
The Leviathan Tristin

When Tristin was struggling to find a way to avenge his parents' deaths, he unexpectedly received a powerful gift from a leviathan. After his parents' bizarre death, Tristin was kicked out by his uncle, who coveted the family fortune in Sunville. At just 17, without the power to fight back, despair, frustration, and anger engulfed him. Tristin moved to Bongsburg to live with his maternal grandmother and finish high school. Determined to reclaim what was rightfully his, Tristin saw Bongsburg as a strategic starting point. He planned to recruit allies and friends to help him, but first, he needed to settle into school. However, his minor conflicts at school quickly escalated beyond the school's borders and into a power struggle involving the major families of Bongsburg, leaving him in turmoil. Caught in this struggle, Tristin received a powerful gift from a leviathan. Using spiritual energy and Reiki to enhance his physical strength, combined with the vast knowledge from the leviathan, Tristin gradually gained the trust of the big players in Bongsburg. He conquered the city, gaining allies, friends, and lovers. Believing he now had the power to avenge his parents and reclaim his birthright, Tristin headed to Sunville. There, he discovered that his uncle was merely a pawn of a mysterious organization called the Argus Web, which had its hands and eyes everywhere, it has even infiltrated his ranks. The organization aimed to control the world through business, and they had pressured Tristin's parents to join them. When they refused, they were eliminated. As Tristin fought against the Argus Web, he realized he was up against individuals with extraordinary abilities, making his quest even more challenging.

Chreecy_Kayra · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Two Bulls

"This is the end for you, when my uncle gets serious, no one can stop him." Thomas shouted in excitement, seeing Lerato's father shaking the room, he knew that this is the end for Mr. Masombuka.


"Finish him brother, let him understand why the Ngobeni family is number one in the west and number seven in the entire Bongburgs." Themba said, his voice cold as he gaze at Mr. Masombuka.


"Yes, second master, you are the strongest in the Ngobeni family, with you here, this bustard is done for." Butler Mabena also jumped in.


Mr. Masombuka listened to what everyone was saying, his eyes fixed on Josh who was about to attack. He condensed what was left of his qi energy in to a single acupoint in his right fist. "Even Kappa Bird Dance won't be enough, with the amount of qi energy left in my body." Mr. Masombuka said to himself as he took a deep breath.


Josh also heard what Themba, Thomas and butler Mabena were saying; he clicked his tough in disgust. He took a looked at them with narrowed eyes, then came back to Mr. Masombuka. "Tell you what, if you can manage to survive my attack, I'll let you go." He said looking at Mr. Masombuka in the eyes.


"Can't you just let me go right now?" Mr. Masombuka asked with a smile on his face as he bends a little, his eyes focused on Josh.


"Hahaha." Josh laughed. "We both know I can't just let you go that easily." Josh said with a smile. "Prepare yourself, here I came." He said as he took a pose like a baseball pitcher. "Twist of fate, Spiral fist of fate." He said out loud as the qi energy rotated like a vortex around his fist and arm


Mr. Masombuka smiled at the face of danger. "This would be fun if I didn't exhausted most of my qi energy fighting those goons." He thought as he did a horse stance while banding a little. "Kappa Bird Dance." He said as he took a deep breath. "Song of Retribution." he continued as the sounds of thousand birds screamed.


Hearing the sounds of birds humming and the flickers of lightning around Mr. Masombuka, Josh also smiled at the face of danger. "I was going to hold back a little." He shook his head and continued; "something tells me that if I do, I might get injured." He said as he raised his qi energy to the point where a buzzing sound like bees echoed around him.


Feeling the immense qi energy around the living room, Thomas took few steps back. "The Twist of Fate, Spiral Fist of Fate can double the users qi energy, if I use it with my Du meridian, I can channel qi energy of a Dan martial artist, uncle has opened the seventh meridian channel Dai but the power on him right now is equivalent to a martial artist who has opened the eight channel Qiao, not only will this security guard be dead but the house might be destroyed too." He thought as created a small barrier with his qi energy to shield himself. 


Themba also didn't want to be a grass for this two bulls, he channel his qi energy and created a barrier for himself and Thomas, butler Mabena also joined in, three channeling their qi energy, they manage to create a strong enough barrier to withstand the shockwave from Josh and Mr. Masombuka, that's what they believed anyway.


Seeing that the three are well protected, Josh jumped forward, leaving an afterimage behind, he shouted; "Spiral Fist of Fate." As he approached Mr. Masombuka with a punch coated with violating rotating qi energy.


Seeing Josh coming at a fast speed, Mr. Masombuka didn't want to be out done. He jumped forward as he condenses all his qi energy to the single accupoint in his fist while spinning like a drill, covered with lightning. "Song of Retribution." He screamed.


