stat Requirements- AGI:10 , DEX: 5}

Looking at the stat requirements Xu Xiuying immediately started to prioritize the {Blood Infused Silver Grasps} over the {Longclaw-Cougar Cloak} as it would allow for Xu Xiuying to recover faster than normal. Allowing him to get in more fights to get more experience.Seeing it as a great opportunity Xu Xiuying used his 5 Unused Points and Put them all in INT

{INT: 9.2 x 1.25 = 11.5}

{Unused Points: 0}

Happy that with just two more Lvl ups he would be able to acquire the necessary stat to properly use the {Blood Infused Silver Grasps}. And then Xu Xiuying used the {Teleport to Library} perk to leave the {Codexed Library}.

Landing in the {Kinanru Gardens} Xu Xiuying began to make use of the map he had purchased from the`shop. Looking over the map he saw himself located in the western region of the {Kinanru Gardens}. Looking over other sections of the map he saw several areas marked as territories of difference like a small piece of flat land belonging to the {Birman-Boar}, a heavily foliated area belonging to {Rocky Ape}, and a poisonous area of the {Kinanru Gardens} belonging to the {Colorless Ophidian}.

But where Xu Xiuying was standing used to be the territory of the {Longclaw-Cougar} but now seemed to be marked on the map as unclaimed territory. Searching the map for a suitable place to make camp temporarily, Xu Xiuying found a spot near a pond that seemed to make great for a camp as it was elevated higher than most of the land surrounding it.

Making his way to his temporary home Xu Xiuying took alternative routes to what he saw on the map as he wanted to familiarize himself with the {Kinanru Gardens}, As he made his way Xu Xiuying encountered other animals that he had not seen in the small time he had been there. He got far away to look at some of the claimed territories to check if he could spot the owners of those territories.

Then after almost a full day of walking through the {Kinanru Gardens} Xu Xiuying arrived at his new home. As soon as he arrived he began construction on a hut just big enough for his body to fit in. Xu Xiuying slid in feet first and drifted off into sleep.