
The LEWD Curse I

A strange curse is plaguing humanity, no one knows it's origin... A tale about fetishism, and more... = Mature Themes 18+ = p.s.: English isn't my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and phrases that don't make sense. Support me: https://patreon.com/_N16H7M4R3_

_N16H7M4R3_ · Urban
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7 Chs

- II -

It's been two weeks since Nay got cursed, she dedicate some time, to look for more information about this curse, but the only information she found was a colaborative page, with some reports of other girls that had been cursed too, and the name of this curse... The LEWD Curse.

Nay is a bit frustrated, since she didn't find a way to get rid of the curse. She's also shocked, and scared because of the reports she have read. It seems that this curse doesn't have the same effects on every girl, each case is unique, there is some "symptoms" that are shared, but the combination is totally random, it's impossible to predict the "symptoms" and effects of these curse.

During these weeks, Nay had a hard time trying to control her new inpetus. In an attempt to not get in public naked, she put handwritten signs all over her apartment saying: [CHECK IF U R DRESSED], specially on the front door, and on the balcony door, even though, many times Nay went out totally naked in public, specially on her balcony, since she needs to pit her mattress to dry every day. One day, Nay went to the common gym of her apartment complex, and worked out naked for about 50 minutes, she just noticed that she was naked, when she looked at the gym mirror. Luckily during all these time, no one showed up at the gym, yet Nay needed to share the elevator with other people.

Another measurement that Nay adopted, as an attempt of living normally, is try to always keep her concentration on not masturbate or hump on anything. This is the hardest challenge, after all, it just needs a fraction of a second for Nay start masturbating or humping on something, and since she doesn't notices when she starts, she could stay for several minutes pleasuring herself, cumming and squirting.

Even though Nay had been cursed, all of the blue, her boyfriend is very supportive, he does his best to comfort Nay, and give all the support he can. Due off his attitude, Nay fall in love more and more with her boyfriend, with each day passed.

Other thing that's happening to Nay, is that now every night, Nay have only wet dreams, it's because of it, that Nay needs to put her mattress on the balcony to dry, every day. All mornings, Nay wake in the middle of a mess, sometimes Nay awakes up cumming and squirting hard, like a fountain, and she stays in that situation for several minutes, non-stop, only being able to move after she recover control over her horniness.

Against all the odds, Nay's bakery business is going very well, she spends her afternoons baking lots of cakes and donuts, and since many of the couriers are the same almost everyday, they are becoming used to Nay's revealing clothes, or even nakedness.

Another week have passed, and Nay and her boyfriend, finally managed to meet in person again, because of Nay's new behaviors, she asks her boyfriend to meet her at her apartment. Nay is feeling a mixture of apprehension, anxiety and happiness, with the visit of her boyfriend. In the last message Nay got from her boyfriend he said that he arrived at the bus station and he's waiting from a car, he ordered from an app. Nay knows that it takes about an hour and a half from the bus stop to her house, with the transit conditions of the day.

During the waiting, Nay is very anxious, she thinks of how her boyfriend will react to her, he will accept her like this or no? He will think she's a whore? He will breakup with her? Nay is so distracted with all this thoughts that she's didn't noticed that she's masturbating all along, she's cumming non-stop, and squirting hard and wildly, she's again looking like a fountain.

Nay's cellphone beeps, it's her boyfriend, he's at her apartment reception, she call the reception, and tell them to let him in. Nay is very excited now, she gets up from the sofa with a jump, she didn't stop squirting yet, but she doesn't care, she goes to the front door and waits her boyfriend. The two minutes Nay waited, felt like an eternity, there is a big puddle of pussy juices under her, since she's still squirting hard and wildly, the stream of juices make, a bit loud, splash sound when it hit the floor. When someone knocs the door, Nay instantly opens it, as she sees her boyfriend, she instantly jumps over him, hugging and kissing him wildly. She's now being driven by her excitement and horniness. She clings on him, wrapping her legs around him, holding tight, keep kissing him passionately, and start humping him.

Nay's boyfriend, even though he got taken by surprise and the lewd attack from Nay, managed to enter the apartment and close the door, he almost slipped on the puddle made of Nay's pussy juices that's right in front the front door, and sit on the sofa, with Nay over him. Nay still squirting heavily and wildly during all this, her boyfriend is already completely soaked in pussy juices.

