
The Legendary Swordmaster

The MC Shiro was on the game and then when he fell asleep he was in the game he was playing and don't remember what happened to him "it is a luminous dream or what?, please exploit to me god.

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Knowing the truth - Chapter 5

Shiro enter the Elf Castle it's not ordinary in the first cause it way bigger than the castle he see in the town of Stagron. The elder shows Shiro the way to the Library to find the "book" that hold a knowledge about how the magic prevent human to find the elf village, Shiro wandered into the library full of books but he stumbled upon another beautiful elf named "Cellin" and she was the bookkeeper of the library. Shiro ask a question to Cellin that Cellin is a bit embarrassed cause the men in their village didn't want to talk or approach her in a romantic way so that she's a bit shy to talk to Shiro. Shiro said that " I don't feel uncomfortable to talk to Cellin cause all women be treat well in a romantic way", Cellin was touch to what Shiro said and replied "thanks for your honest comment but I feel better now that I have a person to talk to".

Shiro wander and see a mysterious book that it is behind a "wall" that even Cellin didn't know it was there in the first place.Shiro pick the book and say goodbye to Cellin cause it was evening in the real world so that he can rest and sleep in his bed so Shiro log out in the game and his resting about an hour but he notice that something feel's off " I know the bed was uncomfortable to sleep but why it is now a softer than before?" Shiro hear Cellin calling her to wake up cause he fell into the ground of the library, Shiro was confused and puzzled because he knew that he log out on the game and rest into his bed but "why I am in this npc lap pillow resting like nothing happens?". Cellin was curious of what "Shiro" was saying when he was awake.

Shiro understand his situation and get up to talk to the elder but the elder elf was not there at the moment so Shiro wandering around the elf village and greet the elf people around him but the elf's was confused and they don't understand the words Shiro's saying.

Shiro go into a "swordshop" to get new sword for replace his rusty sword so that he can fight stronger monster out there, the sword dealer can understand Shiro's saying cause the sword dealer was once get out to the magic that even prevent them to leave the village so the elf customize the best sword for Shiro but Shiro's eye's was on the sword known by the Legend and it was rusty and cannot be used anymore but Shiro's decided to purchase that sword and he didn't know what will happen next to him.

Shiro go back to the library where he can find the elder, and the elder was sitting next by to Cellin, Cellin has been talking to the elder an hour cause "Shiro acting strange when he wakes up from he's sleep" Cellin said to the elder, the elder think deeper and says that they perform a summoning ritual to summon a hero from another world to defeat the Demon Lord that planning to conquer all over the world to his power,Shiro hears what the two talking about that "I maybe the hero that the elder summon?".

Shiro was puzzled again of what happening and go to where the two was sitting and slam the table and shout "Elder can I have a secret talk to you?", The elder replied silently and say "we can talk the detail to may tower". The two go into the tower of magic where the elder live upon researching magic. The elder was surprised of what Shiro's doing and said that "Shiro? No Hero your the one that the prophecy was telling about so that we need the higher grade spell magic to use the summoning spell that even me cannot used don't blame our sorcerer that you're the one that was been summoned please respect our foolishness but what can we do if the hero wasn't summon the rebirth of Demon Lord was sooner than expected even the highest wizard cannot handle her general the one who has a upper hand and defeat the Demon Lord was the "Legendary Swordmaster" but it was a legend and written on the book so we didn't even flatter to overthink about it we have a peaceful life now but the horde of monster was rising it was the sign of the rebirth of the new Demon Lord again and we don't know when it is coming we know that over a 100 years the Demon Lord will reborn again".

Shiro confused of what the elder saying he didn't even care if the world was being conquer or destroy he want to go back in his World so that he can play again this game but he was curious so he ask "what year or when did the Legendary Swordmaster died" he ask without hesitation and the elder was sweating nonstop because he was scared of what will happen next.

"Yes!" Said by the elder "The Legendary Swordmaster was died 96 years ago and it was a tragic death,he was betray by his own lover and thrown into the deep of the Stone Cliff Mountain so that no one can find him" "it was just written in the book and none of them knows who the author of the book" "we researching upon the mysterious death of the Legendary Swordmaster till this day but we cannot find even one answer". The quest tab pop up into Shiro's eye so that he was surprised and the elder think that the spider that crawling in the tower scared Shiro/Hero.

Shiro wasa little bit confused of what the quest was written about.

"Quest 3"

"Find the book that tells where the Legendary Swordmaster lover trwon him"

"Additional points"

"Upgrading the skill Dawn of Whisper to level 2 and has a critical damage of 30% for every second that hit directly the enemy,and power was ∞". Shiro-"what this sign ∞ mean in power? I was just level 5 around where ei fight that horde of goblin and meeting that beautiful elf"

"New skill ,God Punishment the user may also get an impact after using this skill but the power that exert in this skill can directly kill the Demon Lord but it has a side effect ,the user will fall asleep for 3 days straight, the stats was awesome compared to Dawn of Whisper it has a power of ∞". Shiro-" this sign ∞ what the hell is the meaning of this sign?".

"Additional Item's"






Shiro- "huh? The item was visible in the game but why the additional items shown here was like this"?"?.

"Quest Notice"

"If you succeed in finding the book you can have the information where the Legendary Swordmaster was and the location of the Stone Cliff Mountain".

"Do you want to accept this quest?"


Shiro was deep in though to accept this quest y/n but the rewards was awesome and he accept the quest without the second thought. Before the elder was talking Shiro stop the elder from talking so that he can help him find the book but the elder said that the book was keep by a person near the forest of "Null", a house that said that the Legendary Swordmaster was live in there so no one can enter because of the curse that can't there by his lover. So that the elder cannot help Shiro anymore the elder gave the advice to Shiro so that his life was important than that book but Shiro wants to go there.

Shiro said goodbye to the elder and to Cellin who help him in the library he will departed in the morning so that the new adventure starts. Some item unknown to Shiro was given by the elder so that his trip was safe enough to him to hold, the elder cast the spell so that Shiro can go out without even hurting himself from the magic that surrounding the elf village but once he got out there's no way to go back to that village so he decided to go forward but when he's going out the village he see's a familiar face it was the beautiful elf that once he save and saying goodbye by her lips slowly to move so Shiro raise his head and wave so that he got her message and saying goodbye to that elf girl.

Shiro wandering north of the forest and stumbled into a dark and pitch part of the forest the fog was blocking his surroundings and he cannot see anything but he got unconscious again and fall into the ground.

What will happen to Shiro? next chapter will be the truth about.