
Vol. 13 - Chapter 12: Return of the Solitary Wolf

Rizu stands in front of Melissa; Melissa begins to laugh saying:

"This is getting old, people pop up out of nowhere; tell me is someone else coming?"

"Unfortunately for you, there are more people coming but right now you concentrate on me" Rizu runs straight to Melissa, Rizu creates two scythes and proceeds with the attack.

Melissa creates a sword and clashes with Rizu, wind blows hard blowing some windows and opening doors. Rizu continues attacking Melissa with Melissa only being in the defensive; Rizu notices that and begins to ask:

"What´s wrong, are you at your limit?"

"Not at all, I am just waiting for it to take effect." Melissa replies looking at the sisters. Rizu with a confused expression hears a scream:

"GYYYAAHH" Rizu turns around and sees Fabiola falling to the ground grabbing her arm. Fabiola´s arm has black veins that begin to expand, the same thing occurs on Griselda´s body. Melissa laughs as Maria runs to them saying:

"That´s the same poison they used on me."

Carolina and the two sisters go towards them as well, they try to heal them but the healing spells have no effect.

"That´s right, now there is no salvation for them." Melissa makes a sinister smirk as she flies to the sky, Rizu stops attacking and begins to smile:

"You say there is no salvation for them; well I doubt that because it looks like your time is up. Someone else has arrived."

Melissa looks up and begins to shake saying; "This presence, it can´t be…"


Wind blows hard causing a small whirlpool to form, Uriel carrying Valerie in his arms arrives at the middle of the courtyard. Uriel puts Valerie down who runs to her mother´s side. Everyone is in shock to see him again.

"U-U-Uriel, my son…" Maria bursts into tears to see him again. Fabiola, who is barely conscious, blushes as she says:

"So I got to see his face after all before I die. Thank God."

Uriel turns to see everyone; they notice his eyes causing them shock with Maria asking:

"Uriel, what has happened to you…"

"MAMA, MAMA" Valerie runs and hugs Maria, "Don´t worry, everything is going to be fine now, my big brother has arrived"

"What took you so long? You told me it was going to be fast" Rizu smiles to Uriel who replies:

"Sorry, I had a little of extra weight with me."


Valerie hits Uriel with a rock as she asks with a fake smile and purple aura coming out of her:

"I hope you aren´t referring to me right, Big brother?"

"No I didn´t, damn you that hurt." Uriel replies rubbing his head.

"So you rejected Master Aleister´s offer ehh, are you going to fight me?" Melissa asks Uriel, he does not say a word and glares at her. "So you are not going to answer?"

Suddenly Uriel disappears from her sight, and appears in front of her chanting:

"Balada del Pistolero, Loteria Revolver; La Araña" (Ballad of the Gunman, Revolver Lottery; The Spider)

Uriel fires a bullet that expands as a net, he traps Melissa without letting her react. Uriel creates a portal behind her and with the power of the wind pushes her away closing the portal with great speed.

Uriel lands next to Rizu, "So you sent her away, how long do we have?"

"Probably 3 minutes, I sent her to the end of Sun City, but my net work last long okay. It looks like you got hurt in the leg huh, you got poisoned as well." Uriel replies as he walks towards her mother. He looks at Griselda and gets into one knee; he smiles and says:

"How are you doing Abuelita?"

"I´m doing good, but it looks like I´m going to die here, I´m sorry for all the pain I caused you in the past, please forgive me. Maria it looks like I will have to leave everything to you…"

Uriel stands up and begins to gather manna saying:

"Abuelita, stop talking because I won´t let anyone else die on my watch."

Uriel puts his palm in the floor and creates a giant red circle as he begins to chant:

"En el nombre de Dios, Curame de esta maldicion y liberame del mal." (In the name of God, cure me from this curse and free me from evil)

Uriel coughs blood as he begins to pour manna in the ground, suddenly the wounds and the poison from everyone, Fabiola and Griselda stand up as if they had nothing in their bodies, Maria´s wounds and Carolina´s cuts heal themselves, Valerie and Rizu´s wounds heal themselves as well. Uriel smiles as he thinks:

"It worked, thank goodness."

"How ironic that you used a maleficent power to cure everybody, you sure are strange Uriel Di Fiore." Rizu says to Uriel who is coughing blood, Uriel looks at Maria and says:

"Mother, I…"

Maria hugs Uriel tightly with tears in her eyes as she says; "It´s okay hijo, I am really glad that you are safe."

Uriel begins to cry and hugs her mother as well saying; "I´m home, Mama"

"Welcome home, mi niño" Maria replies, Uriel lets go of her and sees the two sisters running and hug Uriel saying; "UUURRIIIEELLL YOU CAME TO SAVE US!"

Uriel laughs and notices Fabiola who is blushing acting tsunedere; Uriel pats her head and says:

"You were really brave, good job"

Fabiola begins to cry and hugs him as well saying; "I was so scared, thank you Uriel."

On the other side of Sun City, Melissa frees herself, and stands up. "It looks like you will need some help, am I right?" Melissa hears Aleister speaking to her by telepathy; she blushes and replies:

"No, no I´m fine, thank you."

"Nonsense, now that Uriel has arrived, it's time for the specters to participate" Aleister replies to Melissa as she begins to fly back with high speed.

In the Ministry, Carolina hugs Uriel saying; "Thank you, you saved us." Griselda walks towards Uriel; she looks at him and says:

"Ay mijo, the horseman´s power are manifesting more right?"

