
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

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Chapter 7: Status and State of Mind

Chapter 7: Status and State of Mind

Magic City!

In the Sunshine Community near Century Park.

With the turn of the key, the door was gently opened, and the room was pitch black.

It seems that she has not come back with the one she shared with.

He turned on the light in the living room, and the soft and warm light illuminated the entire three-bedroom room. He put down the notebook and the gift bag in his hand, and threw himself on the sofa in the living room, Chu Mo, whose brain was still in a state of excitement. He closed his eyes gently.

Involuntarily, the beautiful face of the school flower Lingyue appeared in her mind. Her snow-white skin and tall and slender figure had been deeply imprinted in Chu Mo's mind.

Touching his earlobe with his hand, even now, Chu Mo can still clearly feel the numbness of the other person whispering in his ear!

"Isn't this all a dream!?"

While whispering to himself, he unconsciously glanced at the luxurious and expensive watch on his left wrist.

Patek Philippe, which is worth tens of millions, clearly told Chu Mo that all this was absolutely true.

Standing up gently, Chu Mo, who sat up straight, looked around, the goose-yellow sofa, the starry sky marble TV cabinet, and the TV cabinet was full of blooming stars.

In the dining room is a foldable milky white dining table, and all kinds of pots and pans are readily available in the kitchen!

It is completely the same as an ordinary warm family, and this is one of the reasons why Chu Mo has always insisted on staying in the magic capital.

Of course, Chu Mo couldn't afford the monthly rent of 8,000 yuan alone, and the one who shared the rent with Chu Mo was the one who made people's hearts move.

When he first graduated, Chu Mo lived in a 10-square-meter partition. At that time, the job seekers hit the wall one after another, making Chu Mo so poor that he couldn't even afford instant noodles.

Until I became a freelance writer and my work stabilized a little, I moved here.

This house is a three-bedroom house, which was originally shared by three people, but a year ago, another roommate moved out and lived with his boyfriend, so a room was vacated.

He picked up his phone and glanced at the time, it was seven thirty-five.

It wasn't until he put down his phone that Chu Mo remembered the watch he was wearing on his wrist.

It seems that it will take some time to adjust to fully adapt.

Came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, all kinds of ingredients were readily available in the refrigerator, randomly selected a few ingredients, washed, cut into pieces, until the hot oil star in the pot fell on the hand, the tingling feeling made Chu absent-minded all the time Mo finally woke up.

She would leave on time at 7:00 every morning and would not come back at noon. In the evening, Chu Mo would usually prepare a fairly sumptuous meal for the two of them to enjoy together.

Naturally, Chu Mo cooks, and she provides the ingredients in the refrigerator.

Chu Mo can save expenses, she can eat a hot meal in the shared rent, and the two take what they get, so the relationship between the two is considered harmonious.

Chu Mo had eaten in the restaurant before, and this meal was prepared for her. It has been like this almost every day for the past two years. It has become a habit to prepare a hearty dinner at night.

Tomatoes and eggs, pork ribs stewed with potatoes, beans with sesame sauce, vegetarian stir-fried cabbage, and a Sanxian soup!

Her favorite is the sweet and sour fish cooked by Chu Mo, but there is no fish in the refrigerator, which makes Chu Mo somewhat regretful.

He raised his wrist to check the time.

Eight fifty!

It looks like she's working overtime again tonight.

When Chu Mo picked up the phone, he just saw the text message she sent.

"Sorry, I have to come back later today, you can eat first, I will just take a bite when I come back!"

Putting away the phone and looking at the steaming food on the dining table, Chu Mo felt a little melancholy for a while.

Is it time to say goodbye to such a dull and warm life?

Glancing at the notebook on the sofa and the luxurious gift bag from the corner of his eyes, Chu Mo couldn't help thinking again.

The watch on the wrist is just the beginning. In Chu Mo's plan, the next thing to buy is a car and a house.

This is a necessity and the most basic thing for a man to start a family and start a business. Once he buys a house, it is naturally time to say goodbye to this place.

After all, she has lived here for two years, and the one she shared with her is the object of her crush, and she is about to leave suddenly. To say that she has no regrets in her heart would be a lie.

However, this reluctance was quickly overwhelmed by the excitement and desire in my heart.


The phone vibrated, I thought it was sent by a shared roommate, but after opening it, I found that the message was actually sent by a friend named Little Linda.

Little Linda?

After being stunned for a full two seconds, Chu Mo, who was laughing, said to himself:

"It was her!"

"Mr. Chu! I'm Linda from Patek Philippe, don't you remember?"

After hesitating for a moment, he then typed in with his finger "The fragrance on 

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The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods Chapter 7: Status and State of Mind

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Magic City!

In the Sunshine Community near Century Park.

With the turn of the key, the door was gently opened, and the room was pitch black.

It seems that she has not come back with the one she shared with.

He turned on the light in the living room, and the soft and warm light illuminated the entire three-bedroom room. He put down the notebook and the gift bag in his hand, and threw himself on the sofa in the living room, Chu Mo, whose brain was still in a state of excitement. He closed his eyes gently.

Involuntarily, the beautiful face of the school flower Lingyue appeared in her mind. Her snow-white skin and tall and slender figure had been deeply imprinted in Chu Mo's mind.

Touching his earlobe with his hand, even now, Chu Mo can still clearly feel the numbness of the other person whispering in his ear!

"Isn't this all a dream!?"

While whispering to himself, he unconsciously glanced at the luxurious and expensive watch on his left wrist.

Patek Philippe, which is worth tens of millions, clearly told Chu Mo that all this was absolutely true.

Standing up gently, Chu Mo, who sat up straight, looked around, the goose-yellow sofa, the starry sky marble TV cabinet, and the TV cabinet was full of blooming stars.

