
Vol. 10 - Chapter 7: The Empire Devil

Part 1 – Leeds, Empire State; 130 years ago


A massive wind destroys many houses that surround the wood in the town of Leeds. –AHHHH- People scream of fear as they run for their lives trying to escape the calamity. Woman and children try to escape from the beast that flies above them.


A loud roar is heard from the skies. People look up trying to see where the monster was, however the sky was too dark because of the clouds that hid the moon. The beast descends from the sky and attacks people without them noticing. One by one, the monster hunts the villagers.

A man runs with his family as fast as he can, but his young child trips and falls. The man returns to grab the child. Suddenly a figure lands before him.


The man and his child are petrified of what they were looking. A small dust cloud surrounds the figure. The figure of a large monster with wings stands up looking down; it´s large red eyes look upon the father and the child. The dust cloud clears revealing the figure of the monster; a large body of a lizard with black color, a horse head with fangs and red eyes. It has a pair of large horns, a pair of goat legs and a pointy tail.

The monster is about to attack them with its claw, at that moment a middle age man attacks the monster with a staff.


The stands in front of the father and the child asking:

"Are you two okay?"

"Yes, thank you very much, God Bless you" The father replies as he runs with his child. The man looks at them and begins to walk yelling; "MONSTER, IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD, I, EDWARD WILLIAMS, WILL DEFEAT YOU!"

Edward Williams was the leader of the Puritans at that time;he was a tall, muscular man with white hair, brown eyes, and a white beard. He was wearing a suit with black gloves, he has a black staff with a symbol of a cross with spikes.

The Devil flies in the sky making a huge roar,-RRAAWWW- It begins to fly straight towards Edward. Edward jumps evading the attack, the devil turns around and attacks once more, and Edward kicks him pushing it away. The Devil makes a roar, flies towards Edward hitting him with the tail sending him to a house.



Edward begins to bleed from his mouth and head; he stands up and walks slowly towards the Devil. Edward smiles and says:

"You sure are strong, it's no wonder that people feared as much as the Mothman and the Wendigo, but now, this is your end."

Edward begins to release a silver manna from his body, he jumps straight towards the monster and punches it, sending it fly to the sky. Edward grabs manna in his legs and jumps straight to the direction of the monster and punches it with great force sending it straight to the well.


The Empire Devil falls directly to the well; Edward lands on top and says:

"You will remain here for eternity."

Edward takes out a piece of paper and puts it in the well, the devil begins to fly at high speed trying to escape but Edward doesn't let him pushing him away with his manna. Edward begins to pray:

"Oh Lord, please repel this evil and never permit him to leave this seal in your name, protect your daughter and sons from this devil."

The seal begins to spread, taking shape of a door, the door closes trapping the devil inside, and a cross with spikes is formed in the door. Edward breathes heavily and thinks:

"The job is done; now then, time to defeat the white witch."


People begin to cheer and clap to Edward; one of his followers comes forward and says:

"Well done sir, now what it is you next objective?"

"First, I am going to build a house above this door to make sure the devil won´t ever come out. I will live here from now on and my descendants as well, it is the job of the Puritan Defense to keep this region safe."

"That is good to hear sir, the horseman is causing panic in the south, are we going to proceed?" The follower asks Edward, Edward sighs and replies:

"I am not going to do anything, Ichabod chose his path and chose evil, and the horseman of war told me that the time will come to take Ichabod and Alexandria down, for now I will enjoy my life with my children until the day comes."

Part 2 –Empire City; Present Day

Uriel walks in the subway tracks, he carries Deborah in his back, Deborah cough some blood worrying Uriel who asks:

"Are you okay, why are you coughing blood?"

"I´m fine, you know I just have a disease in my heart. This is why I couldn't form a family, my time is ending but I have no regrets, in the end I got to spend time with you. If God would have given me a child, I would have loved him to be just like you." Deborah says as she closes her eyes. Uriel looks down and begins to think of his mother, and how he hasn't talked to her for a long time. Uriel looks up at the dark trail and says:

"Please don't say that, you will live more to have children."

Deborah begins to chuckle as she says; "Unfortunately, even if I survive today, I will eventually die, there is nothing that no one can do, not even a miracle but I´m okay with that, God just want me to be in heaven in a short time."

Uriel begins to feel sadness; he tries to change the conversation by asking:

"Hey, so what was that monster that attacked us?"

"It´s a legendary monster here in this region, The Empire Devil. According to legend, a woman named Judith Leeds, had 12 children with John Leeds the mayor and founder of Leeds."

Uriel recalls the town Leeds located in the north of the state as Deborah continues to explain:

"Legend says that Judith had an affair with a handsome man who came to town, however he was a devil who only wanted her to give birth to his child. Judith´s 13th child was born, however, that child turn into a monster and killed his mother escaping to the woods."

"I see, well that´s very interesting, I think that the Empire Devil is following Alexandria´s orders." Uriel says to Deborah, Deborah explains:

"The monster attacked the Empire state for 100 years until Edward Williams; my ancestor sealed him in the town. Apparently Alexandria broke the seal, and now it's after me."

Uriel begins to think back about the legend of the Empire Devil, Deborah begins to chuckle; "You know, I got scared because my mother used to tell me that if I did not behave, the Empire Devil would come and take me away. Now I know that she was right, that monster is really trying to get me, I think I must have done something bad."

