
Vol. 13 - Chapter 14: El Charro Negro vs. the Golden Maiden

Outside the barrier, a golden jeep heads down into the desert, four people are inside the jeep as it approaches the city. The one driving the jeep is Sister Magdalena better known as the Golden Maiden.

"Damn it! You are going too fast Sister!"Sister Veronica complaints as she moves roughly due to the jeep going through holes. Sister Veronica (Age 20) is a young woman who is part of Order. She has slim body with average breast. White skin, short brown and hazel eyes; she has tomboyish personality making her the leader of the group.

"You should speak more elegantly; you are a woman after all." Sister Paola tries to educate Veronica. Sister Paola (Age 20) is a very elegant young woman; she acts very polite and educated. She is the opposite of Veronica and often gets into fights with her. She has white skin, a long blue hair with a ponytail; she wears nun attire and has a well-developed body.

-TCH- Veronica looks away, Alondra is about throw up as she says; "Can you go slower Sister? I don��t feel good." Sister Alondra (Age 20) is a young woman who is the most carefree of the three. She has a slim body, long black hair with blue balayages.

Suddenly, Magdalena stops the jeep without warning. Veronica rubs her head asking:

"What the hell happened, why did you stop all of the sudden?"

"We have arrived, but I think we are going to have problem ladies." Magdalena explains, the girls look and see the army completely wipeout. The battleground consists of multiple tanks destroyed and covered in flames. Many of the soldiers are unconscious or dead, many of them are badly wounded.

"What happened here, they were completely annihilated?" Alondra says with her hands covering her mouth. "Who could´ve done that?" Paola asks to Magdalena, Magdalena looks at one of the soldiers who is barely conscious and tries to wake him up asking:

"Young man, who did this to you?"

"It was a man…dressed in a black…Charro attire…" The man loses consciousness, Magdalena begins to think:

���So it was the Charro Negro, I knew that boy was not to be trusted."

"This is messed up, I want to get the one who did it!" Veronica says with a face full of rage, Magdalena stands up and looks at Veronica with a smile:

"Now, now, I know that this is awful, but we must stay calm and forgive him. That is the way that our Lord showed us."

Magdalena begins to shine; Veronica looks away with tears in her eyes saying:

"I´m sorry sister, you are always right."

Magdalena grabs her rosary and closes her eyes; she begins to gather manna in her body as she begins to chant:

"Señor cura a tus hijos que pelean por tu causa, y aquellos que perecieron, que puedan entrar a tu reino." (Lord, cure your children who fight for your cause and for those who perish, who may enter your kingdom)

The whole land begins to glow in a golden color, the soldiers who are injured begin to cure themselves and those who die, and their souls begin to float to the sky.

"AMAZING, SISTER MAGDALENA IS PERFORMING A MIRACLE" Alondra says as she looks up, Paola walks next to her and explains:

"This is the power of a Maiden who dedicated herself to God, this is why God gave her the power to conceive miracles. The church considers her a saint thus earning the title "Golden Maiden" because of her pure golden soul."

The soldiers look at the sister and kneel towards her crying:


Magdalena gives a warm smile and replies; "I am just doing the work of God, our savior, now my children move away as fast as you can, because this is the work of a devil and you are in danger."

The soldier thank her and begin to retrieve, as soon as the soldiers left the Area, Magdalena and the three sisters walk towards the barrier. "I see, a Divine Blood Barrier. The barrier is supposed to be unbreakable and it is as strong as the user´s life force. Judging by the red color, I´d say it's Darius Lucifugus who created this."

"So how are we going to enter?" Veronica asks with a confused expression, Magdalena steps forward and lift her right arm, Paola looks with excitement:

"I can´t believe it, we are going to see the Golden Maiden in action."

Magdalena begins to emerge manna from her hand creating a giant lance in thee air. The lance has a large blade and it shines in a Golden Color.

"Lanza Divina de San Judas Tadeo" (Divine Lnace of Saint Judas Tadeo)

The lance emits manna causing wind to blow. "GYYAAHH" Alondra screams as she grabs her skirt; Paola and Veronica sigh with their eyes close thinking:

"You´re exaggerating."

"Now go and destroy the barrier." Magdalena signals the lance, the lance starts moving forward slowly, it increase its speed and clashes with a barrier causing a massive torrent to blow away everything on site.


The lance clashes with the barrier trying to open it, without warning a bullet hits the lance moving its trajectory to the sky.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Veronica asks with concerned, Magdalena makes the lance return to her. "I guess it won't be easy to break the barrier."

"It's been a long time, Sister Magdalena or should I call you Golden Maiden?" The voice of a man causes the sisters to panic, suddenly; a red portal appears in front of them, the girls begin to step back. Magdalena makes a confident smile and replies:

"Well, well, are you responsible for doing this, Juan de la Trinidad?"

A tall brown skin man, with brown eyes who turn into red, Black hair and a mustache; He is dressed in a black Mariachi suit. T he man walks out of the portal and smiles:

"Why hello there, you sure have grown since the last time I saw you, how much was it? 20 years?"

"My, don't tell me you´ve forgotten you saw me one year ago on Jalisco during the incident with the Vampires?" Magdalena replies with a fake smile. "Oh that´s right, sorry, I really forgot, then again I only saw you a fraction of a second so that doesn't count." Juan laughs causing Magdalena to look to the left.

