
Vol. 1 - Chapter 8: Adios Mis Hijos (Goodbye my children)

Part 1 - Ten minutes before "El Charro Negro" frees Uriel, Roberto was in a different location.

Roberto puts the locations of the 4 out of the 7 cities of gold in the map of the North American Continent. Darius was watching from the back. As soon as Roberto was going to put the fifth location,


A huge explosion in the power room causes a shutdown of the systems closing the map and turning down the lights. Smoke begins to enter the room from the corridor.

"What is going on?" Darius says it with a furious tone to the guards.

"There is an intruder sir, someone destroyed the generator." The guard says with a tablet showing the image of the silhouette of a man with the horse. Darius stabs the guard with a sword calling him useless.

"Well that´s great news is that right?" Roberto yells at Darius who replies:

"You brought reinforcement you bastard?"

"No, I did not but it´s my cue to leave." Roberto says Darius as he frees himself from the chains. Roberto then punches Darius in the face causing him to fly to wall.

Roberto gets the computer where the information was and destroys it. He gets a pipe of gas and breaks it releasing the gas inside the room. He gets a gun, he jumps through the window and passes Darius saying: "Adios." Roberto jumps through the window shooting the gun, causing a huge explosion in the main building. Roberto suddenly lands in a military truck where he is badly injured. He decides to run in search of his family and surprisingly finds them near the entrance and "El Charro Negro" was with them.

Part 2- Near the entrance of the Base, landing platform

Roberto runs straight to them. Valerie runs where Roberto is and starts yelling: "PAPA, PAPA." Valerie hugs Roberto with tears in her eyes, repeating "PAPA" multiple times. He lifts her up in a piggy back and walks straight to his family. Uriel hugs Roberto, along with Maria who had Daniel. Daniel wakes up and sees his dad which causes him to cry.

"Papa, you are here." Daniel says hugging Roberto in which he replies:

"I am sorry hijos, this was my fault, please forgive me." He hugs the three of them and gives them the order to run away. He notices the abnormality of Uriel and sees Maria who has a sad face.Roberto tells Maria: "Don´t worry, he won´t turn evil, I assure you."

He walks directly to where Juan is and says: " So, you chose my son eh, I knew that you would, you told me that 15 years ago remember, you wanted to repay the favor."

"Yes, one soul for another remember but don´t worry I´ll train him because "they" are going to move in the future" Juan replies to Roberto laughing.

"I´ll leave him in your care, I´ll probably won´t make it." Roberto says it with a low tone.

"I will don´t, worry hermano it was fun okay" Juan says it with a smile

"Yes hermano, take care." Roberto replies as he heads to his family.

"I´ll buy you only 5 minutes okay, say your goodbyes" Juan says it while laughing.

Darius is walking straight to them, and he was not affected by the explosion. Juan decides to go and speak to him while Roberto says goodbye.

"Hello, Darius." Juan says it with a smile causing Darius to be frightened.

"Why are you here?" Darius asks with a serious tone.

"I have something to discuss with you." Roberto says to Darius buying time.

Part 3- Entrance to the military base

Roberto goes and hugs his three children for the last time and makes a funny face to them saying: "Mis niños, I need to stay for a while, I have a job to do. You will go to the city, and play videogames as long as you want, please be safe."

The children started to cry as they know that this was a goodbye.

"Valerie you are going to be a beauty so please eat healthy and remember where you come from okay, you will always be my Princesa okay." Roberto says it to Valerie who is crying begging his father to come with them.

"Daniel you are a genius, help your brothers, and win many videogames championships you can do it. You are just like your father so stay handsome okay." Roberto hugs Daniel who is barely conscious because of the fever. Roberto makes a funny face to make him laugh.

"Uriel, now the successor is you, but you are a human being. You will be a teacher and you will be the best teacher there could be. You are my pride, protect your brother and sister and more importantly protect your mother. You are the head of the family now okay. Stay strong and please keep your erotic dreams and fantasies in check hahaha." Roberto hugs Uriel tightly and Uriel replies with a shivering voice and tears in his eyes:

"I will Papa, I am strong"

"That is my son" Roberto smiles at the three as they begin to walk away.

"I won't say goodbye to you, because I will see you again soon." Maria says to Roberto crying.

"Hijos, I will catch up to you, run to the hill and you will follow the lights of Sun City. Please be safe." Maria says to them. Valerie did not want to leave and Daniel was sleeping, Maria touches Valerie´s chest causing her to sleep and says to Uriel.

"I know it is tough but take care of them you are a man now."

"I will mother." Uriel begins to walk away with tears in his eyes, and slowly they dissapeared from their parents vision.

"Good, now then don't interfere, Maria." Roberto says to Maria as he pushes her meters away.

Roberto then bites his thumb causing him to bleed. He drops blood in the floor and makes the enchantment:

"This unbreakable wall, to those who are inside may never leave, to those who are outside may never enter: Divine Blood Barrier." At that moment a dome begins to form covering the whole military base.

"Darius this is all I have to say now be prepare for your doom. We will finish our conversation some other time if you are still alive that is." Juan says to Darius as he begins to fade.

"Good luck hermano!" Juan says to Roberto who disappears before the barrier closes.

"The special barrier is unbreakable unless the caster dies, I see." Darius says to Roberto who is walking towards him.

"NOOOO, WHY YOU WHY DAMN YOUUU!" Maria shouts to Roberto outside the barrier trying to break in, but it is useless. She begins to cry, and gets into her knees and begins to pray.

"Now then let´s finish our little discussion Darius, this time no one can interfere like last time you coward." Roberto says to Darius as he takes his shirt off and shouts:

"Activate Lobo Solitario: Completo."

Once again the symbol from his arm begins to spread now to his whole body changing his outfit to battle armor. He has a jacket that emits green light, gloves in his hands that have a circle. His pants have the green marks as well and his shoes changes into boots. In the back he has a wolf symbol. Energy begins to flow round the area similar to a lightning.

"I won't hold back Darius" Roberto says to Darius as he takes a battle stance.

"HAHAHA, Magnificent so this is the Esper Suit that those stupid trees created, excellent!" Darius says as he snaps his fingers and a portal opens on top of him.

"YOU CAN´T ESCAPE!" Roberto shouts.

"I won't escape, this time I will kill you." Darius says. A huge weapon begins to descend, a golden mace surprises Roberto.

"Let me introduce you to SHARUR; SMASHER OF THOUSANDS." Darius says with a demonic smile.