
Vol. 13 - Chapter 5: Target; Ms. Jameson

Part 1 – 8 years ago; Area 5x

In the secret base known as Area 5 X, an 18-year-old, Katsumi trains with Heidi Muller and Allan Harper to improve her skills.


"KYYYAAAA" A massive blasts causes Katsumi to fly away, Heidi walks forward and begins looking at Katsumi, she sighs with her eyes close:

"Katsumi, you must train harder if you want to dominate the Celestial Mode."

Katsumi stands up breathing heavily, she uses her Katana as support trying to stand up, she looks at Heidi and replies:

"Senpai, I apologize for being a burden, I will keep on training harder and make you proud."

Heidi smiles, she begins t pat Katsumi's head saying:

"Silly girl, you are strong you know, you may be stronger than me one day, don't you think so dear?"

Allan walks forward and says:

"Of course, and you will have a rocking body as well."


Heidi punches Allan in the stomach, with a fake smile she begins to comment:

"Oh dear, you're harassing her again, you will never learn."

"Sorry Katsumi, I was just joking." Allan apologizes as he rubs his stomach, Katsumi chuckles seeing on how they act. Allan clears his throat and begins to speak:

"Anyway, moving on, you have been assigned to a special mission."

"A special mission?" Katsumi asks with a clueless expression, Allan smiles and replies:

"That's right, you are going to be a teacher, in Sun City"

"A teacher, but I don't know anything about teaching, and why Sun City?" Katsumi asks nervously, Allan continues to explain:

"Sun City is where your master, the solitary wolf is working right now, your mission will not only be teaching, you will be working undercover in order to protect his children, and investigate a certain person."

"A certain person?" Katsumi asks Allan, Heidi takes out a device and begins to show images of a woman, she begins to explain:

"This is Olivia Lucifugus, she is the wife of one the most dangerous men on earth, Darius Lucifugus. I don't know why, but ever since she arrived to Sun City, many students and staff members disappear without any trace. She goes under the name Ms. Jameson and she is the principal of the new Study Abroad School. Katsumi this will be a dangerous mission, but your master asked for your assistance, he believes in you."

Katsumi blushes, she changes her expression to a more confident one and begins to say:

"Right, I will do my beat, I promise you I won't let you down."

Part 2 – Sun City; 10 years ago

Katsumi arrived at Sun City, she began her mission as a teacher in order to investigate Ms. Jameson's movements.

"So, you are the new teacher, I am the Principal of this School, call me Ms. Jameson." Olivia says with a serious expression, Katsumi nervously vows her head and presents herself:

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Katsumi Miyazono, and I look forward working here."

Olivia begins to laugh, she stands up and says:

"Lift your head, this is not Japan, we don't do things like that here. Now I want you to your best or you fired, understood?"

Katsumi lifts her head and nods in agreement; she leaves the office, Olivia smiles and says:

"Miyazono ehh, it appears Yggdrasil has begun to mobilize."

Katsumi began to follow Ms. Jameson in secret, she continuously asked her questions and stood closely. She immediately met a certain couple on a starry night.

"Master Roberto, I missed you so much." Katsumi says with excitement as she hugs Roberto, she looks at Maria and hugs her saying:

"Ms. Maria, you look beautiful as always."

Maria hugs her as well replying; "Katsumi you look beautiful yourself, you have matured ever since the last time I saw you."

"Yeah, it appears you matured over the last year." Roberto says pointing at her breasts, Katsumi blushes and covers them saying:

"Master, you pervert."


Maria hits Roberto in the head saying; "Roberto stop being a pervert, or I kill you."

"Right, right sorry Katsumi, so have you found out something?" Roberto asks Katsumi, she lowers her head and replies:

"I'm afraid not, she is a really tough person to follow."

Roberto puts his hand on Katsumi's head and says; "Don't get discouraged, I'm sure you will find something out, you just need patience."

Part 3 – Sun City; during the 8 Year gap

Katsumi runs towards the principals' office only to find out that Uriel and Valerie disappeared. Katsumi heads to Roberto's house to warn him, however the moment she arrived there, the house was destroyed with no signs of them anywhere. She and other members of Yggdrasil including Allan and Heidi searched for them with now positive results.

During the night, a massive explosion caused great damage to the borderland, Katsumi and the other members headed to the site, they realized that the Vazquez family completely disappeared causing a great pain to Katsumi's heart. However, she continue with the mission investigating Ms. Jameson. She continued working as a teacher for five more years, one day; Ms. Jameson summoned Katsumi to her office.

"You wanted to see me, Ms. Jameson?" Katsumi enters the office; Olivia looks at Katsumi and smiles:

"Yes dear, there is something important I wanted to talk to you."

At that moment, Ms. Jameson releases a massive amount of manna darkening the room completely with only the two of them visible. She begins to speak:

"Katsumi, I know why are you here; you are investigating me as a mission for Yggdrasil."

Katsumi with a surprised expression reveals her crest and begins to gather manna however Olivia extends her arm and says:

"Now hold on dear, who said anything about fighting, now I know your mission, in fact, I knew the reason you came here 7 years ago, but I still permitted you to work, now you don't have any evidence of me and I don't want to kill you."

