
Vol. 3 - Chapter 12: The Lucifugus Scheme.

Part 1- Sun City Mayor´s Office.

A few days after the attack, Darius and Olivia were having tea in the mayor´s office. Suddenly a door opens and it is Nathaniel who looks furious and says:

"What was the meaning of the attack the other night are you trying to kill me?"

Hahaha, that was funny, who knew you were eating dinner at that moment Nathaniel" Darius says to Nathaniel causing him to get angrier and screams:

"Don´t play dumb, El Muerto knew I was there, in fact I know he order that monster to attack me."

Darius stands up and says: "Well Nathaniel just remember who are you speaking to, show some respect, my wife is here. That was an accident but next time it won´t happen like that. Remember that you work for me idiot!"

Nathaniel who is speechless begins to leave and says: "Well don´t repeat it, my son was there as well."

As soon as Nathaniel leaves, Olivia and Darius begin to laugh saying: "WHAT AN IDIOT!"

"Getting back to the subject, I heard some students are going to travel to Mexico am I correct?" Darius says as he sits in his desk.

"You are correct dear, our son is going as well." Olivia says as she drinks tea.

"Excellent, the third city will be reveal in Mexico in two weeks." Darius replies as he smiles.

"Well it just happened to be the exact moment we are going to Mexico as well." Olivia replies as she laughs.

"Excellent, I need that substitute to go along with his girlfriend the assistant principle." Darius says as he looks at their picture.

"Alright I am sending those but why?" Olivia asks with a confused face.

"You see Olivia, those two are perfect to find that city. I have a good hunch my dear." Darius replies with a smile.

"Alright if you say so I´ll send them." Olivia says as she prepares to leave.

"Hold on there is one more person I would like you to send as well." Darius says as he shows a picture of Johanna to Olivia. Olivia is left confused and says:

"Why her, she is just a nurse?"

"Hahaha, she is not just a nurse, she is a danger to us but she is the right person to go as the "GODS" will go crazy over there, and you might need a doctor." Darius says to Olivia. Olivia leaves the office and both of them say at the same time: "We are Enlightened"

Part 2- Ministry of San Juan

Due to the attack the schools took a few days off in order to keep the students safe from any other attack. The city gives a curfew at 8 pm meaning that nobody should leave their houses. The activities in the day are normal. Uriel has been in bed for two days for two reasons:The first are his injuries he took at the fight both physically and spiritually, the other is how he feels down for the monsters death. The three sisters have been taking care of him; Fabiola only gives him food because she is embarrassed to see him without his shirt because of the bandages. Valerie and Daniel watch over him and talk to him, however Uriel has been depressed since then.


"Uriel may I come in?" Maria asks as she comes in, she has a plate with chicken. She leaves the food and sits in the bed.

"I´m not hungry mother, please leave." Uriel says as he covers himself with his blanket. Maria pats his head saying:

"Ay mijo, I know that the monster was innocent, however he did kill thousands of people for the last 6 months."

"It´s not that mother, the feeling when I stab that thing I wanted to kill him cold blooded without judging him. I actually enjoy killing the specters. I feel that I am really an evil person." Uriel says as he begins to cry. Maria looks down at first, she sees Uriel and says:

"You did not kill that monster because you felt mercy unlike that other man who killed without hesitation; this means you are a good person." Maria says to Uriel as she smiles, Uriel sees Maria and lifts his head to hug her and says:

"Thank You Mama"

"That´s what mother are for, hijo. Now then stand up because you have chores to do!" Maria says as she grabs Uriel´s cheek "hurting" him.

"OUCH, OUCH !!!! OKAY MOM I UNDERSTAND" Uriel says as he stands up of his bed. Valerie comes in and hits Uriel in the head and says:

"Finally you are in a good mood big brother, now stand up because you have a visitor lady´s man."

Uriel out of the window and it was Katsumi waving at him. Uriel blushes and waves back.

"So another date ehh." Valerie says to Uriel teasing him.

"It´s not like that, we are travelling to Mexico in two weeks so we must prepare for it." Uriel says nervously.

Maria and Valerie laugh at Uriel as he gets dressed. Uriel runs out of his room outside as he says: "Bye Mama and Valerie take care!"

The girls see Uriel pass by them smiling.

"Looks like he is feeling better right sister." Abril says to Mariana as she nods with a smile.

"His going with that witch again, DAMN IT!" Fabiola thinks outloud causing the sisters to laugh.

"Take care Uriel." Sister Carolina says to Uriel as he passes next to her. Uriel replies by waving his hand and smiling.

"Don´t go overboard brother." Daniel says as he smiles, Uriel frowns and says:

"Shut up brother." He waves at Daniel, Uriel meets Katsumi and both of them walk to the entrance smiling. The sun shines once again in the Borderland.