
The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods

Ko-fi.com/mltnovelupdate Three years after graduation, Chu Mo, who could barely maintain his most basic life, opened the Shenhao system, and an unlimited and safe bank card appeared in front of him. start a company? to invest? buy stocks? These in unlimited banks…

Mltnovel_update · Urban
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89 Chs

Chapter 17: Chu Shao

Chapter 17: Chu Shao

eight pm!

In the feasting bar, the originally frenetic music suddenly fell silent, and amid the frenzied shouts of hundreds of people in the bar, three of them were graceful, hot, or innocent and young girls quietly stepped onto the stage.

Colorful lights hit the faces of the three beautiful girls. When the quiet girl in the center suddenly plucked the guitar in her arms, accompanied by a crisp sound, the entire bar instantly boiled.

The next moment, the beautiful girl with a ponytail and a white neck leaking out her red lips lightly opened her red lips, and immediately, the heavenly singing reverberated throughout the bar!


The waves silently drown the night

Over the corners of the sky

The big fish swims through the gap in the dream

staring at your sleeping silhouette

…! "

Sure enough, it still tastes like that!

He drank the juice in front of him in one gulp, and Chu Mo closed his eyes slightly. The reason why he came to this bar every once in a while was to listen to the sounds of nature on the stage.

Of course, it's not purely to look at beauties. While enjoying the song, the three young girls on the stage will also bring a lot of inspiration to Chu Mo.

So far, Chu Mo has created more than a dozen articles about music and chasing dreams using the three girls on the stage as prototypes.

Until now, it has become a habit of Chu Mo to come and sit here every weekend.

Just when Chu Mo listened carefully, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated. He took out the mobile phone a little strangely, and when he opened it, it was Xiao Linda's condolences.

"Mr. Chu is still used to taking Patek Philippe these two days? If you feel uncomfortable, Linda can provide you with any service!"

It was still the 90%-looking female clerk from Patek Philippe. When the other party sent greetings the night before yesterday, because she felt that the other party must be dealing with a lot of rich people, Chu Mo also lost interest in chatting with the other party, and did not reply after that.

Unexpectedly, one day later, the other party sent a message again!

Linda, who is 90% handsome, does have a fatal temptation to Chu Mo, but the hurdle in her heart makes Chu Mo persevere.

This is the first time for me, so I must find a girl who is also the first time, so that there will be no regrets in this life!

I originally wanted to delete the other party from the address book, but after hesitating for a moment, I thought that if Patek Philippe really had a problem, she really needed her to help after the sale, so I finally just set the other party to do not disturb.

When Chu Mo took back the phone, at some point, there was a very fashionable woman beside her!

"Sir, you seem to have bought a fake bottle of wine?!"

The slightly cold voice made Chu Mo slightly stunned. Is the 200,000 wine in front of him fake?

Does this bar not want to open?

"Can I sit down?"

When the other party spoke again, Chu Mo nodded with a slightly cold eyes.

This bottle of wine has been here for more than an hour. Chu Mo didn't intend to drink it at first, but even if he poured it out, it was his own business, but this bar dared to buy him 200,000 fake wine. It makes people uncomfortable!

"Are you sure it's fake?"

Chu Mo didn't study wine, so he didn't know whether it was true or not, but in his mind, this bar was the largest and the best business in the entire neighborhood. It shouldn't deceive customers with fake wine. Didn't think about that!

If this bottle of wine is really fake, Chu Mo said that he would rarely be angry.

An infinite **** who is not bad for money, if he really deliberately targets a bar, no matter what backing the bar has, the consequences will definitely not be so good!

"Not very sure, no tasting!"

The cold voice sounded again, and until this time, Chu Mo was the first time to seriously measure the woman next to him.

About twenty-seven or eight years old, with big cheeks and a delicate face, because of a pair of clear eyes that are slightly cold, there is an extra touch of temperament on the whole person.

He is 1.7 meters tall, wearing a lavender mid-skirt and blue high-heeled shoes on his feet. The small and cute toes are dyed dazzling red.

This is a stunning stunner that can make ordinary men feel inferior!

Chu Mo and Yang Xuan, who has a 95-point appearance, have been together for two years. Coupled with the beautiful girls Lingyue and Zhan Bingxue they have met in the past two days, they have developed a certain resistance to beauties.

Glancing hurriedly, he quickly retracted his gaze, waved his hand slightly, and Chu Mo said casually:

"If you don't mind, try it!"

Chu Mo was about to let the waiter hold a cup, but he didn't want to, the glamorous woman beside him directly picked up the goblet on the square table, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed lightly.

