

Hi guys, I uncerstand that due to the Corona Virus Pandemia, the whole world is in quarantine, however, many of us need to work in order to eat. I pray for everyone´s safety and I pray that these situation ends as quickly as possible. Please stay safe, in the mean time, here is my new volume for you to enjoy. Once again comments and suggestions are welcome, just try not to be rude, I accept good comments even if they are against the novel, but with out the intention of critizicing without a reasonable cause.


The Exhibition…

Hello guys, this is MZ_95, this volume is going to be more revealing, it will focus on several points of the Borderland were multiple battles will be held. Be prepare for new excitement and new secrets will be revealed. Thank you for reading my novel, I try to improve everyday when I write a paragraph or two a day. I promise that this volume will be more entertaining so here we go:

Fury of the Aztec Deities Arc: (Volumes 4 and 5)

The Lucifugus family selected 12 students to travel towards Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. Uriel, Johanna, Katsumi, Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Escobar were the staff chosen to travel. Marjorie, Aleister, Alejandro, Raul, Victoria, Angela, Marinette, Madeleine, Antoine, Ana, Angel and Crespo were the students chosen to travel to Mexico. Uriel not only has to worry about the supernatural incidents but also to manage a class. He learns that the French students (Marinette, Madeleine and Antoine) have a grudge against the Spanish students (Angel, Crespo and Ana). During the night at the hotel, Uriel ended sharing the same room with Katsumi and Johanna. Uriel is still very innocent and has a hard time sleeping in the same room. The next day, Dr. Ortiz puts Uriel in charge of a group consisting of Marjorie, Marinette, Madeleine, Crespo, Angel and Alejandro. They explore the magical place called Xochimilco in which it consists of a large river where the Aztecs used to travel. After separating and having fun in the multiple tourists' site, Uriel encounters a lost girl (Xochitl). The girl is speaking an ancient language. Uriel helps her and treats her to eat, during the moment they were eating; they encounter the girl's brother. A young boy (Ahide) who is under the influence of a being known as El Muerto attacks Uriel believing that he was involved with the massacre of the Aztecs 500 years ago. He summons and Aztec God known as Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, and attacks Uriel separating him from his students. Uriel only has Alejandro and Marjorie; the others were abducted by El Muerto, with no options left, Uriel changes in front of his students and attacks Quetzalcoatl. After an intense battle, Uriel loses to the feathered serpent and he is sent flying along with Marjorie to the river. Katsumi and Johanna find Alejandro and Xochitl beneath a destroyed house; they decide to take them back to the hotel. Uriel wakes up along with Marjorie in a strange cabin, a woman called Bella rescued them from drowning, as they go outside; Bella reveals that the island is actually a place where the lost souls of children are brought here by a mysterious figure known as La Llorona (The Weeping Lady). Uriel confronts La Llorona and learns about her past; in the past she was a young woman who was betrayed by a man known as Hernan Cortes, the conqueror, which is the reason why Ahide has a grudge towards the Cortes. Uriel agrees to help the ghost, they return to the hotel where El Muerto is about to kill Alejandro, Uriel blocks the attack; however, Xochitl decides to go with El Muerto. Uriel meets with his cousin, Alexa who was in task by Juan to grab the golden key. Uriel, Alexa, Katsumi, Alejandro and Dr. Ortiz head towards the volcano where the others were imprisoned. A large battle royal unfolded as Uriel ends up fighting both Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca, with the help of a "bird", Uriel releases his power and defeats the Gods returning them back to normal. The ghost reunites with her children causing her soul to pass on as she found peace. Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Escobar decide to take care of the children and raise them as their own, Uriel and the other return to Sun City. Uriel finds out that his mother was in grave danger, with the help of Johanna they managed to save her life, the volume ends with Darius contacting a famous "Bounty Hunter" to take down Uriel.