Nay keeps kissing her boyfriend wildly, humping him, squirting hard and wildly, she doesn't care, she can only think in getting pleasure from her boyfriend and give pleasure to him. At first her boyfriend tried to resist, mostly because of the surprise, but then, he accept it, and get in the mood.

They spend some hours like that, Nay doing everything to be fucked by her boyfriend, she's still squirting heavily and wildly, the sofa is completely soaked in Nay's pussy's juices, Her living room is start to smell like her pussy. Nay's boyfriend, somehow, managed to stick his dick inside Nay's pussy. They stay like this for hours, Nay doesn't seem to be satisfied, she always wants more and more, even though her boyfriend have cum many times, Nay still wants more.

After 4 hours, Nay's boyfriend starts to get tired, he asks a couple times for Nay to stop, when he notices Nay isn't listening to him, he managed to restrain her. As he keeps holding Nai, she keeps begging:

_ Pelase, fuck me, I need it. - Says Nay moaning.

_ Pelase, please, please... - Continues her.

Nay's boyfriend gets worried, after all, even with him restraining her, Nay keeps trying to rub her pussy against his dick, and he notices that, she's still squirting hard, non-stop, like a fountain. He doesn't know if he stop holding her, or if he keep. He tries to talk to her, but seems like she can't listening, she keep begging to be fucked, and she's begging louder and louder. Nay is now screaming at the top of her lungs, begging to be fucked:

_ FUCK MEEEE! PLEASEEEE! - She keep repeating.

After an hour, Nay's frenzy has passed, her pussy back to drool juices in the usual rate, and she's backing to her senses.

_ Are you ok? - Asks Nay's boyfriend.

_ I think so... - Answers Nay, a bit dizzy. - What happened?

_ Well, it's a long story...

Nay looks to her boyfriend, and see him totally soaked, without pants and underpants. She looks around, and see the huge mess on her living room. As her boyfriend is getting dressed again, Nay starts to realize what happened, she starts to feel a mixture of panic, worries and shame. She cover her face with her hands, and start saying fast and running over words:

_ Sorry I don't know what happened I didn't want I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know what came to me... - and so on.

_ It's ok, calm down - Says her boyfriend, sitting by her side on the sofa. - I'm here, I'm not mad... I just worried with you... What's happening?

Nay calms down, take a deep breath, and tells her boyfriend what she discovered on the internet.

_ Well, I think now is the part where u flee, and never talk to me again... - Says Nay, after telling everything.

_ I must admit, most guys would have that atitude. - Says Nay's boyfriend, and continues. - But I promised to be by your side, no matter what...

Nay shyly looks at her boyfriend, he's smiling at her, and start to head pat her. Nay feels safe and loved, she leans on his touch. After some seconds, Nay notices that the stream of juices that come out her pussy, is getting heavily and heavily, her heart is beating faster, she's starting to rub her pussy against the sofa, and she's breathing heavily and heavily.

_ It's starting again... - Whispers Nay.

Nay spreads her legs wide, she's squirting again, she's a fountain once more, Nay looks at her boyfriend. As he looks at Nay's face, he see a panic expression turn into a pervy one, pure horniness. He notices that Nay's eyes have a glowing pink spot, at tue very middle of her pupils, heart shaped. She's smirking, moaning, biting her lower lip. And she start again:

_ Fuck me... Breed me... I need.. I need your dick... nooooowwww~

Her boyfriend sees that Nay's loosing control again, he need to think fast. On a moment of desperation, he starts to masturbate Nay, fingering her pussy, that makes Nay cum hard and squirt loads, but she seems satisfied, apparently her frenzy was much quicker than the other one. She quickly recover her senses and the control over her horniness.

Again Nay feels very ashamed, she's leaning her chin on her hands and leaning her elbows over her tighs while sitting on the sofa. She looks to her boyfriend, and says with a mixture of shame and sadness:

_ Well, now it's done... U probably think that I'm a slluty... A fucking slluty... The lowest type, that can't even stay a minute without a fucking dick on her pussy, that offers herself to anyone... - She sighs deep...

_ I don't think any of these things of u... - Replys her boyfriend.

_ How? - asks Nay - Look at me, I can't even stop leaking juices out of my pussy... - Say her spreading her legs and pointing at her crotch.

_ If u r okay with this - continues Nay - u r either an idiot, or a liar... - She sighs again.

_ There is a third option u didn't consider... - Says her boyfriend, and continues - Maybe I'm a pervert too...

Nay, looks at her boyfriend, with a shy smile, and wet eyes, saying:

_ Humph, stop saying that... I'm getting horny again...