Opening his mouth, he wanted to remind him that Chu Mo, who had drunk this glass of wine himself, looked at the delicate red lips in front of him, but he still didn't say it!

After the other party closed his eyes and tasted it lightly, Chu Mo couldn't help being a little lost.

Is it an indirect kiss?

"It seems that I am wrong, the taste is very pure!"

After taking a small sip, the woman reminisced for a while, and then said lightly to Chu Mo!

It's not fake, this made Chu Mo's dissatisfied mind instantly calm down.

However, when he turned his gaze on the woman in front of him again, Chu Mo was a little unsure for a while. This cold and glamorous woman with a strong aura in front of him didn't want to drink, so he said that on purpose?

Or, in her eyes, she who opened hundreds of thousands of wine at will, became a fat sheep?

It's just that a woman with such a powerful aura would deliberately approach herself for a glass of wine?

Chu Mo hesitated for a while, but at this time, on the stage, the hot girl wearing black fishnet stockings, a short skirt and a small vest, with long hair draped over her shoulders, was already singing loudly:


watch you fly away

watch you leave me

You were born to belong to the sky

Every tear flows to you

back to the first encounter

…! "

The guests in the bar listened quietly, and everyone looked indulged.

"My name is Bai Lu! I don't know what to call it?"

The cold voice pulled Chu Mo's eyes back from the stage. Looking at the woman in front of him who was sipping the wine, Chu Mo said lightly:

"Chu, Chu of the Chu River and the Han world!"

"Don't you feel lonely when you come here alone? Such a good wine is just a waste of time! My two girlfriends are there, and they all want to know Chu Shao!"

The voice fell, and the woman named Bai Lu suddenly raised the wine glass in her hand, and then, at the booth not far away, two beautiful women raised their glasses to respond.

After a while, two hot women in hot pants and miniskirts got up and walked towards here.

When she saw Chu Mo frowning slightly, Bai Lu, who had a cold temperament, seemed to say casually:

"Xiao Ya and Xiao Mo'er are both students at the nearby Conservatory of Music. One is a junior and the other is a sophomore. They are all beautiful beauties at the school level. Chu Shao can communicate with them later!"

Seeing that two hot girls had come to the front, Chu Mo didn't say anything.

The two girls were not polite and sat directly beside Chu Mo. One of them had a big wave and a little yellow hair and said with a smile:

"Isn't it boring for the boss to drink alone? Let Xiao Moer accompany the boss for a drink, okay?"

The voice is a little squeamish, but it doesn't make people feel bored. Of course, the most important thing is that the face value of 85 points is indeed a bit lovable.

At this time, Bai Shuang, who was beside him, suddenly waved his hand, and when the waiter came over, the cool-tempered woman instructed:

"Bring two bottles of spades to Young Master Chu, I will invite Young Master Chu for these two bottles!"

When the waiter left respectfully, another girl with a very goddess style immediately rejoiced:

"Boss Bai is domineering!"

Chief White?

Glancing at the glamorous woman named Bai Lu opposite, Chu Mo seemed to understand something faintly in his heart at this moment.

"Young Master Chu is really too low-key. I have seen you several times in the bar before. You are sitting quietly in the corner alone, and we don't dare to disturb you. By the way, what does Young Master Chu do? ...!"

The girl named Xiao Moer leaned against her side casually, her long wavy hair gently brushed her cheeks, and Chu Mo, who was slightly hot in her heart, said absentmindedly:

"I? A freelancer, recently planning to enjoy life!"

The words fell, and the delicate girl beside her immediately complimented:

"Only a young master like Chu Shao can say such enviable words! Chu Shao, I will give you a toast!"

The waiter had already brought two bottles of aces of spades. When the girl beside him raised his glass to toast him, Chu Mo immediately shook his head and said:

"I'm not used to drinking this wine!"

In the embarrassment of the girl next to her, Bai Shuang, who has been observing her words, immediately smiled and said:

"Xiao Mo, don't be embarrassed, Mr. Chu, like this 84-year-old Lafite, with a wine of 200,000 yuan, Mr. Chu will touch his lips. The wine here is really unaccustomed to Mr. Chu!"


The wavy girl immediately opened her mouth exaggeratedly, looking like she didn't know what to do.

But at this moment, the black straight eldest girl who was originally separated from Chu Mo suddenly got up and sat directly on the other side of Chu Mo. This girl who looked like a goddess sweetened her red lips, and the whole body After they all got close to Chu Mo's ear, he said softly in a very provocative voice:

"Chu Shao, the 90-year-old Roman Conti here is very good. Although it is not as expensive as the big Lafite, the taste is more mellow. If Chu Shao orders two bottles, Xiaoya will satisfy any wishes of Chu Shao tonight!"


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