Uriel lowers his head, Griselda smiles and hugs him saying:

"Even though your powers are evil, you are a good person, don´t forget that mijo. Right now, you are the only one who can stop Darius."

Uriel smiles and replies; "Right, I will defeat him, but it looks like our time is up."

Uriel turns to the sky and sees Melissa floating with her arms crossed. Uriel walks forward and says:

"You got here faster than expected Melissa now tell me where is Aleister"

"I´m not going to tell you, right now you must concentrate on me." Melissa replies as multiple portals open up, specters come out of the portals adding up to 50 of them. Melissa laughs and says:

"Now then Uriel, how are you going to stop me and protect you family."

Uriel chuckles and with a calm expression says; "I´m sorry, but I won't be the one facing you right now."

"What do you mean?" Melissa asks Uriel, all of a sudden, a spear covered in purple manna charges to the sky and destroys 20 specters in an instant leaving Melissa surprised. The spear returns to the hand of a young maiden with purple hair.

Valerie walks on front spinning her lance and stands next to Uriel who says:

"She will face you."

Griselda and Carolina look surprise, Griselda begins to speak:

"How can this be, she has a holy lance but she is not a member of the order, how is this possible."

"She was chosen by a saint some time ago." Maria says to Griselda, Fabiola makes a cocky smile saying:

"I already knew about that when we trained."

The other two sisters look at her and whisper; "I think she is showing off right?"

Fabiola looks at them screams; "SHUT UP!"

"Valerie can I leave this to you and Rizu?" Uriel asks Valerie, Valerie nods in agreement saying:

"Leave it to us, Big Brother."

"HEY WAIT A MINUTE, WHO TOLD YOU TO MAKE YOU MY BOSS EHH." Rizu exclaims to Uriel, Uriel takes off saying:

"Thank you, I leave this to you!"

"WAIT!!" Rizu frowns, Valerie chuckles as she says; "Rizu was it? Sorry about this."

"Don't worry about it, let's just finish her." Rizu says looking away, Uriel goes to her mother and the others and says:

"Mother, I promise that I will end this, please stay safe and leave this to my sister."

Maria sighs with her eyes close and replies; "Very well, please come back alive okay" Uriel with great speed disappears from everyone's sight; Griselda grabs Maria´s shoulder and comments:

"You raised a fine young man; he is just like his father."

Maria nods in agreement, -TCH- "I let him go, and now I am going to get bored with this two." Melissa wines, Valerie gets offended and walks forward saying:

"Oh really, you think that I am weak right? Well let me show you something interesting…"

Valerie folds the sleeve of her left arm revealing a purple crest, the crest consist of circle in the center and some four lines in the side shining a purple light. Rizu and everyone else are surprised to see that.

"Wait, that is a esper crest, how do you have one?" Rizu asks Valerie, who smiles and replies:

"It´s a long story, and right now I don´t have time."

The crest shines brighter as Valerie says:

"This is the last gift that my father left me before he died, Activate; Lobo Solitario: Completo" (Solitary Wolf; Complete)


A pillar of purple manna rises to the sky; Darius notices, feels pain in the left side of his body and destroys his desk saying:

"This sensation, Roberto you son of a bitch."

Valerie´s crest expands changing her outfit. Her esper suit consists of a white dress that goes down to her little top of her knees, she has purple borders in the skirt, long boots with purple border and long gloves with purple borders as well. Her hair consists on a ponytail grabbed by a black ribbon and bangs covering her forehead. Valerie´s lance also changes from, her blade expands, making similar to a Japanese long sword and it causes to grow a little.

"That´s my master´s manna, I can´t believe, is he still alive? What is happening?" Katsumi cries as she sees the purple light. Shion is confused and says:

"That manna is very powerful, it´s matching Katsumi´s level."

Valerie takes a few steps forward, she spins her lance praying; "Lanza Divina de Santa Teresa; Modo Lobo" (Divine Lance of Saint Teresa; Wolf Mode)

She charges manna in the blade expanding it and creating a blade made of manna; she grabs her lance with both of her hands and swings it chanting:

"Cortadura Divina del Lobo" (Divine Wolf Slash)

Valerie slashes the air creating a blade of purple manna that heads straight to Melissa. Melissa with a confident tone says:

"That level of attack is way too easy"

Suddenly the blade grows bigger than Melissa surprising her causing a huge explosion. –BBBOOOOMMM- The explosion expands causing wind to blow harder destroying some small buildings.

"Incredible, she combined the power of an esper suit with the power of a divine lance." Rizu expresses surprise, Griselda looks at Maria who is also in shock, she begins to chuckle and says:

"Ay mija, I thought Uriel was the only one special here, but it appears I was wrong."

"Of course you are Abuelita, Valerie and I also have special abilities," Daniel says as he walks to their side. Maria begins to scorn him:

"Daniel where were you? You know you weren't supposed to go out."

"Sorry mama, I had something to do but don't worry, Aleister won't bother Uriel anymore" Daniel begins to walk to Valerie´s side. The smoke screen clears and Melissa begins to go down laughing:

"I underestimated you, you are strong for a cry a baby."

Valerie gets mad and replies with a sarcastic voice; "Well now, you sure are cocky huh, for a traitor airhead!"

Daniel sighs with his eyes close and looks at Valerie:

"Valerie, just forget it. Concentrate at the situation; we are surrounded can´t you see."

Melissa nods in agreement; Valerie looks at the sky and sees that it´s filled with more than 200 specters. Melissa looks at them and screams:


Daniel chuckles and begins to say:

"It appears I can´t hold back anymore, Valerie, it´s time to fight serious!"