_ My little perv... - Says Nay's boyfriend.

The stream of juices coming out of Nay's pussy, starts to intensify again, forcing her to start finger herself.

_ Look what u made me do... - Says Nay smirking to her boyfriend - If u don't stop saying these things, I'll attack u again...

_ Perfect... - Retorts him.

They both laughs a bit. Nay finishes masturbate, and they both cleans and reorganize Nay's apartment. They spent the rest of the day in this, since Nay needs to stop to control her horniness, somerimes masturbating even.

Even though they have combined of sleeping in separate apartments, Nay asks her boyfriend to stay, and sleep with her, and he agrees. The night was intense, Nay have lots of wet dreams, as usual, but she masturbates, and have sex with her boyfriend, sleepwalking.

The next morning, as they both wake up, Nay starts her day in another frenzy, her and her boyfriend spend about 3 and a half hour in this frenzy, till Nay's boyfriend managed to control her, and bring her back to her senses. After that, they went out on a date, as they agreed earlier. Nay almost went out naked, she just remembered to put on clothes when her boyfriend joked with her saying:

_ I know u r the hottest girl in this universe, but see u like that, is a privilege I keep just for myself...

Even though Nay had put on some clothes, they aren't ones that cover much skin. Nay went off her bedroom wearing just a very tiny bikini top, that barely cover up her nipples, and a micro denim shorts that's almost a thong, letting her big ass almost fully exposed, and, she left the front opened, it's on the limit of showing off her pussy. And they went out.

Nay and her boyfriend first went to a restaurant, after they spent some time in a park, and finish the day on a movie theater. During all these time, Nay draw lots of attention, noth because of her clothes and because she masturbates very often. Many times Nay's boyfriend needed to control Nay, after all she enters in frenzy a couple times. Her boyfriend, two times, needed even to put his hand into Nay's pants and finger masturbate her. When they arrive back at Nay's apartment, she says:

_ Sorry...

_ Why? - Asks her boyfriend.

_ For being like this... For being a degenerate sllut... For embarrass u for life... - Nay says with a sad tone. - U choose...

_ Hey, it's fine... - Nay's boyfriend grabs her by waist, and pull her closer to him - U aren't anything of that...

_ Yes I am, everything... - Nay breaks free from her boyfriend - U know that... U know...

Nay's boyfriend, grabs her and pulls her close once more, and say:

_ No, u aren't... U r my princess, my girl...

_ U forgot to say that I'm ur degenerate pervy sllutie... - answers Nay.

_ If u want that... - Retorts her boyfriend, pulling her even closer.

_ If I'll be only yours, I can be ur degenerate pervy sllutie... - Says Nay.

_ Ok, ok... - Says Nay's boyfriend smiling at her - U r my degenerate pervy sllutie princess...

Nay starts kissing her boyfriend with love and lust, she clings on him and start humping against him. She interrupt the kiss and say:

_ Yet, I'm sorry that u couldn't finish ur meal...

_ It's okay, it wasn't very tasty - says her boyfriend - they could at least let u finish cumming... - completes him smirking.

Nay gently punchs him, and retorts:

_ My squirt streams was reaching the other table...

_ They could move the table out of the way... - Says her boyfriend - Being honest, I was liking to watch...

Again she gently punchs him, then say:

_ Perv...

_ Oohhh... - Nay's boyfriend looks down, looking at her pussy, that she's rubbing hard against his crotch - Looks who's talking... - and smirks.

_ Aren't u liking it? - Asks Nay ironically.

Nay's boyfriend smirks, put his hands on her big ass, and picks her up. Instantly Nay starts squirting hard. They went to the sofa, and spent the rest of the day fucking. They went to sleep, and once more, Nay managed to get fucked by her boyfriend while she's sleepwalking.

The next morning, Nay wakes up, over her boyfriend, with his dick still stuck up her pussy, she's still cumming, and squirting like a fountain, Nay blushes a bit, bites her lower lip, and starts to bouce on her boyfriend's dick. A couple minutes later, Nay's boyfriend wakes up, he looks up, and see her going up and down his dick. He gets confortable, and asks:

_ What r u doing?

_ Waking u up... - Answers her.

_ Well, even with all this pussy juices mess... I can get used to this... - He says.

Nay smiles, and leans to kiss her boyfriend. She frenzy again, and they spend the next three hours fucking. Then he managed to control her once more, and she's get back to her senses.