"If you already knew about me, why haven't you taken me down since I arrived?" Katsumi asks Olivia, Olivia continues to speak:

"I always knew, but the fact that I haven't killed you yet is because I don't want to create suspicion among the people. Katsumi I must warn you, if you try to attack me, I will kill you in this instant."

Olivia´s eyes glow into a yellow color paralyzing Katsumi, she begins to think:

"What am I feeling, is this fear? I feel so weak."

Three years have passed, the massive disappearance of students continued, Katsumi continued to investigate with no positive results. Katsumi was under the total disadvantage on Olivia´s game, she couldn't attack without any evidence. Katsumi wanted to quit, feeling desperate that she wanted to leave everything behind. It was on that moment where she met someone three years later, before Uriel´s arrival

"H-H-Hello, my name is Shion Saito, and I will be working for you senpai from now on." Shion introduces herself to Katsumi; Katsumi with an unmotivated look takes out her cell phone and calls Allan.

"Hey Allan, why did you send a girl to my apartment?" Katsumi asks, Allan chuckles and replies:

"Shion is there as an apprentice, she is from the Saito clan, and she will be working under you. I entrust her with you, because you will have aside from observing Olivia, okay."

"What kind of mission?" Katsumi asks Allan. She looks at a nervous Shion and sighs with her eyes close. "Come on get in already."

At that moment, Katsumi and Shion went on a special mission; the mission involved a certain folkloric figure that needed to be taken down. Thanks to that event, Katsumi and Shion became friends, they worked together for 4 months, and Shion needed to return to Japan for a family meeting and that is when a certain encounter occurred:

As the dust begins to clear the silhouette also starts to disappear as the man walks to the middle of the classroom. He begins to have a normal size. Everybody in the classroom gets surprised including the assistant principal because of the appearance of the substitute teacher. The young man looks like the age of the students. He is wearing a white jacket, a pair of black dressing pants and shoes with the logo of the school in his jacket.

"Good afternoon students." The young man says to the students as he continues to walk to the center. He stops and sees the assistant principal in shock.

Aleister, Marjorie, Raul, Angela, Victoria and Alejandro were surprised as well because the teacher looks like their "deceased" friend. The Assistant Principal hugs the young man with tears in her eyes causing the classroom to react with surprise. The young man´s face turns red as he says:

"A-A-A-h-h excuse me "

"Thank God, I thought you died 8 years ago but here you are Uriel." The assistant principal says to Uriel as she hugs more tightly. The six students are in shock as well, tears begin to fall from their eyes except for Aleister who sees him with rage. The young man says:

"Wait how do you know?"

At that moment he touches his face and realizes he did not have his glasses on. He quickly takes them out of his pocket and puts them on without anybody noticing. Ms. Miyazono looks up and sees his face causing her to react and lets him go saying:

"I´m sorry I thought you were a former student."

She realizes what she did and her face begins to turn red and she suddenly runs out the classroom saying: "I´M SOOOOORRRRRYYYY!!!"

Katsumi stands in the corner and with a smile she says:

"He is alive, Master, your son is alive."

Katsumi and Uriel began to work together, this return her spirit to find the truth on Ms. Jameson, this leads to the present:

Part 4 – School Gym

Katsumi and Shion are located at the entrance of the Gymnasium, under the light of the moon, Olivia Lucifugus stands with her yellow eyes and her fangs showing out of her mouth, she licks her lips and says:

"My, my, Katsumi it looks like you brought a friend over, now that is pleasantry because I have more food for my students."

"You monster, how could you do that to them, they are all innocent children, yet you took away their future, you took away their lives." Katsumi makes her katana appear and draws it out of the scabbard. Olivia begins to laugh:


"Because, deep down, I really hoped it wasn't you. I know you were rude to me almost every time, but I am used to that. I thought of you as person of respect on how you handle the school. I even wished that it was someone else. But I was wrong, I saw your mansion, and I notice all the blood and the bodies of the students lying in the ground." Katsumi charges at high speed and makes an attack.


Olivia dodges the attack by making two giant bat wings appear from her back. She floats in the air flapping her bat wings with her arms crossed. A reddish and purple manna begin to come out of her body as she begins to say:

"Katsumi, I purposely left those bodies in order for you to see them, I wanted to feel the pain and suffering I once felt when you from Yggdrasil hunted all my family and exterminated my people. Now you know my true motive, and I will show you something miraculous."

Olivia takes out a heart; the heart is dripping blood as she says:

"I have consumed over 1999 souls throughout my life, with this heart I will consume 2000. This heart belonged to a dear student of yours, the student you saved from the Bloody Mary incident."

Katsumi and Shion open their eyes wider as Katsumi says in a low tone; "Mary". Shion puts her hands on her mouth saying; "It can't be…"

Olivia smiles, she opens her mouth wide and begins to eat the heart, and Katsumi shakes of anger as Olivia finishes eating the heart. Manna begins to flow with more intensity as her body begins to change; her heir turns red, her face has no more wrinkles, her body turns younger with her breast growing and her figure turning slim.


Katsumi begins to release manna with great intensity as she looks up and screams: