
Vol. 8 - Chapter 3: Poker Tournament

Great Bay Hotel: VIP Lounge

In the VIP lounge of the Great Bay Hotel, over 50 people were gathering around a great table. The lights were turned off with only a great light illuminating the table. The table was shaped as a circle, there was a space in the middle were the game master was held. The game master had a purple mask covering his eyes.

"WELCOME TO THIS NIGHT'S SPECIAL GAME. I AM YOUR GAME MASTER ROBBY." The game master says extending his arm; he continues to speak:

"Tonight is a special night because we have a special prize." He takes out the key and continues to present:

"This key is for the victor of this game for those who are not participating feel free to sit in the guest seats in the back, now the participant please step forward."

The Game master Robby is a man that has a purple tuxedo; his face is painted white with a purple mask covering his eyes. He is also wearing white gloves and black shoes.

A total of seven participants walk forward; each of them sit in the place they were instructed to. Johanna and Katsumi are participating as well; they are also wearing masks that cover their eyes. The people who are sitting in the back as also wearing mask to keep their identities hidden. Condoriano sits in his spot and with a great smile, he screams:

"Let's finish this quickly; there is a concert that I want to attend to."

"Now, now don't be impatient, that concert will begin in two hours, you have time." Darius says to Condoriano as he sits in his spot.

"Let's get this over with, I want that key." Duke Von Eischven says as he sits in his spot as well.

Duke Von Eischven (Age 40) is a thin man with long brown hair, white skin, and blue eyes. He has a red suit with black shoes and a thunder-shaped mustache that covers his face.

Nathaniel Gonzalez sits next to him with a nervous expression thinking; "I must win, for the sake of Lord Darius."

Finally, Agent Watson from the SIA sits in his spot. Agent Watson is an old man with a great white mustache, his hair is also white, comb to the right side, he has brown eyes, and he is a tall man, taller than most of the other participants.


"Very well now that all the participants are in place, let's begin the game." The Game master shouts with excitement. He takes out a special deck of golden cards. He begins to shuffle them and passes five cards to each contestant. The game master continues to speak:

"Now then, usually people bet on these games, however, the only prize is this golden key, meaning that it will be an elimination game. The participant who has the lowest cards will be out of the game until a winner is decided."

The participants pick up their cards, Johanna looks at hers and smiles, and she puts down just one card down. Katsumi on the other hand looks nervous; she decides to put down three cards.

"I am going to win this round," Condoriano says as he keeps his five cards. Darius looks at his cards with a calmed face and puts down two cards. The Duke puts down two cards was well looking at Johanna. Agent Watson puts down four cards with a serous face. Nathaniel who looks very nervous decides to put down three cards.

The Game Master smiles and picks up the discarded and passes the new ones to each contestant. Each of them pick up the new set of cards, Johanna still has that Confident look in her face. Katsumi looks relief the moment she sees her cards. Condoriano looks at each contestant with a great smile.

Darius looks at his cards and with a serious expression lowers the cards upside down waiting for the other contestants. The Duke looks at his cards, makes an angry face in his expression. Agent Watson does not change his expression as he lowers his cards as well. Nathaniel puts a confident smile thinking: "I got this."

"Very well contestants show us your cards," The game master says with a smile. The contestants show their cards to the grand master:

Johanna has a "Full House" which consists of three Queens and Two Jacks or Spades.

Katsumi has a "Three of a Kind" which consists of three 10

Condoriano has a "Three of a Kind" which consists of three A

Darius has a "Four of Kind" which consists of four 9

The Duke has "Two Pairs" of 8 and 7

Agent Watson has "Two Pairs" of Kings and Jack or Spade

Nathaniel has "Three of a Kind" consisted on 5

"Nathaniel is the lowest value in the game meaning he is eliminated. Good bye" the Game master points at Nathaniel.

"Wait there is a mistake, I was cheated." Nathaniel stands up with rage, the game master snaps his fingers and two large men grab him taking him away by force. Darius looks at him thinking:

"That idiot, he is going to pay for making a scene."

Katsumi sighs of relief saying; "Thank goodness. Johanna looks at Watson who make a nod slowly, she smiles thinking; "I'm going to win this and make my superior proud. "COME ON, THE NEXT ROUND!" Condoriano screams with excitement.


The next round begins with the game master passing one again his cards to the five contestants. Johanna looks at her cards and puts down once again one card. Katsumi looks at her cards and makes a small smile putting down only one card. Condoriano looks at his cards and begins to laugh hard; he decides to stay with his five cards. Darius looks at his cards and puts down three cards; the Duke decides to put down one card. Watson with a serious expression decides to put down two cards.

The game master picks up the cards and passes the new ones to the contestants. "Okay everyone, show your cards."

The contestant one again show their cards to the game master:

Johanna has "Flush" consisting in five cards of 7

Katsumi has a "Four of a kind" consisting on Jacks or Spades

Condoriano has a "full house" which consists of three A and two Kings

Darius has a "Three of a kind" consisted on Queens

The Duke has "Three of a Kind" consisted on 9

Finally Watson has a "Three of a kind" consisted on 10

"Duke Von Eischven has the lowest value, I'm afraid you must leave." The grand master says pointing at the Duke. With great fury, the duke stands up and points his gun towards the game master. The game master looks at him and the duke's eyes lose their light.

"Now, now, we don't like rotten losers here." The game master says as the two bodyguards carry the Duke away from the table.

"What did he do?" Katsumi looks surprised on what was happening, Johanna and Watson look at each other with calm faces knowing what was happening.


