
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 81: no if

Chapter 81: no if

The splendid presidential suite, standing on the balcony on the 66th floor, carefully selected by Du Yanyan who took a few pictures of the beautiful scenery.

Select two photos of food, two photos of guest rooms, and two photos of scenery, add a seemingly random copy, and then send it to the circle of friends.

This time the likes should be over 100.

When Du Yanyan returned to the table with excitement in her eyes, she swallowed her saliva involuntarily while looking at the pile of top-notch delicacies in front of her.

The dinner prepared by the hotel is very rich, not only the Kobe steak ordered by Chumo, but also many delicacies carefully prepared by the hotel.

Caviar, Kobe steak, braised crayfish with French pickles, porcini mushroom tower with secret foie gras, Bogus-style meringue truffle soup...

With a bottle of red wine worth hundreds of thousands, such a simple and luxurious dinner can basically be worth the salary of Du Yanyan for five or six years.

And you can save enough if you don't eat or drink.

Glancing at the bathroom, Du Yanyan, who couldn't stand the temptation of food, didn't insist anymore when she saw that the old classmate still showed no sign of coming out.

Sitting elegantly at the table, picking up a knife and fork, and then gently cutting the Kobe beef in front of you...

The steak with clear stripes reveals a unique light of oil under the light, the color is pure, the pink is tender, and just looking at it makes people appetite.

With a knife and fork in her hand, Du Yanyan gently forked a small piece and placed it in her mouth. Suddenly, the juicy and plump taste exploded in her taste buds.

In just an instant, Du Yanyan closed her eyes with a face full of enjoyment.

It really deserves to be a world-class food, just this one, at least three or four thousand.

After enjoying the deliciousness of the steak, I put my eyes on the Australian lobster that was grilled and peeled off in front of me. The tender white lobster lay on the plate with a piece of browned kimchi cake on it, which made people feel very interesting.

Du Yanyan, who licked her lips, was not polite. When the delicious lobster was put in her mouth, Du Yanyan, who felt that her whole body was about to melt, narrowed her eyes happily again.

After a while, he put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up the red wine in front of him, first put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed lightly, and then shook the goblet in his hand very interestingly. Put it on your mouth and taste it lightly.

The unique fragrance of the world's top red wine makes Du Yanyan's heart beat slightly faster. I don't know if it is the reason of the red wine or the effect of her heart. At this moment, Du Yanyan's delicate face is slightly red, and her beautiful eyes are filled with satisfaction and harmony. happiness.

In the happiness of enjoying the food, a young and immature face suddenly flashed in my mind.

If I remember correctly, it should be a public class in the sophomore year. Du Yanyan, who was listening to the class attentively at the time, suddenly felt a fiery gaze behind her. When she turned her head, she saw a boy looking straight at her.

At that time, Du Yanyan, who was still looking forward to a beautiful love in her mind, naturally didn't have a good face towards boys who didn't have any sense of existence. Face lowered his head.

So, with a single thought, I missed a top rich second generation, right?

And it was still when the rich second generation was at its purest and most youthful.

When such thoughts came to mind, Du Yanyan suddenly felt that the top delicacies in front of her suddenly became less delicious.


If he accepted him at that time, then now, he is the hostess of this five-star hotel with a market value of nearly 10 billion.


The fried foie gras is surrounded by three different sauces in the center. It looks delicate and delicious. Kobe steak is lying quietly in front of it, and the fresh juice looks slanderous.

It's just that Du Yanyan was dazed at this moment, and even the top delicacies in front of her lost their temptation.

After an unknown time, the bathroom door was gently pushed open, and then Chu Mo in casual clothes walked out with a relaxed face, glanced at the almost untouched dishes on the dining table, and slightly raised his eyebrows, Chu Mo said softly:

"Waiting for a long time... What, the food is not to your taste? What do you want to eat, I will ask the chef to help you redo it."

Hearing this, Du Yanyan, who finally woke up from the state of worrying about gain and loss, gently stroked the hair around her ear, and then chuckled:

"No, I just suddenly thought of something and felt a little emotional for a while."

The voice fell, and Du Yanyan, who bit her lip, continued: "You can eat with me. There are so many dishes, I can't finish them all by myself. It would be too wasteful to throw them away."

Glancing at the pile of top-notch delicacies on the dining table, Chu Mo, who did not refuse, sat directly opposite the girl. After taking the spare tableware, he tasted it at will.

"Chu Mo, can I ask you a question?" Du Yanyan, who took a sip from the wine glass, had her cheeks flushed, and under the dining table, her slender and well-proportioned thighs swayed slightly, and she touched Chu Mo's toes intentionally or unintentionally.

"Huh?" Chu Mo, who swallowed the lobster in his stomach, glanced at the other party a little strangely, and nodded casually, "You say it."

Du Yanyan hesitated for a while, and did not rush to ask, but drank the red wine in the glass, and then asked the girl with the wink of the wine softly:

"Chu Mo, when you were in school, you clearly had feelings for me, why didn't you take the initiative to chase me?"

Chu Mo, who did not expect the other party to ask such a question at all, widened his eyes, and after being stunned for a moment, he laughed dumbly:

"You know, you wouldn't agree even if I confessed...and...!"

After a pause, Chu Mo, who didn't want to speak his heart out, chose to remain silent.

The truth is that at that time, Chu Mo only had a good impression of her. To put it bluntly, he actually thought her big white legs were very good-looking.

Of course, it hurts to say this now, but it's better to rot in your stomach.

A look of melancholy flashed in her eyes, and Du Yanyan, who sighed softly, knew that Chu Mo was telling the truth.

At that time, Du Yanyan, who was the squad leader, was a veritable figure in the class, but Chu Mo was a little transparent. Even if Chu Mo really confessed, Du Yanyan would definitely refuse.

So it's not destined to be together, right?

His gaze was fixed on the handsome face of the man on the opposite side. The boy who wouldn't even glance at him a few years ago has now become mature and stable.

It would be a pity to miss it like that.

With the strength of the wine, Du Yanyan, whose heart was heaving rapidly, said seriously:

"If you were given a chance, would you confess to me again?"

Putting down the knife in his hand, Chu Mo, who gracefully wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, looked gentle, and said seriously at the same time:

"Yanyan, you know, in this world, there has never been an if."


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