
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 63: layout

Chapter 63: layout

The breakfast prepared by Zhan Bingxue is very delicate, and he pays great attention to the combination of various nutrients.

Meat slices, omelettes, sushi, pasta, vegetables, fruits, juices…

There were about twenty dishes on the luxurious dining table in front of him, and when Chu Mo naturally sat in the seat where Zhan Bingxue used to sit, whether it was serving the four maids beside him or wearing glasses The elegant woman, everyone has a deep surprise in their eyes.

"Is there any problem in the hotel that can't be solved?"

Compared with light fruits and vegetables, Chu Mo still prefers traditional flavors.

Picking up a shrimp dumpling with chopsticks and putting it in his mouth, the tenderness of the shrimp instantly swept the taste buds, and Chu Mo, who nodded slightly, asked casually.

Zhan Bingxue, who was sitting quietly beside Chu Mo's left hand, was fighting the vegetable salad. Hearing this, she wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin, and the beautiful woman who looked extremely noble and elegant said softly:

"Generally speaking, Sun Shangwu and his four shareholders are quite cooperative. After all, each of them has invested more than 100 million yuan in real money, and they definitely don't want the hotel to fall into chaos.

So the hotel is now in a smooth transition and normal operation, but I can feel that the four of them are causing me some small trouble intentionally or unintentionally. Your proposed financial third-party supervision was rejected by the four of them together.

In addition, several important positions in the company's management are also assigned by their company, but I am currently trying to contact Lin Hongqiang. Among the four shareholders, Lin Hongqiang has the least shares.

I guess he will be somewhat dissatisfied, I will start from here, promise some benefits, and then disintegrate their alliance little by little!"

Financial supervision by a third party was last time Tao Yun sang in KTV on his birthday. Chu Mo listened to Zhou Yuanyuan's advice. In Chu Mo's mind, since he has no real management rights over the hotel, let the hotel's finance Be transparent, so that no one will want to make small moves, and you don't have to worry about being scammed all the time.

However, unexpectedly, this proposal was rejected by Sun Shangwu and his four old foxes.

But now, hearing that the four of them have assigned their own people to important positions, obviously they have the intention of showing the chairman of Bingxue overhead, which makes Chu Mo slightly uncomfortable.

Originally, Chu Mo meant to use the four of them to restrain and polish Zhan Bingxue so that she would not be too inflated, but now the development of things has exceeded Chu Mo's expectations. .

"As the largest shareholder, it was agreed at the time that you have a veto right, right!"

Putting down his chopsticks gently, Chu Mo, who took a sip of the rice porridge in front of him, said calmly!

Hearing this, Zhan Bingxue nodded with a serious expression, and at the same time hesitantly said:

"Yes, Mr. Chu.

Please rest assured, I will definitely win the actual control of the company as soon as possible. Now the hotel situation has just opened up and it is not suitable for infighting. Therefore, as long as many things are not excessive, I will temporarily choose to avoid it. When the company stabilizes, I will take the initiative to attack. …"

He waved his hand directly, interrupting the other party's words, and Chu Mo with a flat face said lightly:

"When it stabilizes, the whole company has already been run by them into a piece of iron, and then the company will be their people, even if you are completely empty."

The face of the woman before the meeting was slightly pale, and Chu Mo, who put a poached egg in his mouth, chewed lightly, swallowed the food for a moment, and then said earnestly:

"Since they don't follow the rules, what else do we have to worry about? You have to know one thing, this hotel is definitely a very important strategic sector for them, almost taking out the liquidity on their books, Lin Hongqiang even I bought my favorite Yuan Qinghua, which is evident.

So, this hotel, they can't afford to lose money, but for me, it's a mere 3 billion, but so, the fundamental reason for me to take a stake in this hotel is just to let you try the water, even if the loss is over, it's just a drop in the bucket.

If they don't follow the rules, then we'll accompany them to the end. From now on, no matter what they propose, you will use your one-vote veto power to deny them, ranging from the change of high-level personnel to the use of a piece of toilet paper in the toilet. , all rejected.

