
The Legendary Witch's Pet is a Werewolf

In this world where greed rules above all, who should one trust and who should one be wary of? Serene Lloyd, a young witch of the much-feared Legendary Harper Village, had never found her life lacking until she found herself a new pet. Well to be exact, a momentary pet someone trusted her to take care of. This cute puppy who was even way timider than a mouse, what would become of him in the hands of this young witch? Can he become more than a lovable pet? A friend? A trusted confidant or even, a lover? . For those of you who enjoy magical adventures with solid storylines, major and minor magical battles, mysterious past whose truth was uncertain and struggle of power between light and dark, witches and beasts, right and wrong, and the clashes of beliefs, this book might be your cup of tea. #OPMC #PASTPLAYAHUGEROLE #SWORDSANDMAGICS #WITCHES #WEREWOLVES #GODS Disclaimer: This book is a work of fiction set in a fictional world. Any resemblance to actual persons, actual events, etc is purely coincidental. Updates: whenever ready

ricebucket0_0 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


· Mortals/ Invalids – Mere Humans who are very prone to mana. They could only withstand small volume of mana, being excessive would mess up the meridians and destroy the human body. Can't sense the flow of mana and unable to gain control of it, even if a God was to take them as a vassal

· Gifted ones – Humans who may or may not sense the flow of mana and could withstand a number of mana. According to the scale of talent, a gifted's ability to withstand mana vary. Not all is proficient in magic however, they have better aspects in their physical bodies and naturally live a longer life

· Enlightened ones – Gifted ones who are enlightened by a certain God's influence, may or may not obtain a God's power

· Blessed ones – Gifted ones who came under the blessing of a certain/ multiple Gods, they don't have to serve a God and usually came below the Vassals in status and power

· Vassals – Gifted ones who serves under a certain God

· Curses – One of the ancient spells who restricts its target, despite the enhancement that it may grant upon being casted

· Blessings – One of the ancient spells who promotes growth, pushing development, and bring blessings upon being casted

· Summons – One of the ancient spells that invites creatures of the other world. This includes spirits, soul beasts, and any other otherworldly forms such as what they call as Gods

· Elemental spells – A basic spell who was widely known and used. It's strength lies greatly upon its wielder's affinity and level of mastery

· Arrays – A mana-infused drawing to support spells that usually cost a lot of mana and concentration. It gathers and help in controlling major spells or spells with prolonged use such as the Manipulation of the Wind

More infos will be updated later on as the story progresses to avoid spoilers.

P.S. Quick question, anyone has a hard time remembering the characters? Do I need to make a character list and their brief introduction?

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