
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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Chapter 83: Contract and Means

Chapter 83: Contract and Means

In the early morning, the comfortable sun shines on the earth, the garden of the villa is full of flowers, the branches of tall trees, and two magpies are chatting non-stop.

Along the quiet road full of flowers, a clear stream flows down the top of the rockery more than ten meters high.

Finally, they gathered in a quiet pond, where precious koi fish were raised, and the wandering fish added a touch of vitality to the whole courtyard.

Turning around the rockery, the front is suddenly bright, and the luxurious but not vulgar three-storey villa stands in front of you.

Passing through the huge swimming pool with rippling clear water, the group of four was led by the maid into the living room, and the eight maids in two rows bowed and saluted at the same time.

Moving forward, seven tall bodyguards were standing around, and at this time, the young man sitting quietly in the center of the living room was the target of the group of four.

Among the four, the oldest middle-aged man with a scroll on his body took the initiative to step forward, and at the same time said in a calm voice:

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I am Wang Jianwei, a doctoral supervisor at the Law School of Futan University, and these two are my students Wu Chao and Gu Zhiqiang.

In addition, this is Li Tingting, a graduate student of Dean Lu. We can discuss this cooperation plan with you on behalf of Vice-Tank University. "

Chu Mo, who had been sitting quietly on the sofa, got up gently, then took two steps forward to shake hands with the middle-aged man, and nodded at the same time:

"Hello, Professor Wang, I'm going to trouble a few of you this time."

After the words fell, Chu Mo shook hands with the two twenty-eight-nine-year-old youths beside the middle-aged man again, and nodded at the same time:

"Hello Senior Wu, hello Senior Gu."

When he finally set his eyes on the only girl among the four, Chu Mo glanced at each other casually.

This girl named Li Tingting is wearing a light-colored shirt, with a tall and graceful figure, a pair of bright eyes with a quiet and clear, delicate and flawless face, with an unforgettable beauty, twenty-three or four years old. It's time to be charming.

Chu Mo lightly held the other's weak and boneless catkin, and nodded at the same time:

"Hello Li Xuemei, I heard Dean Lu mentioned you and said that you are the youngest researcher in the research institute, and it is better to meet you if you are famous."

A glimmer of brilliance flashed in the originally calm and flawless eyes, and Li Tingting, who nodded slightly, responded:

"Mr. Chu, you're amazing, I'm just fighting under Teacher Lu."

As soon as the two touched their hands, Chu Mo, who made a gesture, said with a smile:

"Sit down, Danny, and pour tea for the guests."

When guests came to the villa, Jiang Tao and six bodyguards had already stood up and stood in the four corners of the living room. Now they have taken the initiative to assume the duties of the villa's bodyguards.

Chu Mo didn't stop it. If he didn't have the eyesight, then Chu Mo would have to reconsider whether to spend a lot of money to recruit them.

The host and guests were seated, and the four maids diligently served the guests with fragrant tea. Naturally, the top-quality tea was used, so the living room was filled with a faint scent of tea.

The leader, a middle-aged man named Wang Jianwei, took out a large stack of documents from the black leather bag he was carrying.

"Mr. Chu, this is the first draft of a contract drafted by our college. The contract details the rights and obligations of both parties...

This is the research overview of Dean Lu, some materials and data from the start of the research three years ago to the present. Of course, the core content needs to be signed by Mr. Chu before you can read it.

In addition, this is some information that needs to purchase the latest equipment in the United States. This is an overview of the future research direction...

Mr. Chu, you can rest assured that when your investment is officially received, we will have a detailed record and supervision of every money you spend. "

The housekeeper took a thick stack of documents from the other party, and then put it in Chu Mo's hands respectfully, just flipping two pages at random, and Chu Mo immediately lost interest.

The various parties A and B in the contract looked like big heads. After casually flipping through them, Chu Mo threw the document drafted by a doctoral supervisor and two current doctors at Futan University on the coffee table.

Chu Mo is not interested in this kind of thing, even if there are any traps in it, Chu Mo can't see it, and he will leave it to a professional lawyer to look at it later.

When Chu Mo looked at the school's research projects, the middle-aged man immediately said:

"Mr. Chu, two students and I are in charge of legal affairs. If you have any questions about the research project, you can discuss it with Li Tingting. She is fully involved in the entire research. You can consult her if you have any questions."

Chu Mo raised his head and glanced at the **** the opposite side, and when he saw the other side nodding to himself, Chu Mo, who had his eyes on the document in his hand, flipped through a few pages at will, then closed the document and said at the same time:

"I have received the information. I will find a lawyer to discuss with you in detail. If there are no major problems, I will sign the contract."

Chu Mo got up, already intending to see off.

The middle-aged man who had the aura of a book on his body also got up, hesitated a little, and could only nod his head and said:

"Okay, Mr. Chu, I hope you can sign a contract with us as soon as possible. President Lu is in a hurry, so we will not disturb Mr. Chu."

A few people shook hands to say goodbye, and when the four of them left the villa under the leadership of the maid, Chu Mo, who casually pointed to the documents on the coffee table, said to Danny:

"Find a few knowledgeable lawyers to take a look at this contract, as long as the contract is not too excessive and there are no hidden traps, you can sign it.

The investment of 300 million is a trivial matter now, and Sun Shangwu's favor is the key point. Yun Chang still has the matter of Shiyuan Entertainment. Maybe Sun Shangwu can still be used. This matter must be handled as soon as possible. The contract is signed, and the funds are sent. "

"Okay, Mr. Chu."

After bowing slightly, Danny agreed, and immediately picked up the thick stack of documents on the coffee table and turned away. The Diwangxuan Property Office provided legal assistance to the owner of the villa, but Danny was going to find a few more professional lawyers, so Use personal relationships.

"Mr. Chu, then we will say goodbye first."

When Jiang Tao spoke in a deep voice, Chu Mo nodded slightly.

A group of seven people, tall men with a height of more than two meters filed out, looking at the background of their departure, Chu Mo's eyes were slightly contemplative.

There is absolutely no doubt about Jiang Tao's ability to handle affairs. The most important thing is that he has a complex and huge network of relationships behind him who retired from the team.

Before, he could open a private detective agency, and he could easily find out a person's information, but this time he also took the lead in grasping the information of Yun Changzai, which also freed himself from being passive.

And if he has sufficient financial support from himself, then his network of contacts will inevitably be further expanded, which is absolutely beneficial to himself without any harm.

However, if this power becomes too large, will he lose control?

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, and Zhan Bingxue and Qin Zixuan immediately came to Chu Mo's mind.

Chu Mo, who clenched his fists slightly and then moved his hands and feet, walked towards the kitchen.

Zhan Bingxue and Qin Zixuan still need to increase their support.

It is absolutely impossible to walk on one leg, and you still have to arrange some means in advance to prevent problems before they happen.


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