
The Letters from Rose

Two babies born in the same year to different families, one male and one female, and opposite in every way. They will be rare hybrids, trihybrids, they will be the most powerful beings to walk the earth. One will turn to evil and the other to good. Good will triumph over evil, and evil will die out. This is what will come, I do not know when, but I saw it all happen and know it to be true. - The Prophet Isaiah

Butterfly_Wings · Fantasy
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Maia's Vision

Dear Imena,

The history lesson is almost over, don't worry, there's just one more prophecy to talk about before we get into my childhood. Queen Maia of the Pisces division had what were believed to be visions as well. I say "believed" because her visions were different than the prophet Isaiah's.

She described it as being something like dreaming while she was awake, but it was nothing like typical daydreaming. The things she saw would take over her sight and other senses and completely cut her off from the real world, if it wasn't happening in the vision, she didn't know it was happening.

She had one of these visions when she went to visit King Gilan before he died. When it was over and she was back to reality she told him what she saw. Long after him, her, and the other council members have passed there would be another council. Six boys, six girls, all different zodiac signs. They would rule the divisions the way the original council members had.

"But Maia, how will the future people know who those twelve individuals will be?" Gilan had asked her. But that hadn't been apart of her vision, so they came up with a plan.

Maia asked each council member to give her something that meant a lot to them; whether that be a weapon, jewelry, or armour. Then, with all she knew from years of studying and practicing magic from every realm, she put a spell on those artifacts that would be able to detect and find a person with similar qualities to the original council members. The only ones able to touch or hold the artifacts would be the new members of the new council.

The artifacts were placed in a square that connected all twelve divisions of the Kingdom, and for years they sat there, rusting and collecting dust since no one could touch them without becoming overwhelmingly sick and nauseous. It wasn't until centuries later when my cousin, Adam, visited the square that the artifacts allowed anyone to touch them without the severe nausea. It April and he had just turned five years old, he walked up to King Gilan's artifact, a beautiful bronze Corinthian helmet. The bit of the helmet the covered the nose and just above the eyes was designed to resemble ram horns, the Aries symbol.

Adam picked up the helmet from its ancient shelving and put it on while surrounding people stared at him in awe. He was crowned king of the Aries division a few weeks later, and given the helmet as a gift.

A month later, Queen Rhea of the Taurus division was crowned at age five as well with her emerald ring artifact. Then in the months following, King Rhys of the Gemini division with his twin blades, and Queen Luna of the Cancer division with her silver crab-shaped throwing stars were crowned at the age of five.

Then starting in August of the following year, King Lionel of the Leo division with the lion-headed staff, King Gaden of the Virgo division and Caduceus, Queen Cosmia of the Libra division with her scales, and Queen Moira of the Scorpio division with her scorpion brooch pin were all crowned at age five.

Finally, a year after that, Queen Yvette of the Sagittarius division with her bow and arrow, King James of the Capricorn division with his horned brass knuckles, King Clyde of the Aquarius division with his pitcher, and finally Queen Spirit Rose of the Pisces division with her trident were all crowned at age five as well.

With the new council discovered and completed over three years, the twelve began to learn how to lead, control, and strengthen their powers. All but one of them were loved by the people they helped govern. The twelfth member, Spirit Rose, was feared by all for she was the prophesized female trihybrid that Isaiah had spoke of.

This is where my story really begins.

- 𝒮. 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