
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 65: Exhibition Ice and Snow's Counterattack

Chapter 65: Exhibition Ice and Snow's Counterattack

"Sir, as a coupe, I personally recommend you to take a look at this Continental GT.

This car continues the brand soul of Bentley's personalized design and tailor-made for a century. It penetrates the brand concept of luxury and personality into the manufacturing process of the car through completely handmade production, and absolutely guarantees unique needs. "

Magic Capital Auto City, a Bentley franchise store, as a high-end positioned Bentley is naturally aimed at high-end users. The price of millions or even tens of millions has pushed this car to a dream status. It can be displayed in the exhibition. The people watching the cars in the hall are basically people with a lot of money.

Even in this group of rich and expensive people, surrounded by five bodyguards in black, Chu Mo, who was accompanied by the sales manager to explain himself, was still the focus of many people's secret observation.

With his handsome appearance, tall frame, calm and calm aura, and the foil of several bodyguards in black around him, Chu Mo's whole body is filled with a mysterious aura.

And this kind of temperament does have a lot of appeal to women.

In the exhibition hall near the automatic door, next to a pink coupe, a woman in a black dress looked curiously at a group of people not far away. The woman with long wavy hair looked intellectual and elegant. Ivy, the director of a foreign company.

Twenty-nine years old this year, Ivy, who is unmarried so far, has almost harsh requirements for her other half. First of all, the most basic point is that the other party's achievements must be higher than her own, and the age cannot be more than thirty-five years old. This, will brush the vast majority of men.

You must know that Ivy is looking at a car that sells for as high as 4.88 million. To be able to look at such a car shows how rich her material conditions are.

At this time, I glanced at the handsome man like the stars and the moon from time to time, and my heartbeat accelerated slightly for a moment. Then, Ivy, who seemed to be casual, asked the salesman beside him:

"What kind of car is the guy with the golden glasses looking at?"

Hearing this, the sales lady who had been serving beside her looked up at the crowd not far away, and then responded carefully:

"Ms. Ivy, the gentleman was looking at an elegant 728. I heard at the same time and said that he has decided to buy that car. The price of that car is more than 12 million."

After a pause, the sales lady who seemed to remember something seemed to inadvertently say:

"By the way, the Rolls-Royce Phantom in the parking space opposite is also the gentleman's... Really young, and so handsome..."

Hearing this, Ivy, whose heartbeat unconsciously accelerated again, pondered for a moment, took out a business card from her Hermes bag, and handed it to the sales lady beside her. At the same time, Ivy, who looked as usual, said softly:

"You help me give this business card to the gentleman. By the way, I like this car very much, so let's settle it!"

Hearing this, the sales lady with a flash of joy in her eyes immediately nodded and said respectfully:

"Okay, Miss Ivy, go to the VIP room and wait for a while. We can sign the contract later. I'll go and send your business card to the gentleman!"


In the center of the showroom, next to the Continental GT supercar, the salesman named Chu Jing has already retreated behind him. The one who is next to Chu Mo and is responsible for introducing is the Bentley sales manager, a shrewd and capable middle-aged man in his forties. man.

"Mr. Chu, the positioning of the Continental GT itself is a luxury sports car, but it can compete with both sports cars and luxury sedans, so its competition is very fierce, but just like the Bentley brand, it always Stand proudly among competitors.

Although there are classic brands such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, etc., but Bentley can always attract more customers with a unique charm and a diversified combination of luxury, performance, appearance and practicality...! "

While the middle-aged manager with a confident and calm face was chatting beside him, a saleswoman in a black suit and short skirt suddenly came to Chu Mo.

At this time, the saleswoman in her early thirties first bowed slightly to the manager, and after the other party stopped to introduce, she turned her attention to Chu Mo's woman respectfully handing over a delicate postcard, and at the same time she moved towards the position behind her. indicated:

"Sir, this is the business card that Miss Ivy asked me to give you, sorry to bother you!"

After taking the exquisite business card from the other party's hand, she followed the other party's line of sight. Sure enough, not far away, a woman with long wavy hair was smiling and nodding at her.

Looking at the slender background that the other party greeted him and turned to leave, Chu Mo, who was holding a business card in his hand, frowned slightly. He did not remember that he knew such a person.

After thinking for a while to no avail, he put the business card in his pocket, and Chu Mo, who didn't want to waste time, said directly:

"Just this one. I'll take these two cars away together."

While turning around and leaving, he suddenly pointed to the salesman Chu Jing who was standing beside him, and Chu Mo said casually:

"By the way, the commission for these two cars is counted on this Miss Chu, is there any problem?"

"No problem, Mr. Chu, please come here, I'll have someone prepare the contract."

In the gratitude of the woman named Chu Jing, Chu Mo turned and walked towards the VIP room.

Not too lazy to bargain at all, he directly asked the shrewd manager to quote the lowest price, and Chu Mo, who did not frown, signed his name on the contract.

After swiping the card to pay, after an hour of waiting, behind the Rolls-Royce Phantom driving out of the Bentley store, there was a Bentley Elegant and Bentley Continental with temporary license plates.

In the respectful farewell of the sales manager and more than a dozen salesmen, the three luxury cars slowly drove out of the franchise store and soon merged into the traffic flow.

"Mr. Chu, where are we going now?"

The Rolls-Royce Phantom co-pilot, when the respectful Shoubo asked softly, Chu Mo, who was holding a delicate postcard in his hand, said absentmindedly:

"I made an appointment at the Bafang International Hotel in the evening. Let's go back now. The license plate matter will be handled as soon as possible."


Rolls-Royce headed into the main road, followed by two Bentleys. As for the Baojun, someone had already sent it away.

After some delay, it was noon, and now it was a traffic jam. When I got back to the villa, I was afraid that it would be one or two o'clock. Chu Mo, who was a little hungry, was planning to call Shoubo to find a restaurant for dinner, and the mobile phone in his pocket Suddenly there was a tremor.

Taking out his mobile phone, Chu Mo couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly when he saw the caller ID above.

After adjusting his mentality, Chu Mo, who looked indifferent, pressed the answer button.

"It's Brother Chu, I'm Lin Hongqiang. I don't know if you have heard about the Bafang International Hotel. There seems to be something wrong with the Miss Zhan next to you. I heard that the board of directors put forward eleven voting proposals in a row in the morning. The lady rejected all of them with one vote, including the purchase of materials by the purchasing department... The image of the hotel is very big...!"


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