Even if the hotel closes tomorrow, so what? It's about three billion yuan and we're going to waste. To me, it doesn't hurt or itches, but the four old foxes will definitely lose a layer of skin.

If you want to play, play with them to the end!"

Chu Mo's face was flat, and a five-star hotel with a market value of tens of billions had already been decided by his fingers.

Zhan Bingxue, who originally thought that he was ineffective at his work, and his face was slightly pale, now stared at the handsome man in front of him, his big charming eyes full of deep admiration and some inseparable love.

"I know how to do it. With your instructions, Mr. Chu, I dare to let it go."

With a serious face, Zhan Bingxue got up gently, and naturally put a piece of meat for Chu Mo, and then, like the most personal servant, personally served by his side, served vegetables for Chu Mo... He was about to feed him directly!

Ten minutes later, after Chu Mo had finished drinking the rice porridge in the bowl, he took the tissue from Zhan Bingxue and wiped the corners of his mouth. Chu Mo, who was 90 percent full, got up gently and walked towards the door of the restaurant. At the same time, the easy-going voice said:

"By the way, I want to entertain two friends at the hotel tonight. I'll give you the address and contact information later, and you can send someone to pick them up."

Zhan Bingxue immediately nodded respectfully.

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time again. It was 8:10. It had been more than an hour since he had been here, but Chu Mo, who had nothing to do with it, was still leisurely and content. He glanced at the beautiful chairman beside him, Chu Mo. Randomly said:

"Go ahead, don't be too impatient about the hotel, do what you can. As for the final result... don't worry about it at all. Those four old foxes didn't have any good intentions. I know it, you can do your best."

"Then... Mr. Chu, I'll go to work first."

When Zhan Bingxue, who looked respectful, turned to leave, the four maids and housekeepers in the living room all held their hands beside him.

Be humble and careful.

Taking a casual glance at the stairs in front of him, Chu Mo, who originally wanted to go to the second and third floors, hesitated for a moment, but finally gave up.

Although if he wanted to go, no one would stop him.

Originally at this time, Chu Mo, who had eaten breakfast, should learn to cook with his own chef, but it is rare to come out today, so there is no need to pay special attention to this.

When he stepped forward and walked out of the hall, he looked at the huge old tree in front of the villa. The sun on his head shone through the lush branches and leaves in his eyes. Chu Mo, who raised his head slightly, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Relaxed feeling.

Sure enough, it was the right choice for me not to directly participate in the hotel management. If I hadn't let Zhan Bingxueding be in the front, then now I have no leisure to enjoy life, I am afraid I am also worrying about the hotel.

For the mere 3 billion, wasting your precious time and energy is really a mind-bending choice.

If you have unlimited money, you should only be responsible for spending money, and then find someone to work hard for you.

Chu Mo now has some ideas in his heart. From the very beginning, the naive idea of ​​buying lottery tickets and publishing books has gradually evolved into the idea of ​​developing a business empire and controlling behind the scenes.

Of course, I have only just taken a small step now, and everything is just tentative.

It's like the hotel in front of me, and even has the idea of ​​​​breaking the boat. However, his advantage is that he is not afraid of failure at all. Even if he fails ten or a hundred times, Chu Mo, who has unlimited money, will not care at all.

Taking a deep breath, just as Chu Mo was enjoying the tranquility in front of him, a faint sound of the piano suddenly came from his ears. He turned his eyes to one side, and quickly determined that the sound of the piano was coming from the next courtyard. Yes, if I guessed correctly, it should be the villa of the big star.

Suddenly I remembered what Lin Hongqiang once said.

If you live here by yourself, it is also a romantic thing to have a chance encounter with those big stars.

A smile flashed in his eyes, he snapped his fingers lightly, and the Rolls-Royce who was on standby not far away immediately drove towards him slowly, surrounded by four black-clothed bodyguards who had been guarding around him.

When the vehicle was stable beside him, someone immediately opened the door for him.

Finally, he glanced at his own villa in front of him, nodded to the woman with glasses, and Chu Mo got into the car gently.


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