"Who is that man?" Veronica whispers to Paola, Paola who looks afraid replies:

"That man is Juan de la Trinidad, he is El Charro Negro."

"Wait, he is the Charro Negro? I thought a young handsome man with green eyes was El Charro Negro. Sister Magdalena pointed it out when he was in Mexico and he even fought against Aztec Deities." Alondra says with a confused expression, Paola sighs and explains:

"You´re right, niña tonta, the new Charro is Uriel Di Fiore, however, he is also a Charro Negro, it looks like he didn't passed down all of his powers."

"You´re right my dear, I haven't passed down my powers to him completely, because he is still not worthy." Juan replies with an enthusiastic tone, Magdalena walks forward and asks:

"And what do we owe the pleasure from your visit?"

"You don't have to be so polite dear, you see my business partner Darius is working on his plan, and I don't want you to interfere, so I came to play with you for a short while." Juan replies with a smile as he begins to release a small portion of manna out of his body.

Suddenly the three nuns surround Juan with great speed, they take out their rosaries and form a triangle hitting the ground chanting:

"Prision Divina" (Divine Prison)

They release manna in the ground forming a giant triangle with Juan in the center, a circle forms inside the triangle, Juan is paralyzed as chains begin to wrap him up. Juan looks calm as he is tied up.

"See if you can release yourself demon." Veronica says with a cocky smile, Magdalena with a worried expression says:

"Wait girls, you don´t get it, Stop."

"Now then girls, lets finish this." Paola screams with the two girls nodding in agreement.

"Prision Divina; Sellar" (Divine Prison; Seal)

Juan chuckles and says; "Well you girls are strong, I must say, however, you have mistaken me for a demon and that makes me angry."


Juan releases a massive amount of manna creating a pillar; he instantly blows away the three girls, "GYYYAAAHHH" the girls scream as they are pushed back, Juan makes the chains disappear without moving a muscle.

"He is so strong, is this power of a horseman?" Veronica asks as she tries to get up, the three sister stand in front of Magdalena saying:

"We won't let you pass, demon."

Juan closes his eyes and says; "You girls don't get it do you? I told you I am not a DEMON!"

Juan opens his eyes revealing that his eyes changed colored as his pupils now have inverted black triangles with red color filling the rest of the pupil. The girls are intimated and begin to feel fear, the three of them shake saying:

"He is an evil man, what can we do?"

"It´s okay girls, just stand back, I will take care of him." Magdalena hugs the three of them and begins to walk forward, "WAIT SISTER, PLEASE DON'T GET HURT!"

"My young ones, don't get discouraged, and don't worry, because I am the leader of the Order afterall." Magdalena replies as she begins to release her golden manna to the air, calming the three nuns.

"HAHAHA, SO ARE YOU GOING TO FIGHT?" Juan laughs at Magdalena, Magdalena makes her giant lance appear, Juan takes out his sword and continues to speak:

"Magdalena, you have grown strong, let´s see if you can keep up with me."

"The question is, can you keep up with me?" Magdalena says with a fake smile, Juan gets pissed and swings his chanting:

"Bellum Allegro" (War Allegro)

Juan creates musical notes with his sword, the notes charge towards Magdalena, Magdalena uses her spear to block the notes, and however, the notes shine and create a massive explosion.


"SSSIISSTTTEERR" The girls scream as they get blown away. As the attack finishes, Magdalena reveals to be unharmed, Juan smiles:

"You survived, very good."

Magdalena signals her lance, the lance gets smaller and charges towards Juan. The lance clashes with Juan´s sword, Juan defense from Magdalena´s attacks, Magdalena puts her hand on the ground and chants:

"Rio Dorado" (Golden River)

She releases her manna in the form of golden water, Juan notices and jumps to the sky, however the spear forces Juan to fall to the ground.


Juan falls to the gold, the gold begins to harden with Juan inside, Juan uses his sword chanting:

"Cancion de la Luna, Primera Estrofa, Luna Nueva" (Moon song, First Stanza; New Moon)

A giant black sphere forms destroying the gold in an instant, Juan jumps away from the gold, he cleans the sweat of his forehead saying:

"FIU, that was a close one."

" Aww, if you just stayed there, everything would've been over now." Magdalena says with a sarcastic tone, Juan chuckles and says:

"Sorry Magdalena, but that won't do."

Juan charges at Magdalena, Magdalena signals her lance, the lance charges once again clashing with Juan, Juan takes out his pistol and fires two bullets to Magdalena, Magdalena does not move a muscle as the gold in the ground lifts up and protects her.

Juan jumps back, he looks confused and says; "Hey what was that? You copied that power from a sand boy I read from a ninja manga right. You know the one who uses sand as a shield?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but you sound so childish right now." Magdalena replies with a clueless expression, Juan sighs with his eyes close and charges manna in his sword saying:

"Oh well, I think its time to show you a little of the power, Bellum Sonata" (War Sonata)

Juan swings his sword releasing a massive amount of manna in the form of a slash, Magdalena makes her giant lance clash with the attack creating a massive explosion illuminating the area.