Just before the two fists came into contact, Mr. Masombuka released the highly compressed qi energy.


Bang! The two fist collided, a ball of qi energy form, radiating with power, the ball of energy got big as the basketball before exploding, the shockwave shook the house, the protective qi barrier formed by Thomas, Themba and butler Mabena shuttered in an instant, sending them flying at the fast speed, then they hit the wall separating the living room and the kitchen. Bang! Bang! Bang! They all cough out a mouth full of blood.


Mr. Masombuka was also sent flying, he crashed through the window and continue to fly across the front yard just as he was about to hit the boundary wall, he did a backflip and landed on the boundary wall with his feet. He came down slowly, as he was about to hit the ground, he cough out a mouth full of blood.


On one knee, Mr. Masombuka looked at the distance he was sent flying. He held his chest with his left hand. "Using the Song of Retribution with that amount of qi energy has damage my meridians but it couldn't be helped, if I didn't, I would have died. Oh well, since I'm outside now, I can just flee." With that said, Mr. Masombuka jumped the boundary wall with the highest speed he could master at the time, he left the Ngobeni residence.


Josh was sent flying by the explosion too, he cashed the wall between the living room and the dining room and pass through it, he landed on his knee near the dining table, just as he was about stand up, he cough out a mouth full of blood.


Also on one knee, Josh smiled; "that move of his is sure something, to be able to match more than half of my qi energy with that amount of qi energy he had left, it's truly impressive." He said as he stood up while smiling.


Well this is a mess. Josh said as he looked at the two walls that were damage, plus the window Mr. Masombuka broke through. "I'm sure father won't be pleased with this, anyway it's not my problem, I'm not the head of the family and I didn't invite a lunatic to the house." He said as he walked to Themba and his group.


"Brother you have done it now." Josh said as he looked at Themba, who was on his knees clutching his chest, he shook his head with a smile. "You have destroyed the reputation of the family by inviting a lunatic who beat your thugs and now our guards, what will the people say about the Ngobeni family after they hear about such embarrassing news?" He asked but his voice was calm with a hint of excitement.


"This is the reason you held back, you wanted this outcome, is being the head of the family means that much to you, brother?" Themba asked his voice cold, his eyes narrowed. 


"What are you talking about brother, why must I clean up your mess in the first place, you alone did this to the family, your ignorance did this." Josh said coldly as he though; "when father hears about this, surely he will remove Themba from being the head of the family, this is my chance, I can't let this chance go." He said to himself, while he smiled at the thought. 


"Don't be happy brother I still have Raymond on my side, he will crash that bustard, after all, he and I have a common enemy now." He said as he took out his phone.


"Hahaha, Josh laughed hard and coughed a bit before he stopped. "You plan to use your thugs again, will this time go any better, regardless, father won't be pleased about what you did today." He said as narrowed his eyes and looked Themba in the eyes.


Just when Themba was about to call Raymond, his phone rang, it was Mr. Nkosi, Mdu's father and one of the Phantom Five. "Tsk" Themba snorted before saying; "What does he want now, don't tell me, has he already got the wind of what happened here." He looked at the phone with a bit of hesitation before he answered.


"Mr. Nkosi, how can I help you?" Themba asked as he frown his face.


Mr. Nkosi didn't waste time, he bust out in laughter as soon as he heard Themba's voice on the phone. "Hahaha, I must say, the Ngobeni family is sure pathetic, it's a good show, wahahaha." He laughed as he coughs a bit.


Themba gritted his teeth, the sounds of teeth grinding one another echoed around the kitchen. He hugged up, then look at Thomas who clutched his chest with both hands, since he was the weakest among the three, he suffered the most from that explosion.


"This was your idea, you need to own up and destroy that Tristin yourself." Themba said coldly, looking at Thomas.


Thomas didn't have much to say but look down in shame. "I'm the one who caused all this, now my father is at risk of losing his status in the family, he's right; Tristin needs to pay, all this happened because of him." He thought as he clenched his hands into a fist.


"Butler Mabena, bring Raymond here right now; there's no time to waste, that bustard Masombuka is wounded now, we need to find him and finish him today." Themba said, his eyes narrowed, his voice cold, it froze the atmosphere


Butler Mabena didn't waste time, he ran to his car to find Raymond the leader of the Black Phoenix gang and one of the Phantom Five of Bongburg.


Josh shook his head looking at the mess around him and the pile of bodies scattered across the living room, kitchen and dining room. "No matter what you do brother, you need to take responsibility for all of this, step down as head of the family, I'll make sure that your problems go away." He said looking at Themba in the eyes.


"It's not over yet brother, I'm still the head and I can fix this." He said coldly.


At this moment the news about what happened to the Ngobeni family started to circulate among the upper class of Bongsburg.

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