
The Legendary Witch's Pet is a Werewolf

In this world where greed rules above all, who should one trust and who should one be wary of? Serene Lloyd, a young witch of the much-feared Legendary Harper Village, had never found her life lacking until she found herself a new pet. Well to be exact, a momentary pet someone trusted her to take care of. This cute puppy who was even way timider than a mouse, what would become of him in the hands of this young witch? Can he become more than a lovable pet? A friend? A trusted confidant or even, a lover? . For those of you who enjoy magical adventures with solid storylines, major and minor magical battles, mysterious past whose truth was uncertain and struggle of power between light and dark, witches and beasts, right and wrong, and the clashes of beliefs, this book might be your cup of tea. #OPMC #PASTPLAYAHUGEROLE #SWORDSANDMAGICS #WITCHES #WEREWOLVES #GODS Disclaimer: This book is a work of fiction set in a fictional world. Any resemblance to actual persons, actual events, etc is purely coincidental. Updates: whenever ready

ricebucket0_0 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

An Abandoned Wolf

They say that the world outside was harsh. Be ferocious or you'll be their prey. Be strong or you'll be the stone they step on. Be brave to fight back or you'll get hurt.

He reminisced the times when he could roll on the grassland with his fellow brothers and sisters, seeking kisses and cuddles as he ran around catching butterflies, breathing in the relishing scent of the damp woods.

The times when he was just a pub who knew nothing about the cruelty of the world, silently growing up under the endless pampering and protection of his family.

His life as the beloved member of the pack had never been devoid of love and happiness, until that fateful night came and changed everything.


That's what he had thought when he was first separated from his kind. His eyes had always been sharp, never having troubles to see in the dark nor hunt for his prey at night. However, this time, he could see nothing but endless darkness.

Was this just the current situation surrounding him or was this the impending doom of his future?

At that time, he didn't know that once he was taken away, he would never be able to come back and be one of them ever again. That he will be forever kept in a dark room, trapped in a small cramped metal cage to be an experimental rabbit for a crazy witch.

But now, he knew. Finally. That his life would never be the same again.

The inhumane pain as if he was plunged into a lake made of boiling lava, as if he was being skinned alive, and as if his flesh was twisted and turned at any angle possible as words upon words was carved out of his skin, driving him into the brink of madness. He got to experience it whenever he regained his senses.

'So what are we going to try next?'

He would shudder in fear every time those words entered his ears as it meant that he would be welcoming another round of torture full of excruciating pain one could never bring themselves to imagine.

So, again. When would his family come to save him? He once thought.

Where were his mother and father who had always showered him with care and affection? Where were his brothers and sisters who had never looked down on him for his weak build and defended him whenever he was shunned by his peers?

Where were they when he was powerlessly lying on the cold metallic ground, curling and whimpering at the pain circulating his body and soul, all alone?

Every day, he spent his life forever intoxicated and trapped in a state of confusion as if he had gulped countless barrels of beer, not being able to make sense of the situation around him.

His mind was drained and muddled and as time passed by, he seemed to have forgotten a lot of things. The familiar faces and the voices of his family that he endlessly loves. And the cheerful times that he had spent with them.

The distant memory he had held to himself dearly seemed to have become no more than a piece of paper that had started to turn yellow and slowly fade away. Like a puzzle of pictures with parts of it dropping out of the whole, piece by piece, it didn't take long for it to become an empty platform with nothing left to be cherished nor relinquished.

Would it be better for him to forget? At that time, he couldn't make the decision. But this time, he wasn't even given the choice to make one.

If he was to think about it in a positive way, would he call it a blessing in disguise? Well at the very least, he wouldn't have to torture himself with the false hopes of them coming to save him, to take him out of this hell-like prison.

That's right. He can forget everything. His friends, his family, and the world he once lived in. As, even if he was to remember, what can he do about it anyway?

He was but an abandoned werewolf, forsaken by the God he and his very kind revered the most.



He groaned at the headache looming over him. It was the type of pain that he loathed the most, ringingly loud and without an end. Rolling over to lie on his stomach with the hopes of using the cold ground to numb his nerves, he found himself, much to his surprise, against a bedded surface.

'Where am I exactly?'

He was lost and confused, failing to understand the reason behind the sudden change. His limbs moved to rub against the ground beneath him. It was warm and soft, a comfortable feeling he almost forgot after spending years behind the metal bars.

[We're finally free, Rad. It's time for us to go home.]

Just as he was about to become addicted to the new sensation, a sudden voice popped out of nowhere and broke his fun.

'Who are you?'

His four limbs turned tense and rigid, wary of the voice's origin and purpose. After all that he had gone through, he couldn't help but to be suspicious of everything. He couldn't bring himself to trust the voice, even if he knew that it came from within his soul.

[You don't know me?]

The voice sounded amused as it continued.

[I am you and you are me. We are of one Entity.]

'One entity?'

He asked in confusion, wrecking his hurting brain to search for an answer. However, no matter how hard he had struggled, all he got was more and more waves of pain. He found to his devastation that his mind was now like a vast blank sea. It was simply empty!

'Then, who am I?'


The voice chuckled.

[Listen well, child of the Moon Goddess. You are Konrad Blue, death warrior of the Blue Moon Pack.]

[And I, am the wolf within you!]

Here's a major change to the wolf's/dog's character design! Hope it'll turn for the better >w<

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