
The Legends of Arcadium

A story of friendship and adventure set in the Fantasy world of Auirn. Follow the story of Anubis Porro and his adopted brother Teine Porro as they navigate through their lives as adventurers, in this lighthearted story of family and friendship and how important it is to always look beyond faces and know the real person inside.

AzhrielIlluma · Fantasy
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5 Chs


After arriving at the Kingdom, my dragon and I went towards the nearest Adventurers Guild since it's the place where we are going to stay in. While I was admiring the Kingdom's beauty; various peddlers filled the streets, selling trinkets and potions, blacksmiths showing off their skills, and even some alchemists presenting potions and poisons. The main plaza was brimming with busybodies and adventurers of all races. Huge cobbled walls encircled the Kingdom ensuring utmost protection, Bars, Inns, and numerous guilds scattered around the town.

The Kingdom of Arcadia is divided into three districts, the Bronze District, where all trades happen, and the district where all kinds of guilds are located and where we are currently walking around looking for our destination, the second district is the Silver District where the Governing Body of the Kingdom is located, and where most elites and nobles reside. And finally the third district or the Golden District I don't know much about that particular district but I do know that that is where the rulers of our land live, on their Castle called The Sky Castle, a nifty name I know!

Alright, that's enough introductions to our Grand Kingdom; let's return to our current objective! Finding the Adventurers Guild!

My friend and I have been strolling around for some time now, trying to find the Guild, I mean who can blame us if we haven't found it yet? This place is enormous! Like huge! I can see all different people walking around or just talking, just this moment we passed by a freakishly huge centaur! A centaur! Can you believe how crazy it is to see one? I even saw a group of colorful Wargs in one of the bars lining the streets! Oh, if you don't know yet I'm quite related to them what with me being a High Born Wolf! Wait I haven't yet introduced myself have I?

Well, fear not, for this handsome piece of pelt shall regale with you my ruggedly handsome features! So where should I start? Ah, to the very first thing you'd see, really. My face, well for my face I have the normal wolfy face, I have fluffy ears, my fangs are disproportionate, with the one on the left being larger than one on the right my mom said that it was cute that I have unusually sized fangs! Not that I believe her! I am not cute, thank you very much!, my fur color is gray with some white accent to it, especially on my underside, I walk like how normal human walk which means I'm bipedal and I'm medium build, I'm 5'7 tall and I'm not too fat nor too thin, so you can say I have a good healthy body! I'm wearing a sleeveless red tunic with a hood, leather pants, and red linen armguards. And I have the same blue eyes as my dragon over here!

Speaking of dragons, well let me introduce my friend! My dragon's what you'd call a Fire Wyvern, there; this kind of dragon with bat-like features, you know they are formed like bats? Anyway, my dragon is not that big, as I may have led you to believe at the beginning of this story, his medium-size big, for the lack of words on my part. Anyway, he has some cool-looking spikes on his head formed like a crown or something, his dragony snout has some cool-looking horn close to his nose, his fangs are huge like most dragons, and he has blue eyes like me! Our parents used to joke about our almost identical eyes saying that if we weren't two different species, we could have passed on as twins! He is my brother, the same species or not!

Anyway, where were we? A yes, walking around, trying to find the guild. Why does this place have to be so huge! We've been walking for hours now! Knowing that we won't get anywhere near if we don't go asking for help, we finally agreed to start around asking for directions. Why I haven't thought of that in the first place I would never know! Looking around for somebody to ask, we found a group of Dwarves walking in the street towards a bakery. We approached them to ask for directions when one of them noticed us.

"Hey guys, you see that?" the one Dwarf who saw us cried. Pointing in our direction, his friends were quick to follow his line of sight.

"By my long beard, is that a Red Dragon?" cried the biggest of them, well big for Dwarven standards.

"It is!" cried another one.

Okay, this is getting weird; they are looking at us funny! And why do they only have to point out my dragon! They could have pointed me out as well! I'm not jealous that they noticed my dragon first F.Y.I! I'm just mad that they didn't include me when they saw us and started talking about us!

While I was having some jealousy problems, not jealous! The dwarves approached us.

One of them went to me and asked, "Friend, does this dragon belong to you?"

What kind of question is that? I mean, he's walking beside me and he is even carrying our bags!

Looking at him and his long beard, this guy might be the leader? I heard that dwarves use their beards as status symbols, the longer your beard the higher your status is, also it doesn't hurt that he is the largest of the three. Looking miffed, I responded to his question.

"Oh yeah he does, he's my friend" I sarcastically answered; I don't own my dragon, I'm his family! And you can't own a family!

The dwarf either doesn't notice my snarky remark or just doesn't care because he was already thinking about something; hand on his chin and a thoughtful expression adorning his face. When he looked back on us again, I can see his eyes sparkling with an idea. Great wonder what he's thinking!

"You two joining the Adventurers Guild?" he asked with a grin.

