
City plan

"What is it that you want to discuss honey" asked Lena as she looked at Charz who just appeared.

"I want to discuss the future more specifically the plans of the Saiyans after we relocate to the new planet." Said Charz as he looked at his parents with a serious face.

"I found the perfect planet for us to relocate to. It's a large planet with some great mysteries to be solved and beasts that could be fought as a way to starve off boredom and prevent Saiyans from doing things that would cause serious trouble."

"I thought about the various issues that would arise with the migration such as settling, food, shelter, boredom and many other things especially like society and decision makings. In my time of thinking about the future, I went ahead and read a few books from some planets I have been to, such as earth. In the books I found out about a system of government that is similar to ours currently and would help in the development of the new society."

"I have listened to what you said Charz so what is this form of rule, are they any examples, this concerns the future of our race and even though I trust everything you say we can't blindly carryout actions without considering the consequences." Said Artichole as he looked at his son a rare solemn aura appearing on him.

"No need to worry it is a form of governance known as oligarchy and it has been tested quite a few times. One of the strongest breed of warriors called Spartans were created through this system, well more specifically a military oligarchy. I plan on having the Saiyans follow in the Spartans' footsteps with their being a few modifications so that we don't eventually fall like them."

"Oligarchy you say, it bred one of the strongest set of warriors called Spartans eh, explain it to me in detail."

"Okay, let's just say Sparta was a nation where warriors were bred. It was as ruled by two kings who had all the power to make decisions, below the Kings were a council of elders. The councils was made up of 28 old and retired war veterans excluding the Kings. This body was the complete rulers and legislators for Sparta. Every month they would host an assembly where all citizens were allowed to vote over issues. Also similar to the Saiyans the Spartans trained their young to be warriors as soon as they were physically capable around the age of 7 until they were true warriors." Charz continued to explain the history of Sparta, its culture and every aspect of Spartan society.

When Charz was young he was fond of the battle bred Spartans and their strength. He always thought that if Spartans had had changed some of their ways and not always overly suspicious of everyone they might of still be alive today maybe as one of the strongest nations especially if they had more allies.

"From what I heard this style is truly similar to ours and fit us perfectly, what are the modifications to the style and why did the Spartans fall?" asked Artichole.

"Well unlike Spartans and humans in general we can start training from the age of three due to our strong bodies and fast growth. Also we don't need to train in large phalanxes like the Spartans, separate the different genders or have stay until the age of thirty before we are freed from training."

"Similar to our current practices we will train Saiyans after they have left the incubators but with a difference. Every child will start training at the age of 4, after spending 3 years in the incubator they would spend 1 with their family before starting the training. All Saiyan children will be subjected to training there will be no rejection due to innate battle power.

As a matter of fact there will be no more high level or low level Saiyans anymore there will be a new form of ranking but I will speak of that at a later date. Continuing although all Saiyan children will be trained, they will be separated according to battle power into different training camps or schools. This is to prevent bullying and any problems that would occur due to the difference in strength.

There will be multiple schools created to focus on different batches of Saiyans, there will be four different tiers of schools with Saiyans spending 4 years in each tier. Each tier will have multiples schools of different grades such as first grade, second grade and third grade with first being the highest in a tier.

Each of the schools will be given similar resources, the only difference would be the strength of the students. The teachers will be veteran warriors who partook in battle, the students will only spend eight hours a day which is from 8am to 4pm at the school while spending the rest of the day with their parents or in dorms. Battle squads will still be formed, training will be focused on physical strengthening and martial arts, business, science technology and arts.

The society would be open, smooth and flexible and a little less rigid as the Spartans. The Spartans fell because of their rigidness with their society and laws. We will keep their governing style of a king and 28 elders along with a queen, everything from economics to scientific research, planetary relations etc., will be handled by the assembly. The elders will be grouped into pairs and every pair would be chiefly responsible for certain sectors of governance. "

"That was a lot to take in son, it seems like you have thought this through thoroughly, let's just hope it goes as smoothly as possible."

"I hope so too and on a side note we will keep noble families but change it to clans and making it possible for clans to fall and rise by certain criteria. When we all move to the new planet I will give out the details concerning everything."

"Whatever you say son."

"Oh can you please share everything that was discussed today with the others, I still have a lot of stuff to do."

"Sure don't mind us, go and do what you have to, we will spread the word."

"Thanks, See you guys later."

After saying that Charz left and went to start planning the foundation of the greatest city of new home world of the Saiyans.

After going over it a few times Charz finally came up with the layout of the new city, following the layout of the area the city would be created in a circular manner. The city itself will be divided into five areas, with four main streets running from the city walls to the centre of the city. In the centre would be the plaza a resting area while the four other areas will be based on the cardinal directions.

The northern area will be where all the schools are located along with training grounds, laboratories and workshops and other institutions concerning learning, technology and science, the eastern area will be the residential area with the western being one of commerce, the market. The anterior of the southern area will be where all legislative, political and economic government buildings will be. The assembly hall will also be in that area where the council of elders meet and discuss pertinent issues.

While the posterior will be the location of the castle, with the immediate surroundings being the royal area. The two areas will be separated by a large street running east to west. Like the southern area the residential area would be divided into two with the common folk in front and the clans behind, gates to enter the city would be at the eastern and western sides.

Drawing the rough layout from his mind to paper Charz decided to go and find help constructing the city. The first person Charz thought of was Dr. Brief, since he could create robots and various other great scientific inventions he could definitely help with the building of a new city.

In what seemed like a second Charz had disappeared from where he was and appeared in front of Dr. Brief in his workshop, startling the man.

"Hey doc, how you doing." Said Charz to the startled Dr. Brief

"Don't appear like that young man do you want to give this old man a heart attack, do I look ready to die yet." Complained Dr. Brief to the young boy who never acted his age.

"Haha, sorry about that I didn't know you would be so close to me when I used my ability." Said Charz.

"Anyways what can I help you with knowing you must have come for something." Said Dr. Brief as he looked at Charz.

"Oh come on, do I look like someone who only comes around when he wants help?" asked Charz

"Yes you do" replied Dr. Brief

"Okay, you got me, I want some robots to help me construct a city and some machines to help process some extremely hard and resilient materials. Can you help me with that?" Explained Charz to Dr. Brief

hey guys my work is getting pretty busy from now on with my boss launching some new programmes for us to work on

so chapters would not be produced regularly but you have my guarantee that i will not drop this novel

Matrixshadocreators' thoughts