"Don't worry; I won't let him get you." Uriel smiles, Deborah also smiles saying; "We need to hurry, the airport is just two miles ahead."


A loud roar shaken Uriel, he begins to sense the Devil approaching at high speed, Uriel begins to run away saying:

"He found us, Deborah hold on tight."

Uriel runs between the track, the devil flies faster catching up to them. At that moment, Uriel and Deborah hear a sound coming from in front of them:


It was the subway that coming to their direction, Uriel and Deborah look shocked at the approaching train. Uriel changes Deborah to his arms and says:


Deborah closes her eyes, Uriel jumps into the air and both of them land in the top of the sub way. The devil evades the subway by making a hole in the wall and escaping. The subway enters an area were another subway going the other direction passes.

"Uriel if we follow that route we will reach the airport." Deborah says as she points at the other train.

"Got it, hold on tight" Uriel replies as he jumps to the train. He makes a hole in the ceiling and both of them land in the train. For their good fortune, there was no one in that cart. Deborah begins to cough blood once more, Uriel looking very worried asks:

"Hey are you going to be alright?"

"Yes, it´s just that I never had this much excitement before, my body can't take it." Deborah says with a smile, she grabs Uriel´s arm and says:

"Please accept this Uriel; you will know when to use it."

Deborah with a drop of blood touches Uriel and begins to pass down silver manna towards him.

"What are you doing?" Uriel asks with a suspicious tone, Deborah smiles and replies:

"I´m going to transfer this crest, it is the spell that separates body and soul. If you use it well, you will be able to separate Alexandria´s soul from the host."

Deborah closes her eyes and begins to pray; "Dear Lord, I pass down this power to you child, who will fulfill the duty of separating evil from an innocent body, please guide him for your will."

Uriel feels pain in his arm; suddenly a silver cross is formed in the forearm. Uriel looks at the crest and asks:

"So, how do I use it?"

"You will know when the time comes just puts your hand on Alexandria." Deborah says as she breathes heavily. Uriel and Deborah arrive to the station, the train stops, both of them get down and see Johanna standing here waiting for them.

"You guys sure took a while to get here" Johanna says with a sarcastic tone, Uriel chuckles with an annoyed expression replying:

"Well, we were chase by a monster, but these situations are normal to me."

Deborah falls into her knees and begins to cough up blood one more time. Johanna looks at her and says:

"It looks like we are running out of time; we need to get you to the airport as soon as possible."


A loud roar is heard from the end of the tunnel, The Empire Devil was heading towards them. The train begins to move away leaving the lane empty. Uriel sighs with his eyes close:

"Hey Johanna, would you mind taking care of Deborah, I need to finish this monster first."

Johanna smiles and with a sarcastic expression she replies;

"Sure, but please don't take too long, otherwise the plane will leave without you."

Uriel smiles and replies; "Don't worry, I will try to make it as fast as I can."

"Wait, are you going to face that monster?" Deborah asks with a worried expression, Johanna helps her stand up and replies:

"Don´t worry, he is a horseman after all."

Uriel gets into the rails and begins to walk slowly towards the tunnel. He closes his fist and chants:

"Yo soy el Jinete, Yo soy el inicio, Yo soy el final, Yo soy El Charro Negro."(I am the horseman, I am the beginning, I am the end, I am El Charro Negro.)

Flames of crimson and purple color begin to come out of his ring causing a strong wind to blow, surprising Deborah making her stare paralyzed of excitement. The flames turning into a giant pillar, wind blows harder and the pillar of flames turned into a whirlpool however, the whirlpool is smaller and illuminates the tunnel revealing the monster flying towards him.

Uriel comes out of the flame and tackles the monster making crash into a wall.


Uriel and the Empire Devil fall towards a large sewer system located beneath the city. – SPPPLLAAASSHHH- Both of them fall down into the water.

"DAMN IT, NOW I AM GOING TO STINK" Uriel screams as he come out of the sewer. The monster comes out and says:

"Horseman of War, why are you interfering with my mission?"

"Wait, you can talk?" Uriel says with a confused expression. The monster that is floating replies:

"Of course I can, I am not the Wendigo, I actually have consciousness, now then please let me get that woman and take it to my mother or else I will have to kill you."

Uriel with a confused expression begins to smile saying:

"I´m sorry, but I need to protect her, which means that it is a NO"

"Then you are my enemy, prepare to die." The monster replies as he heads straight towards Uriel, Uriel jumps and clashes with the Devil.


Johanna and Deborah walk outside the subway station, many people were gathering at the scene wondering what was happening. Deborah sees a limousine arriving, Johanna opens the door and says:

"Lady Deborah, we must hurry to our destination."

Deborah enters the limousine, in the limousine; a man wearing black suit is sitting in the front part and greets her:

"Welcome, my name is Henry Watson, I am the SIA director, and I will take you to your destination."

"It's nice to meet you." Deborah begins to cough once again. Johanna enters as well. Watson taps two times at the window; the limousine begins to move on the direction away from the airport.

"Wait, I thought my destination was the airport?" Deborah asks nervously, Watson smiles and replies; "I'm sorry but there was a change of plans, now we must go to another location."

Johanna presses a button causing Deborah to paralyze; she begins to pass out as Johanna says:

"Don't worry, you will be just fine."