
Limitless Evolution: My Body Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Silas was born without the ability to create mana, so his mother performed involuntary surgery to fix that. Now he has to grow into his new powers before the fairies invade his world and kill everyone that he loves.

Red_Marsh · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Appearance Control

Silas leaned back against his mount, his mind wandering through the intricate web of his newfound abilities. The system interface flickered before his eyes, revealing a fresh array of skill trees. Among them, a new addition caught his attention - the water affinity tree.

A faint smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he examined the lone skill nestled within: Water Jet. It seemed simple enough, allowing him to create a stream of water at will. While not particularly flashy, Silas couldn't help but imagine the potential applications of such an ability.

His thoughts drifted to the Staff of Aleron, its power now dispersed among his friends. A twinge of regret flashed through him, wondering what other marvels he might have unlocked with its aid. But he quickly pushed the feeling aside, knowing the choice they'd made had strengthened their group as a whole.

As his mount plodded along, Silas's attention shifted to a more pressing concern - his monstrous appearance. The recent evolution had left him looking far from human, a fact that would undoubtedly cause problems back at Arcanium. His eyes scanned the biomancy skill tree, searching for a solution.

There, nestled among the various skills, he found what he was looking for: Appearance Control. The description promised the ability to alter his physical form, to mask the inhuman features that now marked him as different. Silas felt a wave of relief wash over him. With this skill, he could walk among his peers without fear of discovery or rejection.

Silas's eyes widened as he selected the Appearance Control skill, watching as 50 affinity points vanished from his total. A warm tingle spread through his body, starting at his core and radiating outward to his fingertips and toes. He closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation as his body shifted and morphed.

When he opened them again, Silas found himself staring at hands that looked decidedly more human. Gone were the scales and claws that had marked him as something other. He ran his fingers through his hair, relieved to feel soft strands instead of the tough, reptilian ridges.

As he explored this new ability, Silas realized its versatility. With a mere thought, he could revert to his more monstrous form, embracing the raw power and heightened senses of his Leviathan part. It was a tactical advantage he knew would prove invaluable in combat situations.

However, the skill came with its own set of drawbacks. Maintaining his human appearance drained his mana reserves, a constant but manageable trickle that he'd need to monitor closely. More significantly, he noticed a decrease in his physical capabilities. The superhuman strength and agility he'd enjoyed in his Leviathan form were muted, leaving him feeling somewhat vulnerable in comparison.

Perhaps most frustrating was the loss of his water affinity while in human form. The newfound ability to manipulate water, which he'd been eager to explore, was now only accessible when he embraced his monstrous appearance. It was a trade-off that left Silas feeling conflicted, torn between the desire to fit in and the allure of his newfound powers.

Silas exhaled slowly, a mixture of relief and apprehension washing over him. The Appearance Control skill had given him a semblance of normalcy, but it couldn't erase the memories of those who had witnessed his transformation. He glanced around at his classmates, noting the wary looks and hushed whispers that followed him.

As they rode back to Arcanium, Silas practiced shifting between his human and Leviathan forms, marveling at the ease with which he could now change. In his human guise, he looked just as he had before the incident - unassuming, even a bit scrawny. It was a comforting familiarity, but one that came at a cost.

The constant drain on his mana reserves worried him. While manageable for now, Silas knew he'd need to find ways to replenish his energy more efficiently than relying on his friends.

His friends watched him with a mix of fascination and concern. Jace, ever curious, peppered Silas with questions about how it felt to change forms. Rowan remained quiet, his expression thoughtful as he observed Silas's transformations. Lyra's gaze was sharp, analytical, as if trying to unravel the mysteries of Silas's new ability.

"At least you won't scare the first years anymore," Nadia quipped, breaking the tension with her dry humor.

Silas managed a weak smile. "True, but I can't help feeling like I'm hiding part of myself."

Lyra leaned in, her voice low. "Remember, Silas, this isn't about denying who you are. It's about choosing when and how to reveal your true nature. Use this ability wisely."

Her words resonated with Silas. He nodded, grateful for her insight.