After hearing about our objective, I quickly forgot about the weird situation. Looking at him I answered "yes we are trying to find that guild" and, "yes their help would be much appreciated!"

After hearing my answer, the dwarves quickly huddled together and started talking silently with each other. Now I wonder what they are talking about! Meanwhile, I looked at my friend and asked.

"So what do you think?" I asked Teine.

Huffing with smoke coming out his snout my dragon answered "I have no idea, Anu," he said "though I believe we should wait for them to answer us? It is in my understanding that they could help us locate our destination." He added.

Nodding my head and accepting his logic, I turned my attention towards the dwarves and saw that they were already done with their super-secret conversation and are now looking at the both of us. Talk about being creepy.

One of them nodded to another and approached us again.

"Alright lad, me and my friends have agreed to guide you towards the Guild on one condition!" he said to me

Not liking where this conversation is going, I quickly asked him what their condition entails.

"Simple and not that much, we only wish for you to give us some of your dragon's scales!" he answered with much delight.

So that's what they want! And here I thought they were going to ask for something else.

"We know that dragons shed their scales every day or so, so we believe that you have some with you right now?" asked the smallest dwarf. I should get their names, can't keep calling them by their sizes, now can I?

"Sure, yeah, I do!" I answered, relieved that our conversation is finally moving on to something.

"Very well in exchange for guiding you both towards the Guild we would like for you to give us some of your dragon's loose scales!" the leader dwarf said

Nodding my head, I opened my bag and went searching for some scales that I kept in it. While doing this I asked them what they need the scales for.

Though before any of the Dwarves could answer that question my dragon puffed smoke from his nose and told me why they particularly wanted his scales.

"It's used as a tampering ingredient for weapons! Adding dragon scales, particularly Red Dragon scales on one of any weapon of your choosing and then adding some fire salt and powdered shells can give you an exquisite flaming weapon that can be used in fighting Frost trolls and Frost spiders!" pleased with his answer he added "And Red Dragon Scales can also be used to imbue armor with a High Level of Fire resistance! And enable the warrior to perform normally even under cold conditions if they turn the scale into powder and mixed with Rein Berry!"

Wow! I never knew my dragon knew about these facts! Talk about being smart!

Well, now, I guess I know now how important my dragon's scales are, it's a smiting ingredient and an Alchemy ingredient with cool and varying degrees of usefulness! And a good thing too, since I usually keep them after they fall! Talk about being lucky!

"Very well explained lad!" the leader dwarf exclaimed, impressed by my friend's knowledge.

Beaming from the praise, my dragon puffed his chest and blew some smoke out of his nostrils! Quite a haughty one he is!

After I gave them some of my dragon's scales that I kept they guided us straight to the Adventurers Guild while on the way I asked them about their names.

"So what are your names?" I asked, "We're not acquainted yet!" I added.

"Oh, I truly forgot to give you our names, have I?" the leader dwarf answered.

Nodding my head from his answer, he then told me their names.

"My name is Rutherford of Cairn," the leader dwarf introduced

He pointed at the small dwarf on his left. "This is Aierforn of Cairn, my cousin from my father's side!" he said introducing Aierforn.

Then he pointed at the dwarf on the front leading us towards the Guild. "And the lad over there is my son Uierforn" he exclaimed introducing his son.

"So Rutherford, Aierforn, and Uieforn correct?" I said, trying not to butcher their names.

"Correct" Aierforn answered.

"Cool, well, I guess I should introduce us as well," I told them.

"So my name's Anubis Poro, I'm from Cailin Town south of here near Cailin Forest," I told them and before I could introduce my dragon, he spoke introducing himself.

"And my name is Teine Poro; I'm this lunatic's adopted brother!" Teine told them, his voice rumbling with mirth.

"Hey!" I shouted offended by my brother's introduction, though you can tell from my eyes and the grin on my face that I 'don't mind. I can be quite a loony sometimes! It's part of my wolfy charms!

Laughing at my brother's introduction, the dwarves greeted us formally this time, and for the first time since we never did manage to greet each other.

Afterward, our conversation went towards more common topics like 'why did you want to become an adventurer?' answered with 'well so that we can see the world and meet other people' and 'how have you two met?' which was answered with 'long story short we found his egg abandoned in the forest and took it, later while we were preparing for dinner we hear a crack and when we looked on the egg we saw some hairline fracture forming from the top, moments later the entire egg broke and out came my baby brother!'

Teine wasn't fond of how I said that! Talk about karma bud!

We were having fun chatting, and we didn't notice that we had already arrived at our destination. Uieforn has to clear his throat just for us to pay him some attention.

"Well, here we are, the Adventurers Guild!" he exclaimed, a hand in the air waving at the grand architecture in front.

"So that's the Adventurers Guild!?" I wondered aloud.

So our duo has finally arrived on their destination! Along with some unexpected companions! What can our heroes expect from the Guild? Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out!

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Happy Reading!

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