
A Little Fun

Hendrix's POV

I told my men to clean the mess in the basement and for them to make sure that they should not leave any trace that there was a dead body earlier. I entrusted these sort of things to them because I know that I am able to trust them with such task. They work for me because all of us have the same motives. We are willing to take risk as we, have nothing else to loose for they, already took it away from us. I even wonder how they could sleep at night after all the crimes they have committed and they even have the guts to say that they're the victims.

Isn't it crazy how messed up our society works?

People would often turn a blind eye to the truth and would believe to the other's lies. While the victims, suffer even more because they would be treated as outcasts of the community if they decide to contradict the people with high rankings, the ones born with a silver spoon.

I was finally taken away from my thoughts when my right hand, who is also my friend tapped my shoulder.

"Yo Drix you okay?" He asked with a hint of worry in his tone.

"Yes." I answered back.

He then proceeded to wrap his arm across my shoulder and spoke.

"Really cuz I've been calling you for thew last five minutes but you seemed out of it."

"I'm just thinking about something." I responded while I was trying to get him off myself.

" Come on let's have some fun what do you say?" "You need to take a break cuz your the one who's working nonstop." He said with a pleading tone.

"How many times do I have to tell you that there are things that are more important than your 'fun' Renz?" I said while walking ahead of him hoping that he'd stop pestering me with his childish queries. Lorenzo or 'Renz' decided to be cheeky and rolled his eyes and pouted at me thinking that I'd say yes to his request.

"Fine! I'll just go by myself again!" Renz said begrudgingly accepting the fact that I'm not going with him to his favorite bar.

"Okay then I'll get going!" "Enjoy yourself and don't cause trouble." I said walking towards my car.

"Come on bro, just this once please?" He whined.

"I already said no Lorenzo." I said opening my car door.

Even after I said that, Renz kept being persistent on convincing me to go with him. As I went in the car, he also followed and entered as well. His pestering lasted 10 more minutes before I finally lost my patience.

"If I say yes, would you stop now?" I said as I sighed accepting that I have to go with him at the bar.

He responded by nodding his head.

Finally, he settled down which pleased me because I was annoyed by his pestering. I didn't even want to go to the bar. You'd just find people dancing as they reek of alcohol.

When we arrived at the bar, Renz immediately ran inside forgetting about me and the fact that he was the one who dragged me there. As I was about to enter, something caught my attention. I saw thugs gathering at the alley nearby.

I saw them attempting to harm a petite guy who was cornered into the wall. An idea suddenly popped up in my mind.

A little fun won't be bad right?