As Silas and his companions returned to Arcanium, the familiar spires of the university loomed before them. The adrenaline of their recent adventure began to fade, replaced by a collective sense of exhaustion and accomplishment.

They made their way to an empty classroom, closing the door behind them for privacy. Silas pulled out the satchel containing their hard-earned spoils - a collection of mana cores harvested from the beasts they'd encountered.

"Alright," Silas said, dumping the cores onto a nearby desk. "Let's see what we've got here."

The mana cores glowed softly in the dim light, each pulsing with latent magical energy. Jace's eyes widened at the sight, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Dibs on the big ones!" he exclaimed, reaching for a particularly large core.

Rowan intercepted his hand, shaking his head. "We should distribute them evenly. It's only fair."

Lyra nodded in agreement, her analytical mind already at work. "We should consider our individual strengths and weaknesses when dividing them. Some cores might be more beneficial to certain affinities."

Nadia rolled her eyes but didn't argue. "Fine, but can we hurry it up? I'm starving after all that fighting."

Silas watched his friends with a mixture of amusement and fondness. Despite their different personalities, they'd come together as a team during their hunt. Now, even in the simple act of dividing their spoils, that camaraderie shone through.

They spent the next hour carefully examining each core, discussing its potential uses and debating who would benefit most from its power. Silas found himself taking on the role of mediator, ensuring everyone's voice was heard and that the distribution remained fair.

As the pile of cores dwindled, Silas noticed a small, unassuming core that had been overlooked. He picked it up, feeling a strange resonance with his leviathan side. Without a word, he pocketed it, sensing it might hold some special significance for him later.

With the division complete, each of them now possessed a small collection of mana cores. The potential for growth and new abilities hung in the air, an unspoken excitement shared among the group.

Silas watched as Professor Rathgar Ironforge set to work, his skilled hands moving with practiced efficiency. The forge roared to life, its heat filling the workshop with a comforting warmth. Rathgar's eyes gleamed with excitement as he examined the various materials they had gathered during their recent adventure.

"Alright, let's see what we can craft for your friends," Rathgar said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. He turned to Jace first, studying the young man's build and fighting style. "For you, lad, I'm thinking a set of lightweight, daggers. They'll complement your duplication magic nicely."

Jace's face lit up at the prospect. Rowan stepped forward next, and Rathgar nodded approvingly. "A sturdy shield and a well-balanced sword for our summoner. We'll incorporate some of those beast cores to enhance your connection with your summoned creatures."

As Rathgar continued discussing designs with Nadia and Lyra, Silas's attention wandered to a nearby bookshelf. His eyes fell upon a tome titled "Advanced Hydromancy: Mastering the Ways of Water." Curiosity piqued, he pulled the book from the shelf and began to leaf through its pages.

As he read, Silas felt a surge of excitement. The spells described in the book resonated with his newfound water affinity. He realized that instead of spending precious affinity points to unlock these abilities, he could simply learn them through study and practice.

Eagerly, Silas immersed himself in the book, absorbing knowledge about water manipulation techniques, pressure control, and even more advanced concepts like phase changing and ice formation.

Hours passed as Silas devoured the contents of the hydromancy tome and several others he found on related subjects. The sound of Rathgar's hammering and the occasional exclamation of delight from his friends faded into the background as he lost himself in the world of water magic.

Silas followed Lyra to a secluded corner of the workshop, away from the clanging of Rathgar's hammer and the excited chatter of their friends. Lyra's eyes darted around, ensuring they were truly alone before she spoke.

"Silas," she began, her voice low and urgent, "I have information about your mother."

His heart skipped a beat. "What? How?"

Lyra took a deep breath. "She's not in the capital as we thought. She's at Eldritch Academy, working on some kind of project. The security there is much lower than at the capital."

His mother, so close and yet still out of reach.

"How do you know all this, Lyra?" he asked.

Lyra hesitated for a moment, then squared her shoulders. "I'm part of an organization called Unbound. We have... sources."

Silas blinked, confusion replacing his excitement. "What's Unbound?"