The third round begins and this time with five contestants remaining. The game master passes the cards to the contestants with a smile in his face. Johanna looks at her cards with a calm expression she drops only one card. Katsumi looking more confident drops two cards. Condoriano once again stays with his five cards. Darius drops three cards and Watson drops three cards.

As the game master picks up the cards and passes the new ones, Katsumi looks at Condoriano and think to herself; "This guy has great luck on his side that it looks pretty suspicious."

"Alright contestants please show me your cards" The grand master says to the contestants and the five of them once again lowers their cards:

Johanna has a "Three of a Kind" consisting on Queens

Katsumi has a "Full House" consisting on two Queens and three 10

Condoriano has "Two Pairs" of Queens and Kings

Darius has "Four of a Kind" consisting on Jack or Spades

Finally Watson has "Three of a Kind" consisting on 4

"Watson, you has the lowest value, you are eliminated from this round." The game master says to Watson who stands up and walks slowly away at the table. Condoriano laughs saying:

"Now we only have four participants, isn't this exciting?"

"Well you sure have good luck today am I right Condoriano?" Darius replies looking at him with a serious expression. Katsumi shakes of nervousness knowing that the chances of losing are increasing. Johanna whispers:

"Stay calm or you will lose."


The fourth round begins with four participants remaining. The crown makes a round of applause as the game master passes the cards to the contestants. Condoriano with his usual smile decides to leave the five cards once more. Johanna looks at her cards and puts a worried face thinking; "This is bad" and decides to drop four cards. Darius looks at his cards and with a serious expression drops two cards. Katsumi looks at her cards and makes a faint smile and drops only one card.

The game master picks up the old cards and passes the new cards to the contestants. He smiles and says; "Alright contestants, let us see your cards." The contestants lower their cards:

Johanna this time had "Two Pairs" consisting of 8 and 5

Katsumi puts "Two Pairs" consisting on A and 10

Darius has "Three of a Kind" consisting on Queens

Condoriano has a "Full House" consisting on Three Kings and Pair of A

"Johanna you have the lowest value, you are eliminated on this round." The Game Master says to Johanna, she stands up and begins to walk away but before she whispers to Katsumi; "You're going to win this just have faith in yourself."

Condoriano once again laughs pointing on Darius as he says:

"The Golden Key will be mine Darius."


The fifth round was about to begin and this time was about to begin and this time with three participants. The Grand Master looks at the three and smiles:

"Well participants, let's see if luck is on your side."

The game master begins to pass down the cards, the contestants pick up to see their cards. Condoriano decides to keep his hand one more time. Katsumi looking nervous decides to drop four cards. Darius drop two cards, Johanna who is with Watson watching the game begins to say:

"Damn it, why did Katsumi drop four cards, does she wants to lose?"

"I think this is her strategy Johanna, let's just wait and see." Watson replies as he looks at Katsumi expression.

"You look nervous missy, calm down or your luck will go away." Condoriano says to Katsumi, Katsumi takes a deep breath. The game master passes the cards one more time picking the old one.

"Participants, please lower your cards one more time" The game master says as the contestants lower their cards once again:

Katsumi presents a "Three of a Kind" consisting of Kings

Darius presents a "Pair" of Queens

Condoriano presents a "Three of a Kind" of A

Katsumi sighs with her eyes close of relief. The game master points at Darius and says:

"Darius your value is the lowest, you may leave now." Darius stands up as Condoriano laughs at him. Darius looks at him and says; "The golden key will be mine, just you wait."

Johanna looks relieved and says; "Apparently luck is in Katsumi's side."

"We'll see about that, Condoriano has a massive luck as well" Watson says with a serious expression.


The final round is a duel between Condoriano and Katsumi. The audience make a round of applause to the contestants. Katsumi trembles of nervousness, looking at Condoriano who is in front of her.

"Why don't you give up missy and give the golden key to me" Condoriano says to Katsumi, she changes her expression and replies:

"In your dreams."

The game master passes the cards to the contestants; Condoriano begins to speak:

"Let's make this interesting Katsumi I will let Chloe Diamont go if you stay with your cards and win this round, and I promise you I will leave her alone from now on."

Katsumi knowing that Chloe's father agrees a very important agent for Yggdrasil nods. The game master smiles and says:


The crowd begins to cheer as the moment of the final duel was about to reach it's climax. Johanna looks worried as she says:

"Is Katsumi out of her mind, she has a fifty percent chance to win."

"Sometimes you must have faith in yourself, remember that Johanna" Watson replies making Johanna to lower her head.

Katsumi closes her eyes without looking at her cards thinking; "You can do this, mother please give me you blessing."

"Alright participants lower you cards." The game master says to the two contestants. Condoriano with a great smile lowers his cards revealing them to the crowd. Katsumi lowers her cards with her eyes close showing them to the crown as well.

"OH WOW, WHO WOULD HAVE GUESS THIS?" The game master says to the crowd, the crowd is surprised to see the result. Kastumi looks at Condoriano's cards and tears come out of her eyes. The participant's card results are:

Condoriano presents a "Four of a Kind" of Kings

Katusmi presents a "Four of a Kind" of Ace

"I WON" Katusmi screams of excitement, the crowd begins to cheer as well. Condoriano smiles at her saying; "I guess luck was on your side, I will fulfill our agreement."

"THE WINNER IS KATSUMI MIYAZONO" The game master says to the cheering crowd. Johanna has tears in her eyes cheering for Katsumi. At that moment, the ceiling begins to come down causing a huge explosion: