
Vol. 1- Chapter 1: Nightmare of Fate

The sky has a red crimson tone that resembles the color of blood. The wind blows hard causing a whirlpool form; the clouds spin around on a certain island, taking the shape of a hurricane. In the middle of the island, there was a figure that seems to be a young man. The young man carried a sword and walked slowly towards the cliff, a huge roar sounded causing large shockwaves around the water surface. Lightning began to strike the island destroying the buildings surrounding. In the front of the young man there was a huge silhouette of a giant monster with a pair of wings, horns and claws. The blue eyes stared down to him and roar once again. The young man lifts up his sword with his right arm and a pistol with his left arm as he begins to charge straight towards the beast, and thinks to himself: "Well I guess this is the end".

The beast spits fire from its mouth towards the young man; he immediately dodges it by jumping into the air. The young man makes a great smile, and he prepares his sword about to strike. The beast was prepared to attack as it lifted its claws up. As the two figures are about to clash an awkward ringtone begins o sound:


An alarm goes off as it is six in the morning. The young boy tries to turn it off while reaching his hand to the alarm clock. He turns the alarm off and covers his face with his blue colored blankets. He begins to hear a fainted voice that was calling him:

"Big brother, big brother, wakes up!" The boy rises up from his bed to see who´s calling and suddenly a soccer ball hits his face.


"oooouch!!!" the boy screams in pain as he rubs his face.

"Valerie what was that for?" the boy says it with a tear in his eye and his nose with a drop of blood.

"Its breakfast time Uriel!"

"Come on, hurry or it will get cold!" Valerie said with a smile on her face as she runs outside the door.

"I´ll be right there" Uriel replies as he rises up from his bed. Uriel stands up and walks across his room where there was a large mirror hanging up his wall. He checks his face to see if there was any damage in it, but he did not find any. He begins to think back from the nightmare he had.

"What was that dream? A nightmare I suppose". Uriel thinks to himself as he scratches his head with confusion. The left part of his face begins to change in the mirror. The cornea of his left eye changed into black and the pupil change into red color. The left side of his hair also began to change into dark red color. The mirror began to crack making a line. When he was about to touch it, Uriel´s mother called from the kitchen;

"Uriel, hijo, it´s breakfast time okay!"

"Muy bien Mama be there in a second."

As soon as Uriel turns to answer, he looks to the mirror and the mirror is surprisingly normal again. He touched his face once again and he felt fear.

Uriel Vazquez is a 10 year old boy with brown skin, his hair has a bluish tone, and he has green eyes. Uriel also has thin body and average height weight; he likes to play soccer, and videogames. He has good grades and always likes help his parents, brothers and friends if they are in need. Uriel wears a white bottom shirt with a dark blue tie, a dark blue sweater and a dark blue jacket with the school logo. He also has pair dark blue dressing pants and black school shoes.

After changing into his uniform, Uriel went down into the kitchen in the first floor, where he meets his mother, she was putting their breakfast in the table, two scrambled eggs, and a piece of white bread with a glass of orange juice.

"Buenos Dias, Madre" Uriel greets his mother as he sits in the table.

"Buenos Dias, Hijo" Uriel´s mother greets him with a great smile in her face.

Maria Vazquez is a 32 year old woman who has a light brown skin with red hair, she has reddish colored eyes, and she has a well developed body and always has a smile on her face even if things are difficult.

"Good morning, Daniel" Uriel greets his little brother as well.

Daniel Vazquez is 4 years old, he has white skin, reddish hair just like his mother, and green eyes. He is very smart for his age as he can read books and often time- he borrows from Uriel.

"You´re late Uriel, now you owe me your bread!" Valerie tells Uriel as she eats her breakfast as well.

Valerie Vazquez is young girl that is 8 years old at that time. She has a pale colored skin with blue eyes and a light purple colored hair. Uriel and Valerie are very closed, they like to play around, and study together and they always get into fights like common siblings.

Coming down the stairs is Uriel´s Father, Roberto Vazquez; who is also 32 years old, is wearing a black colored suit, with a red tie. He has white skin, bluish hair and green eyes just like Uriel. He also has a some beard and mustach. Like Uriel´s mother he always has a smile in his face and likes to keep the whole family happy with his funny faces.

The Vazquez family has Mexican and Spanish ethnicity which is why they can speak both English and Spanish and have darker tones of skin. Due to some of their work they now live in Sun City next to Rio Grande City.

"Buenos Dias Familia, Como están?" Uriel´s father greets everyone with a funny face making everyone laugh.

As the family ate their breakfast they turned on the 18 inch television located in the wall near the table, soon they saw very important news coming out on television, the images showed the Vatican city on fire as the title of the news said "Attack on the Vatican." Soon the living room went into silence as they heard the news:

"A sudden explosion struck the City of the Vatican located in Rome Italy, there is chaos everywhere as thousands of tourist run to get away, many firefighters are fighting to control the flames, it appears that some objects from the museum were stolen, we still do not have the information of what was stolen but all we can say is that there are casualties and many people missing. We will keep informing during the day. Thank you" The reporter said with a serious tone leaving everyone in the kitchen in shock.

Uriel soon saw the red moon glowing above the Vatican which triggered him to remember his nightmare; he soon feels that his head started to hurt and quickly grabs pills to relieve the pain. Uriel´s mom asks him with a worry face: "Are you alright hijo, you look pale? Uriel´s mother looks at his dad with preoccupied expression and his dad made a serious face not knowing what was happening.

Uriel´s mom soon turned off the television saying: "That´s too much bad news for a morning breakfast"

"Uriel are you okay, I'm beginning to get worry about you?" With no response from Uriel, she reaches to touch his shoulder.

Uriel returns to his senses and replies: "I´m fine mother I just remember a bad dream I had last night but it´s nothing to worry about." Soon Uriel looks down on the table worried about that dream and suddenly:


Uriel´s dad hits Uriel in the head while laughing and saying "You had a dirty, erotic dream right, hahaha to erotic to tell?"

Soon Uriel´s mother grabs the broom and hits Uriel´s dad in the head as well and says with her eyes closed and a fake smile:

"Dear, could you please stop saying stupid things in front of the kids?"

Soon everyone began to laugh and the mood of the kitchen change once again into a lively environment. As they finish their breakfast Uriel and Valerie ran to get their jackets, gloves, and scarf ready. It is the middle of January and they started the second semester. Even if they live in a desert just like the Sun city it still snows and the temperatures are also freezing.

(Honk, honk,honk,honk)

The bus was just outside waiting for Uriel and Valerie. Uriel´s mother soon began to scream: "hurry, hurry you are going to miss the bus". Uriel and Valerie ran outside the door and both of them yelled at the same time "we´re off to go school bye bye" in which both their mother and father replied "Que Dios los bendiga, tengan mucho cuidado" . The two of them said waving at them with a smile on their faces, and in the window, Daniel is waving at them as well.

As the bus started to leave Uriel felt that someone was watching. In the top of a hill near Uriel´s house there was a dark silhouette of a man riding a horse; however the sun only covered his face. Only his red eyes were seen staring down at Uriel as he said "The time has come, Muchacho." The dark figure started to fade away with the wind. Uriel looked around, but could not find who was looking at him and with a worry expression he started heading to school.