Nay's boyfriend, helps her to clean everything and put the mattress on the balcony to dry, and say that he needs to get back to his house, Nay panics a bit hearing that, but she knows he still have her things to do back on his city.

Even though, she insists a lot to accompany him to the bus station, he managed to convince her to stay at her apartment, she says a bit sad:

_ U gonna send me a message when u arrive at the bus station, then one when enter the bus, one when the bus is leaving, one when u arrive ur city, and one when u arrive ur house... uderstand?

Her boyfriend agrees, give her a quick kiss, and leaves, he keeps his promise and sen her all the messages, he arrives his home at night, so they both say goodbye and went to sleep.

A couple days later, Nay wakes up from her wet dreams, as she's awakening, she's masturbating, as always, she's feeling a strange tingling sensation on her breats. At first she has more urgent issues to deal, she does her morning routine like always, she masturbates and cums a couple times, then she goes naked to the balcony, to hive her morning "show" to everyone, while she leaves her mattress there, she eats something, do her chores while masturbates and pleasures herself. After Nay finish it all, she notices again the tingling sensation on her breats, but now, she's feeling they a bit strange, like they're about to burst. "That's new, what a strange feeling..." she thinks to herself, and, once more, she notices she's stills naked. Nay goes to her bedroom to get dressed, she put the tiniest, and more revealing clothes she can find, it's been a while since Nay didn't wear underwear anymore, when she put some, she wears only the underwear, and the sexyest or skimpyest ones she can find.

As Nay starts to dress, she notices something weird, it looks like her clothes gets smaller, she have a hard time fitting her ass inside her tiny shorts, and the cropped shirt she puts, almost doesn't fit her boobs. "Great, I mess with my laundry..." she thinks, she looks down and sees that her boobs are almost popping out over her cropped shirt clevage, and as she walks, her breasts almost slips down her cropped shirt, and her ass almost pops out her short shorts, since Nay couldn't fit her shorts all the way up her ass, it got stuck by the middle of her ass, woth the upper portion of her buttocks popping over her shorts, and by the front, Nay needed to leave her shorts open, because of that, her pussy is showing out a bit by the zipper.

During the afternoon, while Nay's baking the orders of the donuts and cakes, she keep feeling these strange sensations on her breasts and ass, it seems to her that her clothes are getting tighter, she still with her new tick of masturbating, pleasuring herself, and/or hump against everything, but there is this new weird sensations today, over her body. Nay's now totally used to the puddles made of her pussy juices, she cleans them all the time, not minding anymore, all of sudden, she sees another puddle, it's smaller the the others, and is over the kitchen counter, without doubt, she hurries to clean it, but as she gets closer, she notices that it's different from the ones made of her pussy juices, "What's this?", she thinks, and decide to take a closer look at it.

Nay looks and examines the puddle, she sees that the liquid is white, she decide to smell it, the smell isn't like the liquid that comes out of her pussy, it has a familiar sweet scent, she hesitates but decide to taste it, it has a very sweet taste too, and she instantly notices, "It's milk...", she realizes, "A very sweet milk... Like condensed milk..." she thinks. Nay finds it very strange, but thinks that she have spilled from the cakes and donuts she's baking, she cleans it, and continues her work shift.

She finishes her work shift, it's early evening, Nay starts to talk to her boyfriend through text messages, she tells her boyfriend of what happened during her day, about the strange sensations she's having on her butt and boobs. Nay's boyfriend makes some jokes about it, and Nay doesn't miss the chance of sending him lots of photos and videos of her.

During the afternoon, Nay's breasts slipped under her cropped shirt and are fully exposed, and her shorts roll up down and her ass and pussy are too fully exposed too, she didn't notice it until now. Nay says to her boyfriend she's going to take a bath, she puts he cellphone to charge, and went to the bathroom. Nay still thinks that her clothes have gotten smaller, she takes them off, and looks in the mirror.

She's shocked, she can't believe her eyes. Nay's staring at the mirror unbeliving, her body changed a bit, it got bigger. Her breasts are slightly bigger than this morning, her ass got bigger too, and her hips and thighs are a bit wider. She almost yells:


As Nay gets worried and mad, another thing happens, at first her nipples starts to dripp milk, but the more excited she gets, more milk starts to come out becoming, at first a stream, next her nipples starts to squirt milk. Then she yells:

_ GREAT! THAT'S GREAT! WHAT ELSE COULD HAPPEN? - And she's start laughing nervously.

Nay goes into frenzy again, and she's black outs.