In the dining room is a foldable milky white dining table, and all kinds of pots and pans are readily available in the kitchen!

It is completely the same as an ordinary warm family, and this is one of the reasons why Chu Mo has always insisted on staying in the magic capital.

Of course, Chu Mo couldn't afford the monthly rent of 8,000 yuan alone, and the one who shared the rent with Chu Mo was the one who made people's hearts move.

When he first graduated, Chu Mo lived in a 10-square-meter partition. At that time, the job seekers hit the wall one after another, making Chu Mo so poor that he couldn't even afford instant noodles.

Until I became a freelance writer and my work stabilized a little, I moved here.

This house is a three-bedroom house, which was originally shared by three people, but a year ago, another roommate moved out and lived with his boyfriend, so a room was vacated.

He picked up his phone and glanced at the time, it was seven thirty-five.

It wasn't until he put down his phone that Chu Mo remembered the watch he was wearing on his wrist.

It seems that it will take some time to adjust to fully adapt.

Came to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, all kinds of ingredients were readily available in the refrigerator, randomly selected a few ingredients, washed, cut into pieces, until the hot oil star in the pot fell on the hand, the tingling feeling made Chu absent-minded all the time Mo finally woke up.

She would leave on time at 7:00 every morning and would not come back at noon. In the evening, Chu Mo would usually prepare a fairly sumptuous meal for the two of them to enjoy together.

Naturally, Chu Mo cooks, and she provides the ingredients in the refrigerator.

Chu Mo can save expenses, she can eat a hot meal in the shared rent, and the two take what they get, so the relationship between the two is considered harmonious.

Chu Mo had eaten in the restaurant before, and this meal was prepared for her. It has been like this almost every day for the past two years. It has become a habit to prepare a hearty dinner at night.

Tomatoes and eggs, pork ribs stewed with potatoes, beans with sesame sauce, vegetarian stir-fried cabbage, and a Sanxian soup!

Her favorite is the sweet and sour fish cooked by Chu Mo, but there is no fish in the refrigerator, which makes Chu Mo somewhat regretful.

He raised his wrist to check the time.

Eight fifty!

It looks like she's working overtime again tonight.

When Chu Mo picked up the phone, he just saw the text message she sent.

"Sorry, I have to come back later today, you can eat first, I will just take a bite when I come back!"

Putting away the phone and looking at the steaming food on the dining table, Chu Mo felt a little melancholy for a while.

Is it time to say goodbye to such a dull and warm life?

Glancing at the notebook on the sofa and the luxurious gift bag from the corner of his eyes, Chu Mo couldn't help thinking again.

The watch on the wrist is just the beginning. In Chu Mo's plan, the next thing to buy is a car and a house.

This is a necessity and the most basic thing for a man to start a family and start a business. Once he buys a house, it is naturally time to say goodbye to this place.

After all, she has lived here for two years, and the one she shared with her is the object of her crush, and she is about to leave suddenly. To say that she has no regrets in her heart would be a lie.

However, this reluctance was quickly overwhelmed by the excitement and desire in my heart.


The phone vibrated, I thought it was sent by a shared roommate, but after opening it, I found that the message was actually sent by a friend named Little Linda.

Little Linda?

After being stunned for a full two seconds, Chu Mo, who was laughing, said to himself:

"It was her!"

"Mr. Chu! I'm Linda from Patek Philippe, don't you remember?"

After hesitating for a moment, he then typed in with his finger "The fragrance on Miss Linda is very impressive!"

Click to send, just for a moment, I replied to the message for convenience.

"You like it (shy

It seems that my previous feelings are true. This charming young woman with a 90% appearance does have some thoughts about herself. At this time, as long as you hook your fingers, the two should have a happy night.

However, looking at the shy picture on the screen, Chu Mo hesitated.

Patek Philippe is a high-end luxury product. The female clerk named Linda contacts many successful people every day. Before that, she should have been in contact with many men!

Such thoughts flashed in his mind, but Chu Mo suddenly felt dull!

That's right, Chu Mo, who is twenty-five years old this year, has never talked about his girlfriend. Until now, he is still a standard boy!

Naturally, his most basic requirement for his first partner is that the other party must also be the first. Only in this way will Chu Mo feel balanced.

The school flower Lingyue's charming smiling face suddenly flashed in her mind. If it was her, she should satisfy her own conditions!

He didn't continue to reply, and took back the phone. At this moment, Chu Mo suddenly seemed to understand why Lingyue rejected him before.

If she agrees on the spot, then in her heart, I am afraid she will subconsciously lower her status. Perhaps it is because of this that Lingyue will reject her.

I was thinking wildly in my mind, and the sound of the doorknob turning suddenly sounded in my ears. I turned my head, and as the door opened, a Miaoman figure quietly appeared in front of my eyes.

"Yeah! It's so fragrant, it seems that tonight's weight loss plan is going to waste again!"

When the sweet, soft, marshmallow-like sound of nature rang in his ears, he unconsciously got up and quietly looked at the figure of Miaoman who was bending over to change his shoes at the door. Chu Mo smiled and said:

"You're back!"

The woman in the professional suit bent down slightly, and the close-fitting hip-packed skirt immediately drew a graceful curve...

The high-heeled shoes on her feet were replaced by sandals. Her slender and smooth legs looked extremely attractive under the wrap of black silk. A mature woman of about twenty-six or seven years old stood up straight. When she saw Chu Mo, who looked indifferent beside the sofa At that time, a beautiful woman with ninety-five points of beauty said in a soothing voice:

"Strange... Why do you suddenly feel that, Chu Mo, you seem to be different?"

Is this a woman's terrifying intuition?


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